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Special Education Resource Leads RFA FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Special Education Resource Leads Request for Applications (RFA) Fiscal Year 2023-28.
  1. What is the budget maximum per content area per project period?

    There is no budget maximum, however, consider when making your budget that unless you are applying for the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) lead, you will be sharing the $10,000,000 budget with 6-9 other grantees. Budgets can be adjusted after the application process.

    1. Is a separate proposal needed for Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

    Each County Office of Education (COE)/ Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or consortia will submit an application for ONE Resource Lead. The application is the same for all leads.

  1. Does the $12,000,000 allocation include the $2,000,000 set aside for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

    Yes, $2,000,000 is included in the $12,000,000 yearly total.

  1. What are the formatting guidelines other than a 15-page limit for the narrative?

    Narratives should be in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins.

  1. The narrative is limited to 15 pages. Can you please confirm that this page limit does not include the budget, letters of support, or other attachments?

    Per Request for Applications (RFA), Section V, Part A, “Applicants may separately attach supporting evidence. The Applicant Information and budget information is submitted via email and is included in this instruction package for reference.”

  1. Where in the application would you like the signature?

    You may include the signature at the end of the Application Narrative portion of the application package.

  1. Is the contact information to be copied/pasted on to an actual Cover Page or are you wanting this in the narrative?

    The Application Budget Information portion of the application includes a section for contact information. You may include it on the cover page if you also prefer.

  1. Is there a specific budget sheet to use?

    The Request for Applications (RFA), Section V, Part B has a budget overview. Applicants may use any budget form as long as it addresses all of the required listed parts listed in the RFA. Be sure to include all items for Budget codes listed under 2023–24 Budget Information Requested by the Online Application.

  1. What is your expectation around the participation of the family/parent organization? How is their compensation to be delivered?

    Only the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Lead is required to partner with a Family Empowerment Center (FEC). If you are not applying for the ADR Lead, it will be up to your organization's discretion to partner with an FEC or not. Their compensation would be included in your Budget totals and disbursed directly to the grantees.

  1. Is the budget and supporting documents included in the 15 page limit?

    No, the budget and supporting documents are not included in the 15 page limit and can be attached separately as additional pages.

  1. Do collaboratives need to submit one or multiple applications?

    Just one application is needed for the collaborative submitted by the lead agency.

  1. What types of metrics are you looking for in the "Capacity Builder" leads? Can you provide examples that you would find most useful?

    The Request for Applications (RFA) Section B Goals contains the metrics for each specific lead type including specific bullet points for what the raters will be looking for. Include any information you think is pertinent to the type of Resource Lead for which you are applying.

  1. Do you foresee any potential issues with Family Empowerment Center (FEC) partnerships if there are none in your geographic area?

    An FEC partnership does not have to be in the geographic area of the lead.

  1. Question 1.a. says “Each County Office of Education (COE)/Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or consortia will submit an application for ONE resource lead.” Does this mean that they can only apply for one area and not multiple areas?

    A separate application can be submitted for each additional area.

  1. Should the application and supporting documents be included in a single email? Is there a maximum size of the email attachments?

    Yes, the application and all supporting documents would be included in a single email. There is no maximum size for email attachments beyond the 15 page (1 MB) limit for the application narrative form.

  1. Can a partner in a collaborative be a for profit organization or other organization besides and Local Educational Agency (LEA) or County Office of Education (COE) as long as the Lead agency is an LEA, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or COE? Can any collaborative use a for profit vendor to provide services as long as included in the budget?

    Yes, the lead agency may partner with a non-profit or a for-profit organization as long as the lead agency is a COE, a SELPA, or a consortium thereof.

    Yes, the lead agency may use a for-profit vendor to provide services as long as it is included in the budget.

  1. Are there any required items on the cover page?

    No, there are not any required items for the cover page.

Questions:   Erin Rodrigues | | 916-445-4559
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
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