Q&As for the Equity Leads Request for Applications
Below are the questions and answers (Q&As) submitted by the public in relation to the Equity Lead Request for Applications required to be posted.The following Q&As are based on all questions submitted by the public regarding the Request for Applications (RFA) for the Equity Leads. These questions and answers are required to be posted to ensure equitable access to all information pertaining to the RFA.
What is the maximum amount of funding we can request?
Funding awarded to each grantee is to be determined based in part on Equity Multiplier funding, which has yet to be determined. Therefore, applicants will not be requesting specific amounts as part of the initial application process.
Are there specific allowable costs and activities?
Per Section II. C. of the RFA, Allowable Costs, “Equity Leads will develop and submit annual budgets. The proposed use of grant funds will be reviewed and any items that are deemed non-allowable, excessive, or inappropriate will be eliminated. Generally, all expenditures must contribute to the goals and objectives outlined in Section I.”
Is the 2-million-dollar grant per awardee or divided amongst the 2–4 leads?
The $2 million annual award will be divided among the 2–4 leads.
Does California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) have a model for which the Equity Leads will be engaging in to work with the prioritized local educational agencies (LEAs)?
No, the model for engaging with the prioritized LEAs will be determined collaboratively, involving the Equity Leads, CCEE and other State Agencies.
How many LEAs can the Equity Lead Agency expect to support?
We do not have a specific number at this moment because the level of support is dependent on a few unknowns, including how many LEAs receive Equity Multiplier (EM) funding, and how many Equity Leads are ultimately selected. The RFA states that, per statute, the Equity Leads should prioritize supporting LEAs with schools that receive EM funding, which means the Leads can also provide support to LEAs that don’t receive EM funding.
Is this the same Equity Leads RFA that was released previously in November 2023? If not, what are the differences between the two RFAs?
As noted in section I. Overview, the Equity Leads competition that closed on January 25, 2024 (and released in November 2023) did not result in the identification of final awardees. Therefore, this RFA has been updated and reissued.
This RFA was updated to better explain the intent of the new initiative. Updates were provided in the following sections and can be compared to the first issued RFA which can be found on the California Department of Education Equity Leads RFA web page, which is posted for historical purposes:
- Overview
- Background and Goals
- Required Capacities (formally Responsibilities)
- Accountability
- Reposting Requirements
- Program Deliverables
- Application Procedures and Process
- Application Timeline
- Application Review
Appendix A: Scoring Rubric