Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Prospective Applicants:
2021 Request for Applications for the Family Empowerment Centers on Disability Grant
The California Department of Education (CDE), Special Education Division is pleased to announce the availability of the Request for Applications (RFA) for the Family Empowerment Centers (FECs) on Disability Grant pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 56402(b)(1) to establish new FECs in the regions of the state established under the Early Start Family Resource Centers that do not have an FEC. The establishment of new FECs is critical as California continues to work toward improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities.
Parents and families need information, support, and training to ensure that their children and young adults with disabilities experience positive and successful learning experiences to reach their fullest potential, and meaningfully participate at school and in their community. Senate Bill 511, Chapter 4.3 (EC Section 56400–56414) was enacted in 2001 to award grants that established FECs throughout California. There are currently fourteen FECs in operation that offer parents and guardians of children and young adults with disabilities specialized training, community-based information and referral services, and peer-to-peer support.
In providing grant awards pursuant to EC 56402(b)(2), the Superintendent shall give priority to applicants that are able to ensure continuity of support for families transitioning from services under Part C to Part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (20 United States Code Section 1400 et seq.), either because the applicant operates a program of family support for parents of children with disabilities up to three years of age, or the applicant works in close partnership with an organization that does so, and shall take into consideration the capacity of applicants to carry out the activities specified in EC Section 56408. The CDE shall also give positive consideration to grant applicants proposing to establish new FECs that serve regions with high concentrations of pupils who qualify for free or reduced-price meals, as indicated in EC Section 56406(c).
The 2021 Budget Act appropriated $9 million to increase base funding and per pupil rate for the current fourteen FECs, and to establish new FECs across the state in regions where there is none. Of this appropriation, contingent upon the availability of funds, $4 million is set-aside to establish new FECs, until funds are exhausted.
Interested applicants should note the FEC RFA Timeline of Activities in Section XI of the RFA.
If you have any questions regarding the RFA, please contact Patrick Garcia-Smith, Education Programs Consultant, Special Education Division, by phone at 916-322-5101, or by email at
Heather Calomese, Director
Special Education Division