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Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM)

Funding Description

The CIM grant specific to increasing access to the general education environment for students with disabilities is designed to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) to: (1) improve educational results and functional outcomes for students with disabilities; and (2) ensure that LEAs meet compliance and State Performance Plan program requirements specific to Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria This is a non-competitive grant application. Only selected grantees will receive a grant based on LRE and assessment data.
Other Eligibility Considerations Not applicable
Eligible Grade Level(s) Not applicable
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority Budget Item 6100-161-0890, Schedule (2) Provision 4
Source / Type Federal / Grant
State Fiscal Year 2023-24
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 3386 / 8182
Total Available $430,000
Recipient Amount $22,631
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula The California Department of Education receives funding under three provisions of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The California Legislature and Governor provide guidelines for these funds through the annual State Budget Act.

Important Dates

Date Application Available Unavailable
Due Date Unavailable
Expected Notification Date April 30, 2024

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Local Educational Agency Grants []
Fiscal Local Educational Agency Grants []
Funding ResultsCIM Funding Results FY 2023-24 []
Other Unavailable


Program Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, 916-445-4559,
Fiscal Nellie Amaro, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, 916-327-3679,
Division Special Education Division, 916-323-2409 (phone), 916-323-9781 (fax)
Last Modified: July 26, 2024
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