Funding Description
The state budget authorizes the California Department of Education to allocate excess general funds to Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) for the operation of programs for infants and toddlers with solely low incidence (SLI) disabilities. Programs and services for infants and toddlers who are deaf, blind, or orthopedically impaired are provided SLI grant funds. This grant is to be used to cover excess costs of providing services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for infants and toddlers with low incidence disabilities.
Eligible Applicants |
Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria |
These grant funds are allocated to SELPAs that demonstrate that the required and supplemental cost of implementing Part C for infants and toddlers with solely low incidence disabilities were not fully covered by their base Federal Part C grant. To qualify, a SELPA must demonstrate that it serves more infants and toddlers than were funded in their Federal Part C grant. |
Other Eligibility Considerations |
A SELPA must serve more infants and toddlers with SLI conditions than were served in the 1992-93 fiscal year. These funds can only be allocated if the IDEA Part C funds received from the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) are fully expended. |
Eligible Grade Level(s) |
Not applicable
Eligible Age Level(s) |
0, 1, 2
Legal Authority |
Budget Act Item 6100-161-0001, Schedule 2 Provision 7 |
Source / Type |
State / Grant
State Fiscal Year |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes |
3385 / 8590
Total Available |
Recipient Amount |
Match Requirement |
Allocation Formula |
Important Dates
Date Application Available |
Due Date |
Expected Notification Date |
July 31, 2023
Additional Information
Program |
Chris Essman, Education Programs Consultant, 916-327-3507,
Fiscal |
Alexa Slater, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, 916-322-0581,
Division |
Special Education Division, 916-445-4613 (phone), 916-445-4108 (fax)
Last Modified:
October 25, 2023