Request for Applications
2023 Educator Workforce Investment Grant Program: Computer Science
Note: The due date for the request for applications has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.
Assembly Bill 185, Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022, Section 55 of the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill provides $15 million from the General Fund for the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) Program: Computer Science (CS) for allocation to one or more county offices of education to provide targeted support focused on strategies for high-quality CS instruction learning experiences aligned to California CS Content Standards.
Program Questions: Amber Hiris, email:
Downloading Questions: John Cooper, Professional Learning Support and Monitoring Office, email:
Completed applications are due by Thursday, March 9, 2023, before 3:00 p.m.
Document | Description |
Request for Applications (RFA) (DOCX) |
Instructions and application for fiscal year 2022–23. |
Budget (XLSX) | Fillable XLSX form for the budget. |
EWIG: CS Online Application | Please see Appendix B of the RFA for instructions. |
EWIG: CS Application Character Limits (XLSX) | Character limits for each application section. |
EWIG: CS Application Webinar Slides (PPTX) | Please email for webinar details. |
Application Timeline*
Activity | Date |
RFA Release |
January 25, 2023 |
Application Workshop Webinar | February 1, 2023 |
Application due to the California Department of Education (CDE) | March 9, 2023, by 3 p.m. |
Intent to Award released | Anticipated on April 7, 2023 |
Last day for Appeals to be received by the CDE | April 13, 2023, by 3 p.m. |
Final Awards posted | May 1, 2023 |
*Timeline subject to change. Refer to this web page for the most up-to-date timeline.
Certifications and Assurances
Document | Description |
Required as a condition of receiving funds. Applicants do not need to sign and return them with the application; they must be downloaded and kept on file for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits. Applicants that participate in the Consolidated Application - ConApp - should have a copy on file and do not need another copy. Program-specific assurances are not included here and are listed separately in the RFA. |
Program Authorization
Assembly Bill 185 (Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill of 2022)
Assembly Bill 185, Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022, Section 55 of the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill.
More about 2023 Educator Workforce Investment Grant Program: Computer Science