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Low Incidence Specialized Services

Funding Description

Funding supports the provision for specialized services for students with low incidence disabilities as required under the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each pupil with low incidence disabilities as defined in California Education Code Section 56026.5: "hearing impairments, vision impairments, severe orthopedic impairments, or any combination thereof." Expenditures are limited to supporting low incidence specialized services such as interpreters, note takers, readers, transcribers, and others who provide specialized services to students with low incidence disabilities.


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria Must ensure that the specialized services are provided by appropriately credentialed or trained individuals.
Other Eligibility Considerations Specialized services must be identified on the student's IEP.
Eligible Grade Level(s) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible Age Level(s) Birth to age 22


Legal Authority Budget Act Item 6110-161-0001, Schedule 1, Provision 15
Source / Type State / Grant
State Fiscal Year 2012-13
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 6530 / 8590
Total Available $1,700,000
Recipient Amount See allocation formula
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) that report greater than 25 students with low incidence disabilities (blindness, deafness, hard of hearing, and orthopedic impairments) will receive a base allocation of $5,000. SELPAs will also receive an amount that is added to the base that is equal to the per student rate times the number of students reported with low incidence disabilities. SELPAs that report 25 or fewer students with low incidence disabilities are called Sparse SELPAs and will receive a base allocation of $2,000. These SELPAs will also receive an amount added to the base that is equal to the per student rate times the number of students reported with low incidence disabilities. An additional amount may be added to sparse SELPAs that is based on the number of students reported to have an unusually expensive need for unique services.

Important Dates

Date Application Available Unavailable
Due Date Unavailable
Expected Notification Date October 15, 2012

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Local Educational Agency Grants []
Fiscal Local Educational Agency Grants []
Other Each sparse SELPA that needs additional funding for students with low incidence disabilities must provide CDE with the number of students that have unusually expensive needs for specialized services. Along with the number of students, the SELPA must indicate the type of specialized services that are needed as indicated on the IEPs. The number that each SELPA reports will be multiplied by the per student rate, and that will be the amount of additional funds the sparse SELPA will receive.


Program Linda Wyatt, 916-322-3254,
Fiscal Tami Leise, 916-327-3675,
Division Special Education Division, 916-445-4613 (phone), 916-445-4108 (fax)
Last Modified: October 12, 2012
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