ASSIST 21st CCLC RFA Instructions
Instructions for the FY 2022-23 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Request for Applications (RFA).The After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) is an online grant application and reporting system used for all expanded learning programs funded by the California Department of Education (CDE). The ASSIST allows users to apply for and manage grants. Grantees are required to use ASSIST for attendance, expenditure, and other reporting processes.
After School Support and Information System Logon Instructions
Completing the Application
Cover Page
Grant Requests Page
Core Grant Budget
Equitable Access Budget
Download, Print, and Sign Before the Application Due Date
Multiple Applications
Final Review
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Application Identification Number
Mail Application(s)
The 21st CCLC and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) RFAs have now merged into one 21st Century RFA.
Note: Only the RFAs have merged into one document; applicants must still submit separate applications for 21st CCLC Elementary/Middle sites and ASSETs High School sites.
Hard copies of the application(s) (21st CCLC Elementary/Middle and/or ASSETs High School) must be submitted to the CDE no later than, Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Postmarks will be honored.
Note: No hard-copy submissions to the CDE are required or will be accepted as completion of these items. Only one Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST) narrative is allowable per After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) application.
Applicants with active and valid County-District-School (CDS) codes are able to apply for grant funding. Please notify the CDE, Expanded Learning Division if your application has a current site with an existing 21st CCLC or ASSETs grant that will be changing or updating their CDS code. Please visit the ASSIST web page.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply; however, they must have verifiable data for fiscal year 2020–21 in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) to be considered in the Funding Determination process.
Applicants requesting funding for schools that do not have CDS codes should contact the 21st Century Helpdesk at to request a hard copy application.
After School Support and Information System Logon Instructions
Please visit the ASSIST web page. All applicants must have a secure logon to access the grant application.
To obtain a secure logon for ASSIST, choose instructions from one of the options listed below:
- Any agency currently receiving expanded learning funding from the CDE must log onto ASSIST using their existing account. Please contact your agency lead for your secure logon.
- Any agency NOT currently receiving before or after school funding from the CDE must gain ASSIST access in one of two ways:
- If the applicant is a school district, county office of education, or state college or university, please email to request your LEA's secure logon. Please state the full name of the Local Education Agency in your request. The Expanded Learning Division will issue this initial logon to any agency personnel making the request. Once the agency is awarded funding, the logon will be changed and reassigned to the agency’s superintendent for security purposes.
- If the applicant is a direct-funded charter school, government agency, or qualifying non-profit agency, please click the Non-Local Education Agency (LEA) Registration link on the ASSIST’s main web page. Follow the prompts to create your secure logon and register your agency.
Click the Save button.
Note: If you are a direct-funded charter school, please make sure that you select Other Public Entity from the Agency Category drop-down menu when you are entering your Non-LEA Agency Information.
Completing the Application
Once logged onto ASSIST, click the Request for Application (RFA): 21st (131) link for CCLC and/or RFA: ASSETs (131) for the ASSETs link to begin your grant application. This will take you to the RFA Checklist (Main Page).
Cover Page
Begin the application process by clicking the Enter Data link next to the application item labeled Cover Page. This prompt will bring up the Questions and Contacts sections.
Respond to the items in the Questions section. Check the box to indicate a “Yes”. Leave the check box blank to indicate a “No”. Click the Save button.
Click the Add button to add contact information. This will take you to the Manage Contacts page. Use the Type drop-down menu to select a contact type (Authorized Agent, Co-Applicant, Fiscal, Program, Other, and Sub-contractor).
Non-LEA applicants (including direct-funded charter schools) must include contact data for an Authorized Agent. All other contact types are desired, but not required. Please note that funding priority is given those applicants with a designated Co-applicant. Do not abbreviate address information such as “Rd.” for Road or “St.” for Street. Include current phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
LEAs (any agency with a seven-digit County-District code) applicants do not need to enter an Authorized Agent. Superintendent contact data will automatically appear on the Cover Page in the forms packet. Please note that funding priority is given those applicants with a designated Co-applicant. All other contact types are desired, but not required.
Click the Save button after adding each contact type. Click the Cover Page button to go back to the RFA Cover Page to review the contact data. Scroll down and click the Save as Final button.
To update a contact’s data , click the Edit link adjacent to the contact’s name on the RFA Cover Page. This will take you back to the Manage Contacts page. After the updates are complete, click the Save button. Click the Cover Page button to go back to the RFA Cover Page. Re-click the Save as Final button to update any portion of the application.
Changes are accepted up to the application due date. To update any part of the application, click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item you wish to update. Re-click the Save as Final button to update any portion of the application.
Grant Requests Page
Click the Enter Data link next to the application item labeled Grant Requests Page.
Identifying School Sites
Click the Add School button to request program funding. Enter the school’s 14-digit CDS code.
The ASSIST will determine your school type based on grades served as reported to the CDE as designated in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System web page. Only schools serving elementary and middle school students will be accepted for the 21st CCLC application, and only schools serving high school students will be accepted for the ASSETs application.
Check all funding types for which the school is applying.
- Funding types offered for the 21st CCLC application are After School Base, After School Summer/Supplemental, Before School Base, Before School Summer/Supplemental, and Equitable Access.
- The only funding type offered for the ASSETs application is After School Base.
- Check all that apply for that individual school. Click Save.
Look for the confirmation message stating School programs saved. If the school code does not match the information in the California Public Schools Directory, please visit the California Public Schools Directory web page. A red error message will appear stating, “You have entered an invalid CDS code. Please check the number and try again.” Retry adding the school using the correct 14-digit CDS code. For CDS code help, please visit the California Public School Directory web page.
Repeat to add another school to the application request.
Click the Grant Requests button to ensure the list of schools is complete and accurate.
To delete a school from the list, click the Edit link to the right of the school name.
Uncheck the box indicating the school and funding type. Click the Save button. The school will no longer appear on the Grant Requests Page.
Requesting Funding for School Sites
To request school award amounts, click the Request Funds link to the right of the school name on the Grant Request Page.
21st Century Community Learning Centers Applicants
For After School Base funding, enter the number of days the program will operate and the number of students you propose to serve daily. After School Base programs must operate on every regular school day, including minimum school days.
For After School Summer/Supplemental funding, enter the amount of money being requested.
Note: After School Summer/Supplemental funding is capped at 30 percent of the sum total of all After School Base awards at the site (including After School Education and Safety [ASES] and 21st CCLC funding). Any request made above the legislative maximum will be adjusted at time of award.
For Before School Base funding, enter the number of days the program will operate and the number of students you propose to serve daily. Before School Base programs must operate on every regular school day, including minimum school days.
For Before School Summer/Supplemental funding, enter the amount of money being requested.
Note: Before School Summer/Supplemental funding is capped at 30 percent of the sum total of all Before School Base awards at the site (including ASES and 21st CCLC funding). Any request made above the legislative maximum will be adjusted at time of award.
For Equitable Access funding, enter the amount of the funding requested. The maximum award amount for the Equitable Access program is $25,000 per school site.
After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Applicants
For After School Base funding, enter the amount of the funding requested. The maximum award amount for the After School Base funding is $254,500 per school site.
Once you are satisfied with the request amounts, click the Save button. Click the Grant Requests button to view your list of schools.
Repeat the above processes to establish the request amount for the next school. Click the Save All Grant Requests as Final button to submit your grant requests.
Changes are accepted up to the application due date. To update any part of the application, click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item you wish to update. Re-click the Save as Final button to update any portion of the application.
Core Grant Budget
Click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item labeled Budget-Core. Input the program budget by line item for the total Core request. Core includes After School Base, After School Summer/Supplemental, Before School Base, and Before School Summer/Supplemental. Input a description in the Description fields for each corresponding budgeted line item. The budget amount for the Indirect Cost line item is calculated automatically based on the sub-total of the budget amounts entered in Object Series 1000 – 5000 (excluding 5100). The Indirect Cost Rate is capped at 5% or your approved CDE rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22, whichever is less. ASSIST will auto-calculate the total amount. Click the Tab key to move down, Shift-Tab key to move up, or your cursor to move to between fields. Adjust as necessary. Click the Save button to save your figures. Once complete, click the Save as Final button to submit your budget.
Note: ASSIST will not allow the budgeting of amounts that exceed the legislative caps, including large school adjustments.
Equitable Access Budget (21st CCLC Only)
Complete this portion of the application only if you have applied for Equitable Access funding for one or more schools. Click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item labeled Equitable Access Budget. Input the program budget by line item for the total Equitable Access request. Input a description in the Description fields for each corresponding budgeted line item. The budget amount for the Indirect Cost line item is calculated automatically based on the sub-total of the budget amounts entered in Object Series 1000 – 5000 (excluding 5100). The Indirect Cost Rate is capped at 5% or your approved CDE rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22, whichever is less. ASSIST will auto-calculate the total amount. Click the Tab key to move down, Shift-Tab key to move up, or your cursor to move to between fields.Adjust as necessary. Click the Save button to save your figures. Once complete, click the Save as Final button to submit your budget.
Click the RFA Checklist button. Check the status column to ensure all required application items have been submitted. Required application items include the Cover Page, Grant Requests Page, and applicable Budgets.
Changes are accepted up to the application due date. To update any part of the application, click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item you wish to update. Re-click the Save as Final button to update any portion of the application.
Download, Print, and Sign Before the Application Due Date
Click the RFA Checklist button. Select the set of forms labeled Cover Page to be printed from the Application Page drop-down menu. Use the viewing window to review the information contained in the form. If complete and accurate, select the Portable Document Format (PDF) file format on Export Icon drop-down menu. A downloadable PDF file will emerge. Open the file and review. Do not overwrite pre-populated data. If you detect errors, click the RFA Checklist button to update the appropriate section(s) of your application, and try printing again.
Repeat the process above for the forms labeled Co-Applicant Signatures, Signatures and Approvals, Award Calculator, and the Private, Assurances, etc.
Click the RFA Checklist button. Select the set of forms labeled Program Income Fee Survey to be printed from the Application Page drop-down menu. Select the Word file format from the Export Icon drop-down menu. A downloadable Word document will emerge. These forms are not pre-populated and will require manual operations. Open the Word form and fill out manually.
Repeat the process above for the forms labeled FFATA Reporting (Non-LEAs only), Designee and Off-site (if applicable), and the Checklist.
Note: If names of principals or superintendents appear incorrect on the Signatures and Approvals form, please have your county-district-school coordinator make the corrections. You can get assistance by visiting the CDE County District School Administration Web page. We will accept new principal signatures while the California School Directory updates are being processed. You may line through the former principal name and write in the name of the new principal who will be signing the application.
Multiple Applications
While it is permissible to submit multiple applications, it is not recommended. If an additional application is desired, it is best to complete one application before beginning another. The ASSIST will naturally revert back to the most recent application created. Exercise caution when toggling and printing multiple applications. See application number at the top of each page to ensure proper grouping.
Final Review
Changes to the ASSIST are accepted up to the application due date. To update any part of the application, click the RFA Checklist button. Click the Enter Data link next to the application item you wish to update. Re-click the Save as Final button to update any portion of the application. Reprint the updated application item and gather the necessary signatures.
21st CCLC and ASSETs Grant Application Identification Number and FAAST Narrative
Once you have received a 21st CCLC and/or ASSETs Grant Application Identification Number from the ASSIST (printed at the top of the forms) you must manually input that number into Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST) when you upload your program narratives. Once you create your account in FAAST there will be a location on the Organization page to input the ASSIST-generated Grant Application Identification Number. If you do not input your ASSIST Grant Application Identification Number we may not be able to identify your application narrative.
Mail Application(s)
An original signed application packet must be postmarked on, or before Tuesday, November 16, 2021 and mailed to the Expanded Learning Division. Postmarks will be honored. Mail the original application packet to the address below:
California Department of Education
Expanded Learning Division
1430 N Street, Suite 3400
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Due to COVID restrictions, in-person delivery of applications to the CDE is not currently allowed.