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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for the FY 2023-24 Cohort 14 Request for Applications.

The deadline for this application has passed.

The FAQs below are based on the California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division Helpdesk submissions regarding the Request for Applications (RFAs) for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) for Elementary and Middle Schools Program and the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program. Each section below is designed to align with the layout of the RFAs.

After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) and Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST)
Critical Dates for the Application Process
Program Types and Funding
Eligibility Requirements
Application and Program Requirements
Application Reviewers and Quality Designation
Funding Priority
Geographic Funding Distribution


What impact did the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) have on the 21st Century Program?

In 2015, the ESEA was reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Information on ESSA can be found at the U.S Department of Education ESSA page. External link opens in new window or tab. This new legislation expands state and local accountability for student academic achievement as well as overall success and emphasizes the importance of adopting research or evidence-based practices.

What changes have been made to the Cohort 14 21st CCLC and ASSETs Programs RFA process?

Several changes have occurred from the previous RFA cohort cycle (please note this is a general list and is not meant to be all-inclusive). Applicants should refer to the 21st Century RFA for specific requirements:

  • Clarification on the role of Co-Applicant(s) and their legal responsibility over all sites listed in the application (Please refer to Section V. Application and Program Requirements, E: Co-Applicant and Jointly Submitted Applications, in this RFA)
  • Six virtual trainings and assessments must be completed and passed with a score of no less than 80 percent by every Applicant and Co-Applicant listed on the grant application by the application deadline as specified on the RFA.
    • Note: Documentation that each Applicant and Co-Applicant have taken and passed each of the six assessments with a score of no less than 80 percent does not have to be submitted to the CDE with this application. However, the CDE recommends keeping a copy of the passing scores for the records of all applying.
  • Grant reductions will not be implemented in 2021–22 due to past COVID related suspensions.
What are the main differences between the 21st CCLC and After School Education and Safety (ASES) Programs?

The ASES Program is a state-funded grant program while the 21st CCLC Program is a federally funded program. The ASES Program is based primarily on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FRPM) percentage whereas the 21st CCLC Program requires a more competitive process. Each program has specific eligibility and programmatic requirements such as attendance and evaluation reporting requirements that can be found in their respective RFAs.

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After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) and Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST)

I do not have an ASSIST account, can I still apply for 21st CCLC funding?

Please contact for further information and instructions. Applicants must have an ASSIST logon and must complete the application using ASSIST.

I am entering grant award requests and finding that the math doesn't work out exactly right. For example, 180 days x 83 students = $152,089.20, or not quite the maximum request (180 days x 84 students = $153,921.60). Can we request an amount over the limit, knowing that it will be adjusted downward to the cap?

Yes, if you calculate over the maximum legislative cap, the CDE will adjust it back down to the allowable maximum.

We would like to know whether or not it is okay to have separate signature pages for each school or if all the principals need to sign on the same page. We have several different school sites submitted in one proposal and it is not realistic to have them all sign on the same signature page.

Yes. You may submit separate pages per site, or have multiple signatures on one page.

I am having problems navigating in FAAST. What do I do?

All FAAST system questions should be directed to the FAAST Helpdesk at, or by calling 1-866-434-1083. The FAAST Helpdesk is available Monday–Friday (8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.).

Can we include letters of support in addition to letters of agreement from key partners (e.g., a letter from a senator in support of our program)? Is there a limit to the number/pages of letters, both partnership and general letters of support?

Yes. You may include Letters of Agreement (LOAs) and/or Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs). Each file uploaded to FAAST must be less than 25 megabytes, but there is no limit on the number of files that can be uploaded under each attachment category.

Are we able to upload tables, graphs, or charts to our application narratives? What about other documents that support our program?

The FAAST system cannot support documents such as tables, graphs, or charts and will only allow attachments for the Core Grant Budget form from ASSIST, a Budget Narrative, MOUs/LOAs showing collaborative partnerships, and the Equitable Access Budget form (if applicable) from ASSIST.

What is the limit for the number of LOAs/MOUs that can be uploaded to FAAST as part of the application?

Each file uploaded to FAAST must be less than 25 megabytes, but there is no limit on the number of files that can be uploaded under each attachment category. Documents uploaded that are not part of the required content, will not be read.

Do the character limits in FAAST include spaces?

Yes, the character limits for each text box include spaces and punctuation.

I am submitting my narrative in FAAST but the Status tab keeps coming up as “Application in Progress (not submitted).” How do I get that changed to “Submitted as Final?”

To submit the narrative as final, you must click “Preview/Submit” button, then the “Application Completion Check” button. If that comes back satisfactory, then input the submitter’s initial into the box and click the “Submit” button to finalize the application. After submitting, you should see a confirmation screen (and you should receive an email confirming submission as final). To confirm, the PIN number will appear under the “Submitted Applications” menu section rather than the “Active Applications” menu section.

Please note: FAAST narratives must be identified as “Submitted as Final” or the application narrative will be disqualified.

Do I have to submit a separate application and narrative for my Elementary/Middle school and High School sites?

Yes, although the 21st CCLC and ASSETS programs are now merged into one RFA, applicants are required to submit a separate application packet and FAAST narrative for EACH funding type. Note: Only one FAAST narrative is allowable per ASSIST identification number.

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Critical Dates for the Application Process

Is the CDE planning an orientation for this next cohort of the 21st Century grant program?

Yes. A series of virtual trainings and assessments will be required of all Applicants and Co-Applicants prior to the deadline specified in the RFA.

[The trainings and assessments are no longer available.]

Can my organization request a time extension if we think we might miss the deadline?

No. The original application packet must be postmarked on, or before the application deadline as specified on the RFA and mailed to the Expanded Learning Division. In-person delivery of application to the CDE is not currently allowed, all applications must be sent using United States mail.

Submission deadline for FAAST application narratives uploaded and submitted as Final into FAAST by 4:00p.m. No late submissions will be accepted into the online system.

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Program Types and Funding

Can we just apply for a before school program or do we have to apply for a before school and after school program?

No. In order for grantees to apply for Before School Base grants, they must also apply an After School Base request in this RFA.

In addition, split funding will not be allowed between cohorts due to grants "sunsetting" in varying years. If you apply for a school site in one cohort for only one component, you cannot add an additional component to that site in a different cohort. For example, ABC Elementary was awarded an after school base grant in cohort 13. This site cannot apply for a before school base or summer/supplemental funding in the current cohort 14 RFA.

Our agency is interested in applying on behalf of three local high schools for three different following funds: ASSETs: Base Grant and Summer. Will one grant application suffice for all of these funds?

Yes, you may apply for several school sites with several program types under one application. However, the 21st CCLC Elementary/Middle require separate application from the 21st Century High School ASSETs application. (Note: There is one subprogram type for which 21st Century High School ASSETs funding is granted, After School Base.)

If we are applying for a 21st CCLC summer grant, can we use the funds to support programs on the weekends?

Yes. Education Code (EC) Section 8483.76[a] states that a program is eligible to receive a summer grant to operate the program in excess of 180 regular schooldays or during any combination of summer, weekends, intersession, or vacation periods.

What is the max cap for summer programs?

Funding for After School Summer/Supplemental programs is as follows: $10.18 per participating student per day. After School Summer/Supplemental grants may not exceed 30 percent of the site's total After School Base grant (including any existing ASES After School Base grant.)

For example, if an elementary school receives the maximum 21st CCLC grant amount of $152,662.50, their summer grant cannot exceed $45,798.75.

If we have an existing ASES or 21st CCLC after school program, can we use 21st CCLC funds to add a summer school program?

Yes. After School Summer/Supplemental requests must be accompanied by an After School Base request in this RFA or the site must currently have an ASES base after school program in order to be eligible to apply.

Note: Funds must supplement, not supplant, existing services and may not be used to supplant federal, state, local, or nonfederal funds. Programs may not use 21st CCLC funds to pay for existing levels of service funded from any other source.

What is the difference between after school base and after school summer?

After school base is an after-school program provided during the regular school year that operates every regular school day. After school summer/supplemental is outside of the regular school year that may operate during intersession, vacation, and summer periods.

In the 21st CCLC section of the RFA there is language for a large school adjustment, but no such language appears in the ASSETs section. Therefore, it appears that a small high school with 400 students and a large high school with 3000 students could both receive the same amount of funding. Is this correct?

That is correct. Refer to Program Types and Funding in the RFA for information on the minimum and maximum amount allowed for both 21st CCLC and ASSETS programs.

When requesting summer funds that do not exceed 30 percent of the total grant amount, does that total include Equitable Access funds or just the base and summer funding total?

Summer max cap calculations do not include Equitable Access, but do include all other before and after school programs, including ASES (if it is a dual-funded site).

Can a high school ASSETs program apply for Equitable Access (EA) funds?

No. Equitable Access (EA) grants are optional funds intended to supplement 21st CCLC Elementary/ Middle After School Base program grants by helping provide access to 21st CCLC programs according to needs determined by the local community (EC Section 8484.8[b][1]). EA grants are only available for our 21st CCLC (elementary/ middle school) programs.

Can we apply for just Equitable Access funds?

No. EA requests must be accompanied by a 21st CCLC After School Base Request in this current RFA. Only those eligible sites funded with a 21st CCLC After School Base grant through this current RFA will be considered for EA funding.

What are the requirements for seeking approval from CDE to charge program fees?

All programs must receive approval, in writing, from the CDE prior to implementing a fee-based system. Programs intending to charge fees must complete the Program Income and the Program Income Narrative forms included in the 21st CCLC RFA as followed:

  • Clearly indicate the intention to charge fees in the grant application
  • Identify the proposed fees
  • Offer a sliding scale, in accordance with district policies, that is thoroughly described in the application
  • Offer scholarships for those who cannot afford the fees
  • Certify no student or family member will be excluded from such activities due to their inability to pay established fee
  • Identify how the agency’s accounting system will be able to accurately track and report both the collection and expenditure of the fees separate from grant fees
  • Identify how fees will be used to support the 21st CCLC program
  • Use all income resulting from the collection of fees exclusively to fund 21st CCLC activities as approved in the grant application

Submit additional documentation as required or requested at the discretion of the CDE

What if we don’t get approval to collect program fees during the application process? Can we seek approval after we are funded?

If the program is not approved to charge fees the first year or at the time of applying for funding, they must request and receive approval, in writing, from the CDE prior to implementing a fee-based system in any subsequent funding year(s). 

The request to implement a fee-based system as outlined above includes, but is not limited to, the narrative which describes related activities related to the collection, reporting, and expenditure of program fees will be reviewed and determined for approval by the CDE. If approved, such activities are subject to audit and monitoring activities by the CDE.

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Eligibility Requirements

Who is eligible to apply for 21st Century funds?

An “eligible entity” refers to a LEA, community-based organization (CBO), Indian tribe or tribal organization (25 U.S.C. Section 5130), another public or private entity, or a consortium of two or more such agencies, organizations, or entities (20 U.S.C. Section 7171[b][3]). Examples of entities eligible to apply for 21st Century funds include:

•  LEAs, including school districts and county offices of education, and direct funded charter schools
•  Private schools, provided that they serve public school students
•  Nonprofit agencies
•  Public entities, city and county government agencies, organizations, or other private entities
•  Institutions of higher education
•  Native American tribes or tribal organizations
•  Community Based Organizations

Eligible entities may not apply for this RFA if they are:

•  ASES Programs seeking before school or equitable access funding.
•  Current 21st CCLC or ASES sites that have received a grant reduction in the most current year of reductions due to the agency not meeting the attendance targets. This applies to each component in the application (ex- current before school base to proposed before school base).

Are schools eligible to apply for grant funding if they meet the Title I criteria, but are not listed or designated in a formal manner as Title I?

No. Based on the federal law (see 20 U.S.C. §7174 [b][2][F]), a school must be designated as a Title I school in order to be eligible to apply. The application must target services to students who attend Title 1 schools with at least 40% FRPM that: (1) are implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities, or targeted support and improvement activities under 20 U.S.C. Section 6311(d), or (2) other schools determined by the LEA to be in need of intervention and support (also Title 1) to improve student academic achievement and other outcomes, and serve the families of such students.

Are districts eligible to apply for grant funding if they are not listed or designated as a Title I district?

Yes. As long as the school listed on their application is designated as Title I and the district is proposing to serve Title I students. The application must target services to students who attend Title 1 schools with at least 40% FRPM that: (1) are implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities, or targeted support and improvement activities under 20 U.S.C. Section 6311(d), or (2) other schools determined by the LEA to be in need of intervention and support (also Title 1) to improve student academic achievement and other outcomes, and serve the families of such students.

We have a 501(c)(3) enrichment center. Do we apply as the agency or do we need to partner with a LEA?

Eligible entities may apply without an LEA partner, but the eligible entity will not qualify for the joint submission funding priority. When applying without an LEA partner, the eligible entity must still have approval to provide services at a public school from the public school’s LEA in the form of the LEA’s Authorized Signature on the cover page of the application. Applications without the LEA approval, will be disqualified with one exception. This exception is when the eligible entity intends to provide services at a site other than a public school, they do not need the LEA’s permission. Instead, they must have informed the LEA of their intention to provide after school services to the students at the public school site, and have record of doing so upon audit request.

I have a kindergarten through twelfth grade school. Can I apply for 21st CCLC (for my elementary/middle school students) and ASSETs (for my high school students) using just one application in ASSIST or FAAST?

No. You must apply for the 21st CCLC Elementary/Middle Program serving grades kindergarten through ninth grade, and the ASSETs Program serving nine through twelfth grade, separately. The EC sets the maximum total after school grant amount at $152,662.50 per year for elementary schools and $203,550 per year for middle and junior high schools (EC Section 8482.55[c]). Ninth grade can only be funded if it is part of a middle/junior high school.

Funding will be based on the grade span served in FY 2021–22 reported in the Public Schools Data downloadable file from the CDE Public Schools and Districts Data Files web page. If no data exists for grades served, the CDE will base funding on the grades offered.

Can an ASES program that is funded at the maximum level with a waiting list apply for this funding to increase the capacity of their expanded learning program?

Yes. A currently funded ASES grantee may apply for 21st Century funds, if the ASES site(s) have not received a grant reduction in the most current year of reductions due to the agency not meeting the attendance targets. This applies to each component in the application (ex- current before school base to proposed before school base).

Are municipal departments allowed to apply for this funding, or is it just schools? In order to qualify, will the program need to take place at a school site—or will community centers and parks work?

Yes. Per the RFA Eligibility Requirements, a public entity, city and county government agencies, organization, or other private entities may apply for 21st Century funds provided they propose to serve Title I schools that have school wide programs. However, in order to receive funding priority consideration, the application must be jointly submitted by at least one Title I LEA and another eligible entity. Applicants proposing to operate an after school program at a site other than that of the regular school day activity, must complete the Off-site Program Information form (part of the ASSIST forms identified in the Application Checklist in the RFA). The program site must be located at a safe and easily accessible facility.

My school does not have a CDS code yet and therefore, we do not have FRPM data. Where is the estimated FRPM worksheet?

The CDE no longer accepts the estimated FRPM worksheet as a process for determining a site's FRPM percentage. In order to be considered for funding, sites must have an active CDE code and verifiable data for fiscal year 2021-22 in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) to be considered in the Funding Determination process.

Will our application be disqualified if the Cover Page is not signed by our Superintendent and our two Co-applicants?

Yes. All original authorized signatures from the applicant or designee, and all other co-applicants are due at the time the application forms are submitted to the CDE, or the application will be disqualified. An original “wet” signature, using blue ink, from an Authorized Signature, Designee, or Co-applicant is required. Applications that are submitted with signature stamps, electronic stamps, or any form of reproduced stamp will be disqualified. Original signatures on the Cover Page and Co-Applicant page represent a certification that all of the forms submitted through this RFA have been reviewed, acknowledged, and completed, and that all grant compliance will be shared equally by the signing entities.

However, if the application is signed by the Superintendent only, but not by the two co-applicants, the co-applicants will both be dropped from the application, but the application will still move forward as a single applicant submission. In this scenario, the application will not receive funding priority for a joint submission since neither co-applicant signed the application.
Will our school sites be disqualified if we do not have the Principal’s signatures on the Signature and Approvals form?

Yes. All original authorized signatures of the school principals or executive directors of a direct-funded charter school are due at the time the application forms are submitted to the CDE, or the school site will be disqualified (see the Signature and Approvals form in Section IX. Application Checklist in this RFA). An original “wet” signature using blue ink is required.

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Application and Program Requirements

What is the geographic range that we should consider when identifying private schools? Would identifying all the private schools in each charter school’s zip code be sufficient?

To identify the private schools located in the attendance area, please visit the CDE California School Directory web page. Applicants must retain documentation of the private school consultation certification form for audit and state monitoring purposes. Please see additional information and guidance regarding private school consultation requirements on the CDE Guidance Document web page.

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Application Reviewers and Quality Designation

How was the scoring rubric developed?

The application scoring rubrics for the 21st Century RFA were developed by subject matter experts based on the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California.

Where can I find the California Quality Standards?

The Quality Standards can be found on the Afterschool Network External link opens in new window or tab. web page.

Cohort 13 was scored by the reviewers on a pass/no pass basis in order to get to the priority funding step. Is the same process in effect for Cohort 14?

The process for Cohort 14 is as follows:

Reviewers will be asked to determine whether application narratives are either Passing or Not Passing, based on whether the narrative adequately describes a quality program using the criteria in the RFA. If the reviewers determine that the narrative describes a quality program then the application will be determined as Passing and will move forward in the review process for funding priority consideration.

If the reviewers determine that the narrative does not describe a quality program, then the application will be determined as Not Passing and will not move forward in the review process. Applicants that receive a Not Passing score will be notified in writing by the CDE and be given the scores for each question in the rubric as determined by the reviewers. Specific comments from reviewers will not be provided.

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Funding Priority

What is the application review and funding determination process and how does that tie in to funding priority?

Funding priority is only applied to those applications that successfully passed the initial CDE screening and received a passing score for their narratives. Those determined to be of passing quality are then considered for school level funding based on the priority categories for each school site. The required priority categories are outlined in both state and federal statute (see the 21st Century RFA for the specific categories).

Funding priority begins with school sites that meet five priority items (21st CCLC) and four priority items (ASSETs) and will continue as far down into subsequent priority groups as funding is available.

Priority groupings in which there are more school sites than funding is available in the geographic funding distribution categories (see Geographic Funding Distribution section below) will be ordered and funded from highest to lowest Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FRPM) percentage. In the case of a tie, FRPM percentage between school sites and the overall count of passing scores for each question in the application narrative, as determined by the reviewers, will be used as a tiebreaker.
What is the difference between a Co-applicant and Jointly Submitted application?

Technically, they are the same thing although the state term is “co-applicant” and the federal term is “jointly submitted.” If you submit an application with one or more co-applicant(s), you are accepting all responsibilities equally with that/those co-applicant(s) and considered by the CDE as having jointly submitted an application. In this case, the application would receive priority for a joint submission with a co-applicant.

A joint or co-application is not merely a partnership where an organization is contracted to provide services. All co-applicants listed on the grant are legally responsible to carry out the terms of the grant. A 21st CCLC grant co-applicant is an organization/agency that is actively engaged in the planning and implementation of the project and has a long-term commitment of resources (fiscal and human capital). A vendor providing a product or service, such as a series of dance lessons, with no other input or responsibility for the 21st CCLC project is not a co-applicant.

The selection of appropriate 21st CCLC project co-applicants requires at a minimum the following steps:

  1. Reading the entire current 21st CCLC RFA and understanding the purpose and requirements of the grant and how it will be scored.
  2. Conducting a needs assessment and analyzing the results to identify the target populations and services needed.
  3. Identifying potential co-applicants, including educators from the targeted school(s), who have:
    • Missions aligned with the applicants;
    • Expertise working with the target population(s);
    • Resources needed by the target population(s) and/or applicants;
    • A history of working collaboratively with other agencies.
  4. All applicants and co-applicants who are funded through this RFA, must complete a series of training videos to ensure a solid understanding of the grant requirements. Note: The six virtual trainings and assessments must be completed and passed with a score of no less than 80 percent by every Applicant and Co-Applicant listed on the grant application by the application deadline.
What are the roles and responsibilities of a co-applicant?

To be considered as a joint or co-applicant, the required form (Attachment 6) must be completed and submitted with this application by all co-applicants, ensuring:

  1. The LEA and all co-applicants collaborated extensively in the planning and design of the program;
  2. Each co-applicant organization has substantial roles to play in the planning and delivery of services;
  3. All co-applicant organizations share grant resources to carry out their roles;
  4. All co-applicant organizations have significant and ongoing involvement in the management and oversight of the program;
  5. An agreement between the district/school is signed;
  6. All co-applicants and the fiscal agent understand and agree that the fiscal agent cannot act as ‘flow-through’ for grant funds.
The CDE strongly encourages applicants to consult extensively within their communities to ensure that parents, community organizations (public or private), faith-based organizations, colleges/universities, businesses, arts and cultural organizations, and other youth development agencies can work in meaningful collaboration with schools in order to become a 21st CCLC.
If we are applying with several co-applicants, can we have each co-applicant be responsible for a subset of sites on the application?

All co-applicant(s) listed on the application are legally responsible for all sites listed on the application. If co-applicant(s) only wants to assume responsibility for a subset of sites, a separate application will need to be submitted for the different co-applicant(s). If only a subset of sites get funded, all co-applicants listed on the application are legally responsible for those sites. Refer to page 1 of 3, Attachment 5 Key terms for the definition of a co-applicant.

Will our application be disqualified if our Co-applicant(s) do not complete and pass the RFA training videos and associated quizzes as required by the RFA?

Yes. All application requirements of the applicant must also be met by the co-applicant(s). If co-applicant(s) only wants to assume responsibility for a subset of sites, a separate application will need to be submitted for the different co-applicant(s) and each co-applicant will need to complete and pass the webinar and quizzes.

Our application has multiple partnerships with community organizations; does my application have to list each of them as co-applicants in order to receive priority?

The application can have multiple partnerships with community organizations and does not have to list all, or any of the partners as co-applicants. However, in order to receive priority funding consideration, at least one of those partners must apply as a co-applicant in order to receive priority for that item.

Our organization works with several different partners but we do not want to give importance to one partner over the other. Does the co-applicant have to be just one of them or can we co-apply with all of the partners?

Co-applicants are entities that apply together and are both equally responsible to the CDE for the implementation of the grant requirements. When describing potential partners in this question you may be thinking of those entities that you may have MOUs or other local agreements with who are not an applicant in the application submitted to CDE. There are no restrictions on these local MOUs or other agreements that you may enter into to supply services. However, to receive the joint submission priority credit, at least one LEA and one eligible entity must apply as co-applicants.

If an LEA wants to submit the application with more than one applicant, is this allowable?

Yes, we used to call this a consortium. We do not disqualify or limit based on the number of co-applicants. Agencies can apply with multiple co-applicants as long as the co-applicants complete and sign all the necessary forms as stated in the RFAs. This would meet the jointly submitted requirement and receive priority for that item.

Are the "key partners" mentioned in the Collaborative Partnerships section of the 21st Century RFA the same thing as the "jointly submitting entity" mentioned in the Funding Priorities of the application?

Not necessarily. A partner may be a co-applicant as part of a joint application submission, but not all partners need to be a co-applicant. Collaborative partners can also be non-applicant organizations in your community that you work with to provide services to after school programs and students.

We do not understand how a school can meet all four priority items listed in the ASSETs RFA in order to receive first priority for funding. How can a school meet all the priorities?

Each of these priorities are evaluated separately according to statute; therefore, each site may receive priority for different circumstances compared to another site. According to both federal and state law, funding priority shall be given to 21st Century applications and/or schools if they meet any of the priority criteria. The breakdown of priority below the specific criteria listed in the RFA is to provide an example for what the process looks like and what possible priorities a site may qualify for.

Do we meet the priority if we (County Office of Education that is a non-title I LEA proposing to serve Title I students) are the lead applicant or do we also need to include one of the Title I districts as a co-applicant in order to meet that part of the priority?

The requirement to receive priority for that item is the application is jointly submitted by at least one Title I LEA and another eligible entity as full partners; so yes, you would have to co-apply with another eligible entity who would then also have to sign the cover page of the application. Simply including a signed MOU would not meet the priority funding requirements since that would only demonstrate a collaborative local agreement for services between entities, and does not meet the definition of jointly submitted as defined in the RFAs.

If the sites we are applying to operate a summer program with the expanded learning opportunities program (ELOP) funds, does that qualify for a priority item?

No. In order for sites to obtain the priority item for providing year-round expanded learning programming, they must provide year-round ASES or 21st CCLC expanded learning programs. These programs are defined as any combination of year-round programming or Summer/Supplemental programming including operation during summer, weekends, or intersession to complement existing ASES Programs or 21st CCLC After School Base programs in this RFA.


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Geographic Funding Distribution

I am a school site located in a Northern California rural area but my district (who is applying on my behalf) is located in a Northern California urban setting. Will my site be eligible for the rural or urban setting?

Geographic Funding Distribution will be determined by each individual school site location; therefore, the school site will fall in the Northern California rural designation. Please refer to the RFA for additional information.

How do I find out which geographic area I am in?

The CDE will utilize the geographic boundaries as defined by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, which defines Northern California as regions 1–4, inclusive; Central California as regions 5–8, inclusive; and Southern California as regions 9–11, inclusive. Please see the RFA for more specific information.

How do I determine whether my site is under the urban or rural designation?

Sites can determine their Rural and Urban Classifications by visiting the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) online tool External link opens in new window or tab. and entering the search criteria as directed. If a school site is unable to identify their classification using the NCES website, then the CDE will determine their classification by identifying adjacent schools surrounding the school site.

Sites in the NCES database are identified in one of the following classifications:

Urban Classifications
  • 11—City, Large
  • 12—City, Midsize
  • 13—City, Small
  • 21—Suburb, Large
  • 22—Suburb, Midsize
  • 23—Suburb, Small
Rural Classifications
  • 31—Town, Fringe
  • 32—Town, Distant
  • 33—Town, Remote
  • 41—Rural, Fringe
  • 42—Rural, Distant
  • 43—Rural, Remote
How does the Geographic Funding Distribution work?

Applications will be geographically distributed into six funding categories (northern-urban, northern-rural, central-urban, central-rural, southern-urban, and southern-rural) and be ordered for each individual school site based on funding priority first, then FRPM percentage.

How much is available in each Geographic Funding Category?

Funding amounts per geographic funding category will be based on the statutory requirements for how funds are to be allocated for 21st Century, and will be based on the percentage of students that qualify for FRPM as compared to the statewide total number of students, per geographic category.

What happens if there are not enough quality applications in each Geographic Funding Distribution category? Will the funding be redistributed?

If there are not enough quality applications for a category, the funds will be redistributed into other categories. For example, the Northern Rural funds will be redistributed to the Central and Southern Rural categories; and the Southern Urban funds will be redistributed to the Central and North Urban categories. Every effort will be made by the CDE to completely fund a site to its fully requested amount.

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Questions:   Expanded Learning Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, February 24, 2025
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