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Mandate Block Grant

Mandate Block Grant program detailed funding information.

The 2024–25 web-based application for the Mandate Block Grant is now available to county offices of education, school districts and charter schools that elect to participate. Applications must be submitted by August 30, 2024 using the Mandate Block Grant Application External link opens in new window or tab..


Fiscal Year 2024–25

Mandate Block Grant 2024 Funding Profile - Program Description and Funding
Mandate Block Grant 2024 Funding Results - Entitlements, Apportionments and Letters

Fiscal Year 2023–24

Mandate Block Grant 2023 Funding Profile - Program Description and Funding
Mandate Block Grant 2023 Funding Results - Entitlements, Apportionments and Letters

Fiscal Year 2022–23

Mandate Block Grant 2022 Funding Profile - Program Description and Funding
Mandate Block Grant 2022 Funding Results - Entitlements, Apportionments and Letters

Fiscal Year 2021–22

Mandate Block Grant 2021 Funding Profile - Program Description and Funding
Mandate Block Grant 2021 Funding Results - Entitlements, Apportionments and Letters

Fiscal Year 2020–21

Mandate Block Grant 2020 Funding Profile - Program Description and Funding
Mandate Block Grant 2020 Funding Results - Entitlements, Apportionments and Letters

Other Fiscal Information

List of Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) Participation Status

2024–25 LEA Participation Status
2023–24 LEA Participation Status
2022–23 LEA Participation Status
2021–22 LEA Participation Status
2020–21 LEA Participation Status

Request for Application/Letter of Intent

2024–25 Mandate Block Grant Letter Requesting Funding/Request for Application
2023–24 Mandate Block Grant Letter Requesting Funding/Request for Application
2022–23 Mandate Block Grant Letter Requesting Funding/Request for Application
2021–22 Mandate Block Grant Letter Requesting Funding/Request for Application
2020–21 Mandate Block Grant Letter Requesting Funding/Request for Application

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Mandate Block Grant Program

Suspended Mandates

2024–25 Department of Finance Notification of Suspended Mandates as of 15-Jul-2024

2023-24 Department of Finance Notification of Suspended Mandates as of 03-Jul-2023

2022–23 Department of Finance Notification of Suspended Mandates as of 07-Jul-2022

2021–22 Department of Finance Notification of Suspended Mandates as of 21-Jul-2021

2020–21 Department of Finance Notification of Suspended Mandates as of 09-Jul-2020

Mandated Activities Links

Commission on State Mandate External link opens in new window or tab.
State Controller's Office External link opens in new window or tab.

Legal References

Government Code sections 17575–17581.7 External link opens in new window or tab.

2024 Budget Act Item 6100-296-0001 External link opens in new window or tab.

Questions:   Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
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