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2021–22 Derived Value of ADA Methodology

The tables below provide data sources and calculations used to derive a value of Average Daily Attendance (ADA).

The following tables prepared by the California Department of Education (CDE) show the data sources and calculations used to derive a value of Average Daily Attendance (ADA) by grade span for local educational agencies (LEAs) in the FY 202122 Derived Value of ADA Excel file (XLSX). Data sources are the certified funding exhibits as specified above each table for the 2021–22 Second Principal Apportionment (June 2022) available on the CDE web page.

CAUTION: The methodology and data referenced in this file may be used for estimating the effect of audit findings and should not be used to determine Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) entitlements. For information about LCFF, refer to the LCFF web page and Principal Apportionment, Fiscal Year 202122 web page resources. For school districts with Necessary Small Schools funding, contact the California Department of Education, Audit Resolution Office at 916-323-8068 or by email at for assistance.

LCFF Value of ADA for School Districts

DATA SOURCE: Certified funding exhibit School District LCFF Calculation for the 2021–22 Second Principal Apportionment (June 2022).

Variable Data Source Exhibit Line Number
A.1 Grades TK-3 Current Year Adjusted Base Grant per ADA Line A-12
A.1 Grades 4-6 Current Year Base Grant per ADA Line A-7
A.1 Grades 7-8 Current Year Base Grant per ADA Line A-8
A.1 Grades 9-12 Current Year Adjusted Base Grant per ADA Line A-13
A.2 Unduplicated Pupil Percentage Line D-1
A.3 Supplemental Grant Factor Line D-2
A.4 Percentage used to calculate Concentration Grant Line E-2
A.5 Concentration Grant Factor Line E-3
A.6 Calculation for each Grade Span:
A.1 + (A.1 x A.2 x A.3) + (A.1 x A.4 x A.5)

LCFF Value of ADA for Charter Schools

DATA SOURCE: Certified funding exhibit Charter School LCFF Calculation for the 2021–22 Second Principal Apportionment (June 2022).

Variable Data Source Exhibit Line Number
B.1 Grades TK-3 Current Year Adjusted Base Grant per ADA Line A-12
B.1 Grades 4-6 Current Year Base Grant per ADA Line A-7
B.1 Grades 7-8 Current Year Base Grant per ADA Line A-8
B.1 Grades 9-12 Current Year Adjusted Base Grant per ADA Line A-13
B.2 Unduplicated Pupil Percentage Line D-1
B.3 Supplemental Grant Factor Line D-2
B.4 Percentage used to calculate Concentration Grant Line E-2
B.5 Concentration Grant Factor Line E-3
B.6 Calculation for each Grade Span:
B.1 + (B.1 x B.2 x B.3) + (B.1 x B.4 x B.5)

LCFF Value of ADA for County Office of Education (COE) Funded at Target

APPLICABLE TO: All COEs funded based on provisions of Education Code Section 2575(g)(1) and any other COEs for which the LCFF Target Entitlement exceeds the LCFF Floor Entitlement, based on the County LCFF Calculation as of the Second Principal Apportionment in the current fiscal year.

DATA SOURCE: Certified funding exhibit County LCFF Calculation for the 2021–22 Second Principal Apportionment (June 2022).

Variable Data Source Exhibit Line Number
C.1 Base Grant Rate Line A-10
C.2 Unduplicated Pupil Percentage for County Funded Non-Juvenile Court Students Line A-14
C.3 Unduplicated Pupil Percentage for Juvenile Court School Students Line A-15
C.4 Supplemental Grant Factor Line A-16
C.5 Percentage used to calculate Concentration Grant County Funded Non-Juvenile Court students Line A-22
C.6 County Funded Non-Juvenile Court Concentration Grant Factor Line A-23
C.7 Juvenile Court Schools Concentration Grant Factor Line A-24
C.8 Calculation for Non-Juvenile Court ADA:
C.1 + (C.1 x C.2 x C.4) + (C.1 x C.5 x C.6)
C.9 Calculation for Juvenile Court ADA:
C.1 + (C.1 x C.3 x C.4) + (C.1 x C.3 x C.7)

LCFF Value of ADA for COEs funded based on “Hold Harmless” provisions of Education Code Section 2575(g)(2)

APPLICABLE TO: All COEs funded based on provisions of Education Code Section 2575(g)(2) for which the LCFF Floor Entitlement exceeds the LCFF Target Entitlement, based on the County LCFF Calculation as of the Second Principal Apportionment in the current fiscal year.

DATA SOURCE: Certified funding exhibit County LCFF Calculation for the 2021–22 Second Principal Apportionment (June 2022).

Variable Data Source Exhibit Line Number
C.10 2012–13 County Funded Non-Juvenile Court and Juvenile Court Schools Rate per ADA Line C-2

Questions: Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541 
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 26, 2024
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