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CFA FY 2022–23 Webinar Transcript

The following is a transcript of an recording of a webinar presented by the Early Education Division (EED), California Department of Education (CDE) providing guidance on the 2022–23 Continued Funding Application (CFA).

Jackie L.: Good morning everyone the webinar will begin shortly there will be no audio until the webinar begins at 10:00 a.m. Thank you for your patience. Again, the webinar will begin shortly. There will be no audio until the webinar begins at 10:00 a.m. thank you for your patience.

Thank you for joining us today for the webinar regarding the fiscal year 2022–23 Continued Funding Application for California State Preschool Program Contractors. This webinar is being presented by the Early Education Division (EED) on Monday, November 15, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

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Good morning, and welcome everyone! My name is Jackie Luong, I am an analyst with the Administration & Fiscal services here at the California Department of Education in the Early Education Division. Presenting along with myself today is Crystal Devlin, Education Administrator for the Program Quality implementation (PQI) office of the EED. Mai Xiong, Staff Services Analyst for the PQI office will be facilitating the presentation, and responding to your questions in the Q and A section of this webinar is Richard Miller, consultant in the PQI office, Danielle Davis and Eddie Tanimoto, consultants in the EED policy office, Allen Lynch with the Early Education and Fiscal Services office, and Jane Liang & Carly Nodohara from the child development management information system (CDMIS) office. Crystal and I will also respond to questions through the Q and A feature when we are not presenting. Our team will do their best to respond to all of your questions. For those we may not currently have an answer for, we will take back and respond in the near future via the CDE, EED Frequently Asked Questions web page. Also, please note that the chat feature is disabled during this webinar, therefore if you have questions, please remember to use the Q and A feature located at the bottom of your screen.

On this slide is a photo collage of children from Hayward Unified School District. The center of the collage reads, “Everyone Belongs. Todos Somos Unidos.”

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Today we will be providing you an overview of Management Bulletin (MB) 21-14 regarding the Fiscal Year 2022–23 Continued Funding Application (CFA) for California State Preschool Program Contractors, including the Statutory Background for the CFA. We will provide you with Application Updates, including what's new for Fiscal Year 2022–23, and will discuss how to submit the Fiscal year 2022–23 CFA.

We will then walk through the Instructions for completing the CFA, and provide you with contact information for any questions or technical issues that may arise when completing and submitting the CFA. Then, as time allows, we respond verbally to the more frequently asked questions that are being posted in the Q and A feature of this webinar, and close out for the morning.

Now, over to Crystal to provide an overview of MB 21-14 and some of the instructions for completing and submitting the 2022–23 CFA.

Crystal D.: Thank you, Jackie and welcome everyone who’s joined us today.

Management Bulletin (MB) 21-14 offers existing California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education Division (EED) contractors the opportunity to request continued funding for fiscal year (FY) 2022–23. This MB supersedes the Continued Funding Application (CFA) information found in MB 20-16.

In order to be considered for continued funding for FY 2022–23, CSPP contractors must complete and submit the FY 2022–23 CFA on or before December 17, 2021. The complete FY 2022–23 CFA packet is available on the CFA web page at         

It is really important for each CSPP contractor to review this information as soon as possible to ensure appropriate time and resources are reserved to complete and submit the FY 2022–23 CFA in a timely manner.

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The California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR), Division 1, Chapter 19, Subchapter 1, Article 5, Section 18010 requires contractors who intend to accept the offer to continue providing services in the subsequent contract period to respond to a continued funding application request in accordance with the instructions and timelines specified in the request.

Failure to respond within the timelines specified in the continued funding application request shall constitute notification to the Child Development Division of the contractor's intent to discontinue services at the end of the current contract period.

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As of July 1, 2021, The California Department of Education (CDE) administers only the California State Preschool Program (CSPP). All other programs are administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS. The information provided in this webinar regarding the continued funding application for Fiscal Year 2022–23 is for CSPP contractors only.

Also, new for Fiscal Year 2022–23, CSPP contractors who apply for and are approved for continued funding will not need to sign a CSPP contract to provide services for FY 2022–23, as CSPP contracts approved for continued funding will be automatically renewed in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, as well as all CSPP Funding Terms and Conditions and Program Requirements that will be incorporated into the subsequent CSPP contract. By signing the CFA, your agency indicates that it wishes to automatically renew its current CSPP contract for the next fiscal year and is willing to, and does accept, all of the terms and conditions of such contract, which will be provided to all CSPP contractors being renewed for funding no later than June 1, 2022. CSPP contractors may reject the terms of the new CSPP contract by providing written notice to the CDE no later than July 1, 2022. Instructions on how to provide written notice of rejection of the terms of the new CSPP contract will be provided with the proposed contract.

Because of this change, you will notice that there are some additional forms to complete and submit with the FY 2022–23 CFA. These forms would usually be submitted by the CSPP contractor when they sign and return the FY 2022–23 contract. Since that is no longer applicable for FY 2022–23, those forms are now included as part of the CFA package.

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CSPP contractors must review the instructions prior to completing the CFA for fiscal year (FY) 2022–23. The CFA may be submitted electronically by email or physically by mail.

Download the CFA, including the required attachments, from and save your own personal copy.

Complete and sign your saved CFA, including the required attachments. If submitting a physical copy of the application, print all pages single-sided only.

The CFA may be signed and submitted to the CDE electronically or in physical copy. Instructions to provide a digital signature are located on each applicable section of the instructions document.

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The 2022–23 CFA is due to the CDE, EED on December 17, 2021 by 5 p.m. We are strongly encouraging that CFAs are submitted electronically. CSPP contractors may submit their application electronically with digital signatures, or by printing, signing and scanning the CFA and all required attachments. For either method of electronic submission, email the completed application to Alternately, CSPP contractors may submit a hard copy of the CFA with original signatures in BLUE ink by mail. Hard copies of the CFA must be mailed to:

Continued Funding Application

California Department of Education

Early Education Division

1430 N Street, Suite 3410

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

Again, regardless of how the CFA s submitted, it must be received by the CDE, EED no later than 5 p.m. on December 17, 2021.

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Okay, we will now go through the instructions for each section of the Continued Funding Application.

In Section I you will provide the CSPP Contractor Information:

Once this section has been completed, the header on all pages of the application will automatically populate with the Legal Name of the CSPP Contractor, Headquartered County, and Vendor Number

For Section II: Contract Types:

You will check all applicable boxes to indicate the type(s) of CSPP the contractor intends to administer for FY 2022–23. In checking the boxes, the CSPP contractor agrees, if approved for continued funding, to continue implementation of the CSPP with funds provided by the CDE.

The CSPP contract types include (1) CSPP, Full-Day/Full-Year (2) CSPP Part-Day/Part-Year, and (3) CSPP Family Childcare Home Education Network (FCCHEN).

In Section III: CSPP Contractor’s Officers and Board of Directors be sure to respond to all questions related to the contractor’s officers and board of directors, as applicable.

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Section IV is the Program Narrative section of the CFA. Here you will indicate if the contractor does or does not have programmatic or minimum days of operation (MDO) changes for FY 2022–23. For any programmatic or MDO changes, complete and submit the program narrative change form (form EED 3704A)

All contractors must submit the FY 2022–23 Program Calendar (form EED 9730) for each type of CSPP operated (Full-day/full year, Part-day-part-year)

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Section V: CSPP Personnel Certifications provides the CDE, EED information regarding the CSPP contractor’s authorized representative that is completing and submitting the FY 2022–23 CFA.

This form must be completed and signed by the CSPP contractor’s authorized representative. To digitally sign the form for electronic submission, left click the signature field and follow the on-screen instructions. Alternatively, the form can be printed, physically signed, and scanned for electronic submission. If submitting a physical copy of the application, signatures must be signed in blue ink. The authorized representative is the person who has the authority to sign and engage in a contractual relationship with the CDE.

For Section VI: Subcontract Certification

If the CSPP contractor does not have subcontractors you will Check the box indicating that the CSPP contractor operates without the use of a subcontractor.

If the CSPP contractor does have subcontractors that have previously been approved by the CDE, EED, check all applicable boxes in this section.

CSPP contractors who have been approved to subcontract CSPP services will need to complete and submit form EED-3704B. This form is available on the CFA web page at

Again, this must be completed and signed by the CSPP contractor’s authorized representative. To digitally sign the form for electronic submission, left click the signature field and follow the on-screen instructions. Alternatively, the form can be printed, physically signed, and scanned for electronic submission. If submitting a physical copy of the application, signatures must be signed in blue ink.

Section VII: CSPP Contractor Certification:

The authorized representative certifies they are authorized to execute the CFA, has supervisory authority over the CSPP, has actual knowledge of the information in the application, and certifies that the information in the application is true and correct. Again, new this year, the authorized representative agrees that by signing the CFA they are agreeing to renew the CSPP contract under the terms and conditions that will be applicable to FY 2022–23 and that such contract will be in effect as of July 1, 2022, unless the CSPP contractor submits written notice of rejection of the contract to the CDE prior to the effective date of the contract on July 1, 2022. Instructions on how to provide written notice of rejection of the terms of the new FY 2022–23 contract will be provided in forthcoming communication, on or before June 1, 2022, to CSPP contractors. This form must also be completed and signed by the CSPP contractor’s authorized representative, as previously described.

Now, back to Jackie to provide instructions regarding requirements for contractor updates and certification to the CDMIS.

Jackie L.: Thank you, Crystal.

In Section VIII: Certification of Information in the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS), information is provided regarding the requirements for CSPP contractors to review and update all information in the CDMIS and certify under penalty of perjury that the information in CDMIS is complete and accurate as of the date of the certification. This update includes the name and contact information for the executive director and program directors, location of offices, location, license number and licensed capacity of facility sites and/or family childcare home providers who serve children through a CSPP FCCHEN, and the number of children enrolled.

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In continuation to Section VIII: Certification of Information in the CDMIS

The information in the CDMIS becomes part of the agency’s contract. Complete and accurate information is critical to the function of the CSPP and the maintenance of your agency’s CSPP contract. Incomplete or inaccurate information in the CDMIS can result in an audit finding at the state level and a finding of noncompliance for your agency. Maintenance of complete and accurate information in the CDMIS is your responsibility.

To access this information, the person logging on to the CDMIS must be a super user.

Only super users can access the Update Agency Information function within the CDMIS. To review the information and submit changes, log on to the CDMIS at From the Main Menu, select the function Update Agency Information and click the Submit button. Review all of the following information and update as applicable:

  • Add/Edit Program Director Information
  • Add/Edit Family Child Care Home Network (FCCHEN) Information:
  • Add/Edit Sites/Offices
  • Update the site license information
  • Update number of children served by contracts at sites/offices to reflect services as of the date of the CDMIS updates.

Once all of the information has been reviewed and all changes have been submitted, regardless of whether the changes have been approved by the assigned EED PQI office Consultant, or are still pending approval, complete and sign Section VIII – Certification of CSPP Contractor Information in the CDMIS, on page 8 of the CFA.

Alternatively, generate and print the Agency Information Certification form. Do not generate the Agency Information Certification form until all the information above has been reviewed and any changes needed have been submitted.

To generate this form, scroll to the bottom of the Update Agency Information web page and click the Generate Certification form button.

When the form is generated, print it using the browser's print function. The CSPP contractor’s authorized representative must sign the form. The signed form must be returned with the CFA. Applications will be considered incomplete without either the Certification of CSPP Contractor Information page completed or the Agency Information Certification form.

All changes submitted (adds, updates, or deletes) will remain pending until the CSPP contractor's assigned EED, PQI office consultant reviews and approves or denies the changes.

Ongoing Updates: In addition to this annual review of information as part of the CFA process, CSPP contractors are required to submit changes to Executive Director Information, Program Director Information, and Site/Office information (site name, physical address, and license information only) as changes occur.

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Section IX: Required Attachments; all attachments must be completed and attached to the application, as applicable to the contractor. These attachments include:

  • Fiscal Year 2022–23 Program Calendar (EED-9730)
  • Payee Data Record (STD. 204) (for Non-public Agencies Only)
  • Payee Data Record Supplement (STD. 205) (for Non-public agencies only)
  • Secretary of State (for Non-Public Agencies Only)
  • Verification of School District Name and Address
  • Program Narrative Change (EED-3704A)
  • Subcontractor Certification Form (EED-3704B)
  • California Civil Rights Laws Certification (CO-005)
  • Contractor Certification Clauses (CCC 04/2017)
  • Federal Certification (CO.8)
  • Public agencies must include board resolution or minutes of meeting reflecting authorization of signature on this document and a delegation of authority (if applicable)

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Section X is the CFA Checklist.

The check list must be submitted with the CFA package. The items in bold require a signature. Check all of the boxes for documents submitted, and if submitting the completed CFA by mail, assemble the application in page number order as indicated.

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Submit questions regarding the application process or the automatic renewal of approved funding requests, to the CFA team by email at Include your name and phone number on all inquiries.

For programmatic questions regarding the CFA, contact your assigned EED, Program Quality Implementation (PQI) office regional Consultant. The EED, PQI office regional consultant directory can be accessed at

And for any fiscal related questions regarding the CFA contact your assigned EED Nutrition Fiscal Services apportionment analyst. The fiscal apportionment analyst directory can be accessed at

Please be sure to select the fiscal apportionment analyst for the CDE, as this directory includes contact information for both the CDE and California Department of Social Services fiscal apportionment analysts.

Back to Crystal to respond to some of the questions we have received.

Crystal D.: Thank you, Jackie. Okay so we have quite a few questions coming into the Q and A. And I am going to answer as many of those as I can and I may be calling on other folks from our Q and A team to respond as well.

So, one of the questions that I’ve seen a couple of times in the Q and A feature is regarding the new federal Juneteenth holiday. And would that require a change to your MDO.

So if you are going to be taking that holiday and it’s going to change your minimum days of operation so say for instance right now your MDO is 246 days and you’re going to close on Juneteenth and you’re not going to open a different day so it’s going to change your MDO to 245 days then yeah that would be an MDO change and you would need to submit the Program Narrative Change form along with the 22–23 Calendar Program Calendar. I do want to emphasize that all programs regardless of whether or not there is a change to the minimum days of operation must submit the calendar along with the CFA package. It just may not require the program narrative change.

Okay. There’s a question around how will you know if you are a contractor who needs to complete the CFA or it will be renewed automatically.

So, all state preschool program contractors are required to submit the complete and submit the Continued Funding Application that is required. Every year in order to be considered for continued funding for the subsequent contract year the difference this year is that you will complete the CFA and by completing it submitting it and its being approved by the CDE you will not need it to return a signed contract. Once you receive that for fiscal year 2022–23.

Okay. Excuse me. When we have a question around universal transitional kindergarten. So, there is CSPP located on that is operated by a local education agency working on the plans for the transition to UTK. Should we submit the CFA with how we are running the program now and plan on running next year and submit a revision of changes made on the LEA affect the CSPP program.

So, if you are aware now that there’s going to be changes to your CSPP because of the universal transitional kindergarten. That should be included as a program narrative change with your fiscal year 2022–23 Continued Funding Application. If you’re not aware of any changes that might be made and those occur say later in 2022–23 then you would submit that program narrative change to your assigned EED program quality implementation office consultant at the time that those changes are going to be made.

Okay. Let me see. So, a few questions around board approvals. And so, with the application for continued funding being automatically renewing the new the new fiscal year contract. Does this need to be approved by our board of directors prior to submitting the CFA. So, if you have a board of directors yes, it is a requirement that that the CFA is approved by your board of directors prior to submission to the Department of Education.

Okay. At my site I have a full day program that runs 248 days and a half day program with both a.m. and p.m. classes that run 175 days do I need to submit two calendars. Previously we only submitted the one calendar for the full 248 days. So yes, you would need to submit a calendar for your full day program and a calendar for your part day program.

Okay. And then I have on page five to six of the CFA instructions. under Section three it states that this information is only required for non-local education agencies. Am I understanding that if my agency is a local education agency that I do not need to complete this section. And that is correct. So that.

Stephen P.: Hey everyone sounds like we may have lost Crystal momentarily. But good morning everybody.

Looking for to kind of fill in until Crystal can join well look at some of the other questions that have come into the Q and A.

Let’s see.

Danielle D.: Hey Steve we’ve gotten a couple questions about digital signatures so can I just respond to one of those.

Stephen P.: Absolutely.

Thank you, Danielle.

Danielle D.: No problem.

So, the questions where can I submit the CFA with a digital signature or do I have to submit with a wet signature.

The answer is yes you can submit the CFA with a digital signature. Alternatively, if you would if you prefer a wet signature you can submit the CFA electronically with scan copies of the physically sign pages and that’s also acceptable. So, either way you choose to do it is good for the CFA. Thanks Steve.

Stephen P.: Awesome. Thank you, Danielle. As I look around to the team if there’s other questions that we want to answer live.

Crystal D.: Okay I’m so sorry about that I’m having some technical difficulties I’m not sure where I was I got completely kicked out. So, um I and I heard Steve taking over there but I’m back. And so, I reiterate that we are taking many of these questions back and well review them and we will be adding them to that that EED FAQ web page in the very near future. Hope hopefully we can have that done right away because I know that time is of the essence for all of you as you are completing your Continued Funding Applications. So, I’m going to just run back here to the Q and as because I kind of got you know as I said knocked out and I want to make sure I have the current questions if there’s anybody else on in the Q and A team that would like to answer questions live. Please go ahead and request to answer live.

Andrea J.: Crystal, I see a few questions about the contractor vendor number that has to be entered Is it a contract number the current year contract number that needs to be indicated in the CFA or is that a vendor number.

Jackie L.: So sorry let me answer that I asked Chyra about the CO.8 which is the contract number section. She said that it won’t be they will just leave it blank for now since contracts will be won’t provide it until we get we get a request. So, for now when they complete a CO.8 she has stated that they just need a contract number part on the section number the contract number section on the CO.8 as blank.

Danielle D.: Okay team I’m going to hop on and answer another question that were getting a lot of is the question of is there a minimum day of operation that are required. There’s a lot of questions asking did the addition of a June of Juneteenth becoming a federal holiday change this. And I would just like to let everyone know that the statutory requirement for minimum days of operation has not changed. Even with the addition of a new federal holiday the part day preschool program is still required to operate a minimum of 175 days per year. And then the full day state preschool program is required to operate for a minimum of 246 days per year. Unless the contract specifies a lower number of days of operation. So, unless its approved through your contract. Those are the required minimum days of operation. And that has not changed just because there’s a new federal holiday.

Crystal D.: Thank you, Danielle, much appreciated. Okay. Um so I saw a few people asked about the board of directors in the form doesn’t have enough space for them to include each member of their board of directors.

So, in that case please go ahead and just add an additional page to include all of your Board of Directors members information on it and attach it behind that form.

And then um so we want to. There have been some questions around you know is this going to be ongoing in regards to the auto renewal. And will we have a new funding application every year or so for the time being we do anticipate that there will be a tenured funding application expected each year. And we want to let everybody know that the reason why we are instituting the auto renewal process was because we were not receiving contracts signed time signed contracts timely enough from contractors from some contractors and it was creating a delay and payments for the subsequent contract year. So, it was not to abandon this process and does not eliminate the requirement for specific certificate necessary to the CFA process. It’s just to make sure that contracts are able to get into the hands of the CSPP contractor in a timely manner and that our fiscal services are able to make payments to our contractors in a timely manner we definitely don’t want payments to be delayed.

Okay. And I’m seeing additional questions around copies of the board resolution what is needed here. Again, this is typically a letter on the agency letterhead regarding the board meeting and that the board does agree to the renewal of the contract and approves the Continued Funding Application signed by all of your members of your board of directors.

Should we apply a different Continued Funding Application for CCTR and CSPP. So, the answer to. Yes. So, the CSPP is administered by the California Department of Education and your CSPP Continued Funding Application to us for your CCTR contracts you will be working with the Department of Social Services on that and we understand they expect to release their Continued Funding Application soon so nothing related to the CCTR contracts or any contract type other than the state preschool program should be submitted to the CDE. So again, only the CSPP Continued Funding Application should be submitted to the Department of Education.

I have a question here about when will we hear from the CDE as to submit their Continued Funding Application please email the Department of Social Services related to any contract types other than state preschool program for anything but definitely for your CFA as well.

Have a question do you need to submit the board agenda and minutes. So, there’s in an application in the instructions it says that you need to submit either a board resolution or your meeting minutes and so if you have if you’re going to submit the meeting minutes where you discuss the Continued Funding Application. And it’s been approved by your board then met the minutes and they should be signed by all of the board members.

Okay so I see Miriam McNamara reading the attachment for the Secretary of State item you follow the link and quite what is needed. Um so Mariam if you could please just type in the Q and A again is that you could not that the link wasn’t working and the document didn’t open or if it is related to that.

Okay so we have one here with timeline to get the board approval at the board meeting and get everything signed is very tight. Please send in the CFA with Board approval to follow.

So, what we would say here and we do understand that this happens is that we would ask that send to our CFA inbox at the a request for an extension of time to submit the Continued Funding Application. And when you do that very specific as to the reason why you were unable to get the board approval and the reason why you need an extension and then it must be approved by the Department of Education so it’s really important that you send this to us right away so that we can approve it before the due date of the Continued Funding Application. And then we may email you with follow up question so again getting that into the CFA inbox as soon as possible is really important.

Okay I’m just going through questions. And if any of our other Q and A was standing that they want to respond to live please do so.

Okay I do see one here when updating CDMIS for this CSPP Continued Funding Application do we delete the other contract types listed under the same type. Some of our sites serve CSPP and CCTR contracts. Please do not delete any of the other contract types listed in CDMIS because it is currently being utilized by the Department of Social Services. And so, it’s important that your all of your other contracts type information remains in CDMIS.

Okay. Okay so yeah, I’m seeing a lot of questions around. Not being able to get the CFA signed by the again just to reiterate that you would need to send in a request. Please do not send it the CFA in without Board approval. Please go ahead and send in that request for an extension to the due date to the CFA inbox at to us as soon as possible because we need to get that approved for you prior to December 17.

Okay. Yeah there’s a lot of questions around that yeah, we do under that for many of our LEA is that the timeline is going to be tight. Okay.

Stephen P.: Hey Crystal as I am looking at some of the questions that are there in here it looks like maybe there’s some confusion or some clarification needed on who needs to submit. You know submit the board approval. Board approval documents.

Yeah sorry go ahead.

Crystal D.: Authorized representative that is signing the Continued Funding Application would submit the approval along with the application along with the Continued Funding Application. Does that answer your question?

Stephen P.: I think what I’m seeing in here are you know is this is its public agencies that submit Board approval is all agencies is it LEA is that those are the kinds of questions that I’m seeing here.

Crystal D.: Oh, I see. Okay.

All right so um. So, LEAs should have a board of directors and they would submit the board resolution. And not all public agencies have a board of directors but if they do then they would need approval and resolution.

Okay. And we have a question here did I just hear that each end of board member is required to actually signed the resolution. It can’t be a resolution at the board level and then document documented you need wet signatures.

okay I do apologize for that that confusion. So, your board resolution can be signed by the supervisor intendant or the they’re the person that has been delegated authority to sign the board resolution. one for meeting minutes is that is present for the meeting would just sign that and they don’t need to be it could be a scanned copy it doesn’t need to be and electronically submitted. It does not have to be like a wet signature emailed to us.

Jackie L.: Crystal for a Section IX K. for the public aid for public agencies must include board resolution or minutes of the meeting. Those are only for public agencies not for non-public agencies correct.

Crystal D.: Correct. However, if a non-public agency a community-based organization does have a board of directors than their board should be in included in the process of approving the Continued Funding Application.

Jackie L.: Gotcha. Thank you.

Crystal D.: Thank you.

And I see Leslie Nelson on the office is governed by the superintendent of schools at the Board of Education can the CFA be signed by the superintendent’s designee and yes Leslie that is acceptable.

And so, Jacqueline Torrez asked to provide a date that we foresee the CFA being completed when asking for an extension and I would say yes. So, you would want to include in the extension again the reason you’re requesting the extension. The date if possible of the next board of directors meeting and the anticipated date of submitting that the CFA.

And Jennifer Rocha I see that when you click on the links in the instruction page it says it is page not found. So, I will work with our coordinator today and well go through and well look on and double check all of the links and make sure they’re working and if they are not we will get those fixed right away.

I see questions around. Will the recording of the webinar be shared we will share it as soon as possible do know that and we have to go through a transcription process which takes a little bit of time but I know that Stephen director Steven Propheter our division director has requested that that be expedited. So, we will be working on that and getting the recording of this webinar up as soon as possible.

Stephen P.: I’ll just jump in here quickly Crystal. So yeah, we will we will post as quickly as possible I think based on a lot of the questions that are coming in around you know Board of Directors what’s required and all that I think will prioritize some FAQs around that that first because it seems like that’s you know that seems to be a priority question and having something in writing a certainly a nice thing to have.

Crystal D.: Thank you, Steve. Yeah, we will definitely start working on the FAQs today I see that that’s going to be something we definitely need to prioritize and then we will also prioritize getting this webinar recorded recording on our website. Please also continue to send in your questions to our CFA inbox so that we can add them to our frequently asked questions. Again, the email address is

Thank you, Mai. Mai added that again to the chat for all of you. And were getting a little bit short on time here. So, I am going to ask Mai to take us to the next slide. And we are coming to the end of our presentation on the Continued Funding Application for fiscal year 2022–23.

We want to thank you all for joining us today and for all of your dedication and important work on behalf of California’s children and families and we will leave the Q and A app for you here for a few more minutes and we will download all of the questions that have come in and sort and start working on adding them to our FAQ page throughout today and the rest of this week.

So again, thank you all and have a wonderful day.

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Questions:   Early Education Division |
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 14, 2023
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