Funding Description
Provides funding to career technical education regional occupational centers or programs (ROCPs) operated by a joint powers authority (JPA) in the 2021-22 fiscal year.
Eligible Applicants |
Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria |
To be eligible for funding, career technical education ROCPs operated by a JPA were required to report by September 1, 2021, enrollment data for each pupil served during the 2019-20 school year in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, along with requested verification documents. |
Other Eligibility Considerations |
Not applicable |
Eligible Grade Level(s) |
9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible Age Level(s) |
Not applicable
Legal Authority |
Section 139 of Assembly Bill (AB) 130 (Ch. 44, 2021) |
Source / Type |
State / Apportionment
State Fiscal Year |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes |
7431 / 8590
Total Available |
Recipient Amount |
See Allocation Formula
Match Requirement |
Allocation Formula |
Funds are allocated to eligible entities based on a per pupil rate of $1,023.68 multiplied by the number of pupils enrolled in grades 9 to 12 in the 2019-20 year.
Important Dates
Date Application Available |
Due Date |
Expected Notification Date |
November 5, 2021
Additional Information
Application |
Unavailable |
Background |
Unavailable |
Fiscal |
Unavailable |
Funding Results | Res-21: Covid-19 ROCPs [] |
Other |
Funds apportioned to eligible entities may be used for any purposes consistent with providing in-person instruction for any pupil participating in in-person instruction, including but not limited to purposes specified in Section 139(d) of AB 130. |
Program |
Rachel Moran, 916-323-2469,
Fiscal |
Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office,
Division |
School Fiscal Services Division
Last Modified:
November 15, 2021