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Scaling Up Multi-Tiered System of Support Statewide Funding

NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.

Funding Description

The Budget Act of 2021 appropriates $50 million to the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) for the Scaling Up Multi-Tiered System of Support Statewide (SUMS) project. The OCDE will award $30 million as subgrants to local educational agencies (LEA). The California Department of Education will select a partner entity to support high quality professional learning for educators. Up to $20 million is available for this purpose. The OCDE may expend $1 million to administer the grant program.


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria The OCDE will award grant funds to LEAs and funding shall be used to support the implementation of high quality integrated academic, behavioral, and social and emotional learning (SEL) practices in an integrated MTSS at the schoolwide level. Grants shall be awarded with priority to LEAs serving a high number of unduplicated pupils, as defined in Section 42238.02, that have participated in LEA-level training to implement an integrated MTSS. Visit the OCDE MTSS web page for more information.
Other Eligibility Considerations The partner entity shall have demonstrated expertise in developing and delivering high quality professional learning to educators in SEL, trauma-informed practices, and culturally relevant, affirming, and sustaining practices in a manner that aligns with local MTSS. The partner entity shall support the OCDE and the Butte County Office of Education in offering high quality professional learning to educators and school leaders.
Eligible Grade Level(s) Not applicable
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority Assembly Bill 130, Education Omnibus Trailer Bill for Senate Bill 130, Budget Act of 2021, Chapter 44, appropriates $50,000,000 from the General Fund for allocation by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the OCDE.
Source / Type State / Grant
State Fiscal Year 2021-22
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 7810 / 8590
Total Available $50,000,000
Recipient Amount $50,000,000
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula Unavailable

Important Dates

Date Application Available November 5, 2021
Due Date December 17, 2021
Expected Notification Date Unavailable

Additional Information

Application Request for Applications []
Background Unavailable
Fiscal Unavailable
Funding ResultsMTSS Funding Result []
Other Unavailable


Program Julia Agostinelli, 916-322-9503,
Fiscal Alice Ng, 916-323-4636,
Division Educator Excellence & Equity Division
Last Modified: December 7, 2021
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