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2021-22 Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.

Funding Description

The Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with funds to improve the quality of their agricultural career technical education programs. The goal is to maintain a high-quality, comprehensive agricultural career technical program in California's public school system to ensure a constant source of employable, trained, and skilled individuals.


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria The LEA must be operating an approved agricultural career technical education program in its school(s). Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP) are not eligible for funds. However, ROCP classes that are an integral part of the school site's total agricultural program may be counted toward funding.
Other Eligibility Considerations The LEA must agree to participate in the Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program process. As part of the process, onsite reviews will be conducted by the regional supervisor.
Eligible Grade Level(s) 9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority Education Code Article 7.5, Section 52460, Agricultural Career Technical Education Program - Budget Act Item Number 6110-167-0001
Source / Type State / Grant
State Fiscal Year 2021-22
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 7010 / 8590
Total Available $4,134,000
Recipient Amount varies
Match Requirement Yes
Allocation Formula The funding amount approved for each Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant will be based on the application submitted and the availability of funding. The first payment (75 percent) will be released approximately October 15, 2021. The second payment, final 25 percent plus/minus any adjustments and any specialized grant allocations, will be released approximately April 15, 2022. Failure to meet any Quality Criteria could result in the loss of 10 percent of the approved grant. In addition, failure to submit the Program Enrollment Report, Final Expenditure Report, or Future Farmers of America (FFA) Membership Roster by October 15, 2021 will result in a loss of 10 percent of the approved grant.

Important Dates

Date Application Available April 1, 2021
Due Date June 30, 2021
Expected Notification Date September 15, 2021

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Agricultural Education []
Fiscal Agricultural Education []
Funding ResultsAg CTE Incentive Grant Funding 2021-22 Results []
Other Appropriated funds may be used only to improve the agricultural education program at a site. Funds can only be used in 4000, 5000, and 6000 budget categories. Matching funds are required from non-salaried agricultural expenditures. Under certain conditions, a matching fund waiver may be obtained from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.


Program Hugh Mooney, 530-342-7541,
Fiscal Rosalinda Jorrin, 916-319-0448,
Division Career & College Transition Division, 916-319-0887 (phone), 916-319-0166 (fax)
Last Modified: April 30, 2021
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