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Reimbursable Programs

List of reimbursable programs typically not included in federal interest calculations.

Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations – Part 200.305(b)(9) allows grantees and sub-grantees to retain interest earned on federal advances up to $500 per year for administrative expenses. All federal advances must be retained in an interest bearing account and earned interest is required to be remitted to the federal awarding agency via the California Department of Education (CDE) preferably on a quarterly basis, but at least annually.

When remitting interest to CDE, please be aware that interest is only calculated for funds received in advance, not on a reimbursement basis. Below you will find a list of federal programs that typically would not be included in your federal interest calculations. However, if you have questions regarding interest on federal program funding, we recommend that you refer to your funding or grant award notification to determine if the program funds are being distributed as an advance and are subject to cash management requirements.

Resource Code Federal Resource Name Effective Date
3305 Special Ed: ARP IDEA Part B, Sec. 611, Local Assistance Entitlement 2021-22
3306 Special Ed: ARP IDEA Part B, Sec. 611, Local Assistance Entitlement 2021-22
3307 Special Ed: ARP IDEA Part B, Sec. 611, Local Assistance Entitlement 2021-22
3308 Special Ed: ARP IDEA Part B, Sec. 619, Preschool Grants 2021-22
3309 Special Ed: ARP IDEA Part B, Sec. 619, Preschool Grants Coordinated Early Intervening Services 2021-22
3310 Special Ed: IDEA Basic Local Assistance Entitlement, Part B, Sec 611 (formerly PL 94-142) 2014-15
3311 Special Ed: IDEA Local Assistance, Part B, Sec 611, Private School Individual Service Plans (ISPs) 2007-08
3312 Special Ed: IDEA Local Assistance, Part B, Sec 611, Early Intervening Services 2007-08
3315 Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Grants, Part B, Sec 619 2014-15
3316 Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Accountability Grants, Part B, Sec 619 2014-15
3318 Special Ed: IDEA Part B, Sec 619, Preschool Grants Early Intervening Services 2009-10
3320 Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Local Entitlements, Part B, Sec 611 2014-15
3326 Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Capacity Building, Part B, Sec 619 1999-20
3327 Special Ed: IDEA Mental Health Allocation Plan, Part B, Sect 611 2014-15
3332 Special Ed: IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Preschool Local Entitlement Early Intervening Services (17-18) 2009-10
3345 Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Staff Development, Part B, Sec 619 2014-15
3355 Special Ed: IDEA LCI Growth, Part B, Sec 611 2014-15
3360 Special Ed: IDEA Low Incidence Entitlement, Part B, Sec 617 (08-09) 2014-15
3372 Special Ed: State Improvement Grant, Improving Spec Ed Systems 1999-00
3385 Special Ed: IDEA Early Intervention Grants 2014-15
3386 Special Ed: IDEA Quality Assurance & Focused Monitoring 2014-15
3395 Special Ed: Alternative Dispute Resolution 2014-15
3400 Special Ed: Disabled Children State Institutions 2014-15
3410 Department of Rehab: Workability II, Transition Partnership 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3515 Vocational Programs: Voc & Applied Tech State Leadership, Title I, Sec 124 (Carl Perkins Act) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3540 Vocational Programs: Voc & App Tech Corrections Education II B (Carl Perkins Act) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3550 Vocational Programs: Voc & Appl Tech Secondary II C, Sec 131 (Carl Perkins Act) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3555 Vocational Programs Postsecondary and Adult II C, Sec 132 (Carl Perkins Act) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3725 Safe and Supportive Schools Programmatic Intervention 2015-16
3905 Adult Education: Adult Basic Education & ESL 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3909 Adult Education: State Leadership Projects 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3913 Adult Education: Adult Secondary Education 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3926 Adult Education: English Literacy and Civics Education State Leadership 2011-12 (4th quarter)
3940 Adult Education: Institutionalized Adults 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5210 Head Start 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5310 Child Nutrition: School Programs (e.g. School Lunch, School Breakfast, Milk, Pregnant & Lactating Students) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5314 Child Nutrition: Equipment Assistance Grants 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5316 Child Nutrition: COVID CARES Act Supplemental Meal Reimbursement 2020-21
5320 Child Nutrition: Child Care Food Program (CCFP) Claims-Centers and Family Day Care Homes 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5330 Child Nutrition: Summer Food Service Program Operations 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5335 Child Nutrition: Summer Food Service Sponsor Admin 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5340 Child Nutrition: CCFP Cash in Lieu of Commodities 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5350 Child Nutrition: CCFP Family Day Care Admin 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5360 Child Nutrition: CCFP Start-Up 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5370 Child Nutrition: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5380 Child Nutrition: School Breakfast StartUp 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5454 Child Nutrition: Team Nutrition 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5460 Child Nutrition: CACFP COVID-19 Emergency Operational Costs Reimbursement (ECR) 2021-22
5465 Child Nutrition: SNP COVID-19 Emergency Operational Costs Reimbursement (ECR) 2021-22
5466 Supply Chain Assistance (SCA) Funds 2021-22
5510 NCLB: Title V, Part D, Character Education 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5610 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) From Other Agencies (LWIB) 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5640 Medi-Cal Billing Option 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5650 FEMA Public Assistance Funds 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5652 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant 2011-12 (4th quarter)
5810 Family Empowerment Centers 2014-15
5810 State Special Schools Student Transportation 2014-15
5810 Demonstration Project for Child & Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS) 2014-15
5810 State Special Schools and Services Division Critical Projects 2014-15
Questions: Cash Management | | 916-322-2288   
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
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