Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Competitive Grant Program
NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.
Funding Description
The purpose of the SSAE Competitive Grant Program is to encourage and support eligible districts and public charter schools to increase the capacity of LEAs to provide all students with access to well-rounded educational opportunities; support safe and healthy students; and/or support the effective use of technology. The process will prioritize applications that enhance visual and performing arts education or utilize funds as part of a comprehensive strategy to expand access to physical and mental health care.Eligibility
Eligible Applicants | Local educational agencies |
Required Eligibility Criteria | In order to be eligible to be awarded a subgrant under the SSAE program, applicants must be an LEA, or a consortium of LEAs, that received a grant under Title I, Part A of ESEA in the 2017–18 fiscal year. The list of eligible LEAs is available on the Title I, Part A Funding Results web page. |
Other Eligibility Considerations | Lead consortia members may be districts or direct-funded charter schools and consortia members may include districts and/or direct-funded charter schools. Eligible districts or charter schools may apply individually or as part of a consortium, but not both. The consortium lead must be an active participant in the consortium and cannot act solely as a flow-through for grant funds. Consortia members must be located in the same region. |
Eligible Grade Level(s) | Not applicable |
Eligible Age Level(s) | Not applicable |
Legal Authority | Funding is authorized by Senate Bill 840, Chapter 29 and Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Act of 2015 (Federal Catalog Number 84.424A). |
Source / Type | Federal / Grant |
State Fiscal Year | 2018-19 |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes | 4128 / 4128 |
Total Available | $44,080,000 |
Recipient Amount | $500,000 to $4,000,000 |
Match Requirement | No |
Allocation Formula | The CDE shall issue approximately $4 million in grants, based upon merit, to each of the eleven California County Superintendents Educational Service Association service regions to provide statewide geographical diversity. Applications submitted by an LEA, or a consortium of LEAs, shall be for $500,000 or more. |
Important Dates
Date Application Available | August 22, 2018 |
Due Date | October 17, 2018 |
Expected Notification Date | November 13, 2018 |
Additional Information
Application | Student Support and Academic Enrichment [] |
Background | Unavailable |
Fiscal | Unavailable |
Funding Results | Funding Results [] |
Other | Notice of Intent to Submit an Application date is September 12, 2018. |
Program | Julia Agostinelli, 916-322-9503, |
Fiscal | Alice Ng, 916-323-4636, |
Division | Educator Excellence and Equity Division, 916-322-9503 (phone), 916-323-2807 (fax) |
Last Modified:
September 26, 2018
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