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Ag CTE Incentive Grant Instructions

Instructions for the 2024-25 Agricultural Career Technical Education (CTE) Incentive Grant.

Due Date: To be received in Regional Supervisor's Office by July 15.


The purpose of the Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (ACTEIG) is to improve the quality of Agricultural Education programs by upgrading agricultural equipment. Equipment is defined as “any non-salary item of expenditure.”

School districts operating approved Agricultural Education programs in secondary school grades may apply. An application is required from each school site for which funds are requested. Districts submitting applications for more than one school site should submit the applications in one package. For the purposes of the ACTEIG application, regional occupational centers and programs are not considered to be school districts.

Calculation Explanations

Awards will be calculated as follows:

Part A Funding: To qualify for the ACTEIG a local educational agency (LEA) must meet all criteria listed in Part A. Programs meeting all criteria will receive the base funding.

Part B Funding: Allocation is based on the LEA’s ability to meet specific criteria. It is not necessary for an LEA to meet all criteria in each category to be eligible to receive additional funding. Verification of meeting specific criteria will be taken from entries in the Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET).

Preparation of ACTEIG Application

  1. School Site

    The name of the school where the applying program is located.

  2. District

    The complete name of the district in which the school site is located.

  3. Certification
    1. Signature of Authorized Agent: The signature of the District Superintendent or other authorized agent certifying the district’s intent to comply with the conditions of the ACTEIG and the General Assurances.
    2. Authorized Agent Title: The title of the individual signing as the authorized agent.
    3. Signature of Agriculture Teacher Responsible for the Program: The signature of the department chair or lead teacher of the Agriculture Education Program requesting the funds.
    4. Signature of Principal: The signature of the principal of the applicant school. Contact Phone Number: The cell phone number of the agriculture teacher responsible for managing the Incentive Grant.
    5. Date of LEA Board Approval: The date the application was approved or will be approved the school board.
    6. Agriculture Teachers: List of the teachers who are teaching at least one pathway course in agriculture at the school site requesting funds.
  4. Part A – Base Level Funding
    1. Checklist: Check each criterion which is currently being met. The Regional Supervisor will certify the accuracy of the checklist. Any criteria not currently being met will require a Variance Form. For each criterion please provide the required documents.
      • Credential: Log onto Commission on Teacher Credentialing California Commission on Teacher Credentialing External link opens in new window or tab. and provide a screenshot of credentials or provide a copy of current credentials.
      • Professional Development: Provide a printout from the teacher journal in the AET verifying professional development activities.
      • Course Sequence: Provide document/evidence of at least one three-year course sequence.
      • Alternative Credits: Submit description of at least one course meeting A-G, Duel Enrollment, Articulation, etc.
      • Future Farmers of America (FFA) Constitution and Bylaws: Provide a copy of the current Chapter Constitution and Bylaws with the election of officers highlighted.
      • FFA Meetings: Use meeting manager in the AET or provide minutes for a minimum of six chapter meetings.
      • Agriculture Advisory Committee: Provide meeting minutes for two Advisory Committee meetings.
    2. Number of Teachers: Enter the number of teachers listed in the Certification Section of the application.
    3. Number of Students: Enter the number of students from your FFA membership roster for 2022–23.
    4. Class Size Level A: Using the 2022–23 Report in the AET, list the number of teachers who met class size level A in all courses.
    5. Class Size Level B: Using the 2022–23 ACTEIG Report in the AET, list the number of teachers who met class size level B in all courses.
  5. Part B – Additional Funding
    1. Classroom Section: Using the 2022–23 ACTEIG Report in the AET, enter the total points earned for this section. Based on the points earned, select the level of funding qualified for.
    2. Leadership Section: Using the 2022–23 ACTEIG Report in the AET, enter the total points earned for this section. Based on the points earned, select   the level of funding qualified for.
    3. Experiential Learning (SAE) Section: Using the 2022–23 ACTEIG Report in the AET, enter the total points earned for this section. Based on the points earned, select the level of funding qualified for.
  6. Part C – Program Funding
    1. To qualify for Part C Section: Check the criteria in which the site is meeting. Attach evidence of meeting the criteria with the application.
    2. Section A: Place a 1 for each of the three criteria being met. Again, evidence must be attached to the application.
    3. Total Points Section A: Add the numbers in Section A and place that number in the space provided. The maximum number, if meeting all three criteria is 3.
    4. Section B: Using the 2022–23 ACTEIG Report in the AET, D-Program, enter the total points earned. Based on total points earned, select the level of funding qualified for.
    5. Total Part C Funding: Add total points earned in Section A with funding qualified for in Section B for total funding in Part C.
  7. Funding Summary
    1. Place the funds qualified for under Part A, Part B, and Part C from the application in the space provided.
    2. Add the funding for Part A, Part B, and Part C for the Grand Total Funding.
  8. Budget & Expenditure Report
    1. 4000: Enter under budget column the total funds estimated to be spent on books and/or supplies with Incentive Grant funds.
    2. Category 4000: Enter under budget match column the total funds estimated to be used as a match other than Incentive Grant funds.
    3. Category 5000: Enter under description the travel, transportation, etc. estimated for the Agriculture Education Department. A separate line should be used for each activity/event.
    4. Category 5000: Enter under budget column for each row the estimated funds to be spent on that activity/event using Incentive Grant funds.
    5. Category 5000: Enter under budget match column for each row the estimated funds to be used as a match other than Incentive Grant funds.
    6. Category 6000: Enter under description the equipment estimated to be purchased. List each item of equipment on each row.
    7. Category 6000: Enter under budget column for each row the estimated funds to be spent on that item using Incentive Grant funds.
    8. Category 6000: Enter under budget match column for each row the estimated funds to be used as a match other than ACTEIG funds.

Check each funding sources which are being used to match the Incentive Grant.

Variance Request Form (if applicable)

Submit a Variance Request Form for each criterion which was not checked in Part A as being met. A variance is a proposed plan to bring your program into compliance with a given criteria’s requirements prior to the ensuing year's application.

General Assurances Page

The signature of the District Superintendent or authorized agent on the application acknowledges and certifies the district’s intent to observe the following assurances:

  1. General Assurances posted on the General Assurances and Certifications 2023-24 web page; and,
  2. The program specific assurances for the school districts participating in the ACTEIG must certify that the funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, the district’s ongoing expenditures for the Agricultural Career Technical Education Program.

*Regional Supervisors may seek additional documentation to validate application.

Questions:   Charles Parker |
Last Reviewed: Friday, May 10, 2024
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