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Virtual Trainings and Assessments

All Applicants and Co-Applicants who are applying for this Request For Application must complete a series of six training videos and assessments to ensure a solid understanding of the grant requirements.

Application Requirements

The trainings and quizzes can be accessed here:
  1. Quality Standards training and quiz
  2. Grants 101 training and quiz
  3. Grant Modifications training and quiz
  4. Federal Program Monitoring training and quiz
  5. Direct Service to Pupils training and quiz
  6. Continuous Quality Improvement training and quiz

Completion of the six virtual trainings and assessments by all Applicants and Co-Applicants listed on the grant application with a score of no less than 80 percent by 4 p.m. on the specified due date. Assessments must be completed by every applicant and co-applicant(s) in which an application is submitted for the current 21st CCLC RFA Cohort 15. Completion of assessments prior to the RFA posting date will not be accepted as meeting the requirements of this current RFA. (Note: Documentation that each Applicant and Co-Applicant have taken and passed each of the six assessments with a score of no less than 80 percent does not have to be submitted to the CDE with this application. However, the CDE recommends keeping a copy of the passing scores for the records of all applying).

Non-compliance of each Applicant and Co-Applicant listed on the grant application to take the trainings and pass the assessments with a score no less than 80 percent will result in the application being disqualified from the process. If the Applicant does not pass with a score of 80 percent or higher, they may retake the training and quiz on, or before, November 16, 2023.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 09, 2024
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