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Contract and Payment Process FAQs

Answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) from the Contract and Payment Process webinar training presented on December 4, 2024.


  1. Am I required to sign and return the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contract I received for the new fiscal year?

    Existing CSPP contractors who applied for continued funding by submitting a completed Continued Funding Application and were approved for continued funding, will not need to sign and return their initial contract. New CSPP contractors must sign and return their initial contract.

  2. I received a contract amendment. Am I required to sign and return it to the California Department of Education (CDE)?

    The requirement to sign and return a contract amendment is dependent upon the type of contract amendment. Contract amendments that require the contractor to sign and return the amendment include, but are not limited to, changes to the contractor’s legal address, a change to the contractor’s name, vendor number changes, receipt of awarded expansion funds, and contract relinquishment.

    Not all amendments require a signature from the contractor for the amended contract terms to be fully executed. Contract amendments that do not require signature will be issued via an Allocation Letter. Changes amended via an Allocation Letter that do not require a signature include, but are not limited to, funding changes due to the enacted budget (known as Budget Act Amendments), intra-agency transfers, changes to the contract’s minimum days of operation, and changes made due to a voluntary temporary transfer of funds.

    Contract amendments that require a signature will include a signature box on the contract’s face sheet. Contract amendments issued via an Allocation Letter will be noted as such in the top left-hand corner of the contract’s face sheet. Additionally, Allocation Letters will include language that states “Important: Signature is not required.”

    Contractors who have any questions as to whether a contract needs to be signed and returned can contact

  3. Where can I obtain a copy of my CSPP contract or contract amendment?

    To request a copy of any contract or contract amendment, contractors can reach out to

Contract Budgeting

  1. How can I determine how many children I can serve with my contract?

    The Early Education and Nutrition Fiscal Services (EENFS) unit developed a Funded Enrollment Calculator (XLSX), which provides CSPP contractors with a tool to assist in determining the number of children funded to serve by service county, as well as the number of children required to meet the set aside to serve children with exceptional needs and children with severe disabilities.

  2. Would you be able to walk us through the funded enrollment calculator?

    Early Education and Nutrition Fiscal Services (EENFS) posted a Walkthrough of the Funded Enrollment Calculator External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 14:40) on the CDE’s YouTube channel.

  3. What is the part-day rate?

    The part-day rate is the reimbursement amount per day a contractor receives for children enrolled for part-time care, which is less than 25 hours per week. You can find your service county’s part-day rates at California State Preschool Program Contract Rates by Service County External link opens in new window or tab. (XLSX).

  4. Where can I find my Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 CSPP contract reimbursement rate?

    CSPP reimbursement rates by service county for FYs 2022-23 through 2024-25 can be found at California State Preschool Program Contract Rates by Service County External link opens in new window or tab. (XLSX).


  1. How do I change my payment method?

    The CDE contracts with the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC) to process payments for CSPP and Prekindergarten & Family Literacy Support (CPKS) contracts. FCCC makes payments via direct deposit or paper check based on contractor preferences. To change the method of payment, contractors must email

    Contractors changing from checks to direct deposit are required to complete an encrypted JotForm, where they upload a current W9 form, and enter information such as the legal business name, business address, Employer Identification Number, and banking information. FCCC will provide the link to the JotForm; upon completion, additional verification and approval must be performed before the change in payment method will take effect.

  2. Can I receive my apportionment payment at a different address other than the agency's legal address?

    No. All checks must be mailed to the legal address on file with the CDE.

  3. How do I update my banking information for direct deposit?

    To change banking information, contractors must email They will be required to complete an encrypted JotForm, as described in the “How do I change my payment method?” question above.

  4. I see a payment in the California Preschool Accounting Reporting Information System (CPARIS), but I haven't received it. Who do I contact?

    To inquire about the status of a payment, contact your assigned Early Education and Nutrition Fiscal Services (EENFS) fiscal analyst. The contact information for the fiscal analyst can be found at the bottom of each page in CPARIS.

Questions:   Jenny Tran | | 916-322-8326
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Recently Posted in Allocations & Apportionments