Funding Description
Funding is provided to reimburse local educational agencies the cost associated with administering the Assessment Apportionments for the California Assessment of Student Performance (CAASPP) and/or English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) for the 2020-21 and prior school/fiscal years. The amount apportioned per student per test is established by the State Board of Education.
Eligible Applicants |
Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria |
Local educational agencies that administered the CAASPP and/or ELPAC. |
Other Eligibility Considerations |
Not applicable |
Eligible Grade Level(s) |
Not applicable
Eligible Age Level(s) |
Not applicable
Legal Authority |
CAASPP: California Education Code (EC) Section 60640(l)(1)
ELPAC: EC Section 60810(a)(3)
State Budget Item Number: 6100-113-0001(4)
Source / Type |
State / Apportionment
State Fiscal Year |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes |
0000 / 8590
Total Available |
Recipient Amount |
Match Requirement |
Allocation Formula |
CAASPP: $4.00 per student tested with any Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments; $2.00 per student tested with any portion of the California Science Test (CAST); $5.00 per student with the California Alternate Assessments (CAA) and/or CAA for Science; $5.00 per student tested with the California Spanish Assessments (CSA); $2.52 per student tested with CDE-certified grade two diagnostic tests; and $1.00 per student not tested with any CAASPP test.
ELPAC: $5.50 per student tested with the Initial (Grades K-2); $5.00 per student tested with the Initial (Grades 3-12); $0.50 per student tested with the Initial Rotating Score Validation Process (Grades K-12); $5.50 per student tested with the Summative (Grades K-2); and $5.00 per student tested with the Summative (Grades 3-12).
Important Dates
Date Application Available |
Due Date |
Expected Notification Date |
Additional Information
Program |
CAASPP: 916-445-8765 or ELPAC: 916-319-0784
Fiscal |
Brandon Doan, 916-319-0333,
Division |
Assessment Development & Administration Division, 916-319-0803 (phone), 916-319-0967 (fax)
Last Modified:
December 4, 2024