CTEIG RFA Errata 1 Positive Considerations
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Request For Applications Errata 1 Positive Considerations.CTEIG: Request for Applications CTEIG Applicant Round 10B Errata 1
To County and District Superintendents and Interested Parties:
Please use the Errata to update your copy of the RFAs for both Round 10A and 10B. This Errata hereby revises the CTEIG Positive Consideration Factors.
Positive Consideration Factors (page 10)
The CTEIG RFA Positive Consideration Factors on page 10 is amended as follows:
Positive consideration is given to programs to the extent grantees do any of the following:
Successfully leverage one or both of the following:
Existing structures, requirements, and resources of the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) (Public Law 115-224), California Partnership Academies, or Agricultural CTE Incentive Grants.
Contributions from industry, labor, and philanthropic sources.
Engage in regional collaboration with postsecondary educational institutions, including the SWP consortium operating in their respective geographic areas, or other LEAs to align career pathway instruction with postsecondary program requirements. This shall include, but not be limited to, pathway programs provided under an adopted California and Career Access Pathways partnership agreement pursuant to EC Section 76004.
Make significant investment in CTE infrastructure, equipment, and facilities. This positive consideration is determined in the allocation calculation based on LEA information that is entered into PGMS if expenditures are 25 percent or more.
Operate within rural school districts. This positive consideration is determined in the allocation calculation based on data pulled from the National Center for Education Statistics Rural Codes.
Receive Equity Multiplier funding through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). This positive consideration is determined if a local educational agency receiving Local Control Funding Formula Equity Multiplier funding pursuant to Section 42238.024, as identified through the stability rate data file produced by the department in the prior fiscal year.
[Note: The preceding Item E contains strikethrough which indicates it is no longer valid.]