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CCSPP Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about California Community Schools Partnership Program.


  1. What is the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)?

    The California legislature appropriated $45 million for the CCSPP, a one-time funding opportunity to support and expand existing community schools.

  2. Who is eligible to apply for the CCSPP?

    California-based local educational agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply for CCSPP funds. The CCSPP defines an LEA as a school district, county office of education, or charter school, exciluding nonclassroom-based charter schools operating pursuant to Section 47612.5 of the California Education Code.

  3. Where can LEAs find legislation on the CCSPP?

    CCSPP funding has been appropriated from the Federal Trust Fund (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief [ESSER] Fund). Funds are also appropriated as part of California Senate Bill (SB) 820, Chapter 110, and the Budget Act of 2020.

  4. Where can LEAs find more information on the ESSER fund?

    To find more information on the ESSER fund, visit the CDE’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act ESSER Funding web page, and the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s ESSER Fund web page.

  5. How does the CCSPP define a community school?

    The CCSPP defines a community school as a public school serving preschool, kindergarten, or any of grades one through twelve, inclusive, and includes the following:

    (A)   Integrated support services, including the coordination of health, mental health, and social services that ensure coordination and support with county and local educational agency resources, and early screening and intervention for learning and other needs.

    (B)   Family and community engagement, which may include home visits, home-school collaboration, community partnerships, and school climate surveys.

    (C)   Collaborative leadership practices for educators and administrators, including professional development to support mental and behavioral health, trauma-informed care, social-emotional learning, restorative justice, and other key areas.

    (D)   Extended learning time and opportunities, including before and after school care.

    For more information on community schools, please visit the Coalition for Community Schools, and a policy brief by the Learning Policy Institute, Community Schools: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Equitable School Improvement.
  6. Can CCSPP funds be used to start a new community school?

    No. The intent of the CCSPP is to “support and expand existing community schools.”

  7. Does a community school grant applicant have to be a partner in a consortium?

    No, applicants can apply as a single community school. However, applications  on behalf of a consortium with other community schools or county agencies will receive higher points, please refer to the Scoring Rubric in the CCSPP Request for Applications (RFA).

  8. Can multiple schools in a single district apply as a consortium?

    Yes, a consortium consists of multiple community schools and/or county agencies. All the partner schools can be in the same district, or from multiple districts.

  9. Our consortium has more than six community schools, can we submit more than one application?

    Yes, there is nothing in legislation prohibiting an LEA from submitting multiple grant applications. However, the CDE reserves the right to ensure that a single community school is not being served by more than one grant application.

  10. What calendar should applicants use for the budget pages?

    The CCSPP annual budget cycle begins on July 1 and concludes on June 30. Please include costs incurred between March 13, 2020 and July 1, 2020 on the 2020–21 Budget Sheet.

  11. Are CCSPP funds subject to a "supplement not supplant" requirement?

    No, the CCSPP does not contain a “supplement not supplant” requirement.

  12. Are matching fund required for funding?

    No, SB 820 lists “committed matching funds for pupil services” as having a funding priority, which is reflected in the Scoring Rubric in the CCSPP RFA.

  13. Can in-kind contributions be used as match?

    Yes, the CCSPP will consider an in-kind match as a match of funds. This is especially important in the CCSPP because partners provide many important services such as medical and mental health services.

  14. Can an LEA use CCSPP funds for allowable costs incurred prior to receiving grant funds?

    Yes, an LEA may use CCSPP funds for any allowable expenditure incurred on or after March 13, 2020, the date the President declared the national emergency due to the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

  15. How do LEAs submit the CCSPP application?

    The CCSPP application  must be submitted using the CDE’s exFiles Platform, see the Application Procedures and Processes: Application Submission Procedures Section in the CCSPP RFA which details, step-by-step, how to submit a CCSPP application.

  16. How long can LEAs use CCSPP funds?

    All CCSPP funds must be obligated for encumbrance or expenditure by September 30, 2022.

  17. Should LEAs anticipate monitoring or auditing of CCSPP funds?

    Yes, the CDE will monitor the use of the CCSPP funds. In addition, the CCSPP grantees will have to provide the CDE with data in order for the CDE to provide a comprehensive report to the legislature by December 31, 2025.

  18. When applying as a consortium, where should applicants list all the participating school sites?

    Applicants should list all participating school sites on Form B-2.

  19. How should the 80 percent free/reduced price meals be calculated?

    When applying as a single community school, applicants should use the 2019–20 rates. Due to fluctuations caused by the COVID-19 crisis, applicants can include 2018–19 data to help establish need. When applying as a consortium of community schools, an average of the schools’ data can be used, with the majority of schools being able to meet the 80 percent threshold.

  20. Is it necessary to include the written-out questions when respoinding to the Application Questionnaire prompts?

    No, when answering the prompts in the Application Questionnaire, applicants do not need to include the written-out questions. At a minimum, applicants will need to use the numeric indicators to signal to the reader which prompt they are addressing.

  21. What date ranges should be used for the Budget Worksheets?

    Applicants should document costs incurred from March 13, 2020 through June 30, 2021 on Attachment I and for costs incurred from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 on Attachment II. Any costs after June 30, 2022 should only be reflected in Attachment III as proposed/planned costs.


Questions:   Lisa Reimers | | 916-322-1762
Last Reviewed: Thursday, April 25, 2024
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