Assessment Apportionments for the CAASPP and ELPAC
Funding Description
Funding is provided to reimburse local educational agencies the cost associated with administering the Assessment Apportionments for the California Assessment of Student Performance (CAASPP) and/or English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) for the 2020-21 and prior school/fiscal years. The amount apportioned per student per test is established by the State Board of Education.Eligibility
Eligible Applicants | Local educational agencies |
Required Eligibility Criteria | Local educational agencies that administered the CAASPP and/or ELPAC. |
Other Eligibility Considerations | Not applicable |
Eligible Grade Level(s) | Not applicable |
Eligible Age Level(s) | Not applicable |
Legal Authority | CAASPP: California Education Code (EC) Section 60640(l)(1) ELPAC: EC Section 60810(a)(3) State Budget Item Number: 6100-113-0001(4) |
Source / Type | State / Apportionment |
State Fiscal Year | 2020-21 |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes | 0000 / 8590 |
Total Available | $10,487,000 |
Recipient Amount | Unavailable |
Match Requirement | No |
Allocation Formula | CAASPP: $4.00 per student tested with any Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments; $2.00 per student tested with any portion of the California Science Test (CAST); $5.00 per student with the California Alternate Assessments (CAA) and/or CAA for Science; $5.00 per student tested with the California Spanish Assessments (CSA); $2.52 per student tested with CDE-certified grade two diagnostic tests; and $1.00 per student not tested with any CAASPP test. ELPAC: $5.50 per student tested with the Initial (Grades K-2); $5.00 per student tested with the Initial (Grades 3-12); $0.50 per student tested with the Initial Rotating Score Validation Process (Grades K-12); $5.50 per student tested with the Summative (Grades K-2); and $5.00 per student tested with the Summative (Grades 3-12). |
Important Dates
Date Application Available | Unavailable |
Due Date | Unavailable |
Expected Notification Date | Unavailable |
Additional Information
Application | Unavailable |
Background | |
Fiscal | Unavailable |
Funding Results | RES-20: CAASPP and ELPAC (CA Dept of Education) [] |
Other | Unavailable |
Program | CAASPP: 916-445-8765 or ELPAC: 916-319-0784 |
Fiscal | Brandon Doan, 916-319-0333, |
Division | Assessment Development & Administration Division, 916-319-0803 (phone), 916-319-0967 (fax) |
Last Modified:
December 4, 2024
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