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Consortium Online Application Instructions 2022-23

Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, Title III, Part A, English Learner Student Program Subgrant.

Fiscal Year: 2022–23
Application Window: July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022
Quick Links:


Per the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Section 3114(b), State educational agencies cannot award Title III English Learner (EL) student program subgrants under a $10,000 threshold. Local educational agencies (LEAs) that generate a formula subgrant of less than $10,000 in any school year must apply for and participate in the EL student program as a member of a consortium. LEAs that fail to join a consortium or respond by the application deadline cannot be guaranteed funding.

LEAs that are direct-funded eligible (have enough EL students to generate a $10,000 entitlement) have the option to participate in a consortium if they choose.

Step 1: Accept Funding via the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS)

Each LEA must log into the CARS by August 15, 2022 and:

  1. Accept Title III Funds, and
  2. Agree to comply with the program assurances and complete the Title III proposed budget page.

Step 2: Review Consortium and Eligibility Requirements

LEAs should review:

  1. Consortium eligibility on the California Department of Education (CDE) Title III English Learner Student Program Subgrant Consortium Details web page.
  2. Title III EL Funding profile on the CDE Request for Application Title III English Learner Student Program Subgrant web page.

Step 3: Formation of the Consortium and Determine the Lead LEA

  1. LEAs required to form a consortium because of the funding threshold should reach out to county offices of education, districts, and/or other charter schools, to form a consortium and choose a lead.
  2. Another option is to contact the lead LEA of one of the existing consortiums and request to join.


  • The consortium must collectively produce an entitlement of $10,000 or more.
  • The lead LEA acts as the fiscal agent and is the sole subgrantee. Responsibilities include submitting the COA, developing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), developing and/or updating the Title III Federal Addendum Consortium Summary, and distribute copies to member LEAs. (20 United States Code §6826), and files required reports.

Step 4: Initiate the COA

  1. The lead LEA uses a universal password and a unique personal identification number (PIN) assigned by the CDE to gain access to the COA.
  2. The lead LEA adds the member LEAs and their contacts information.
  3. The direct link to the 2022–23 COA (closed).
  4. An automatic email is sent from the COA to all member LEAs directing them to complete their section of the COA.


  • The COA can only be initiated and submitted by the lead LEA.
  • Changes to the application after submission require approval from all consortium members.
  • The application link is refreshed every year.

Step 5: Member LEAs access the COA

  1. Member LEAs gain access to the COA (closed) using their universal password and unique PIN assigned by the CDE.
  2. Member LEAs enter their contact information and confirm consortium participation.
  3. After all member LEAs have accessed and approved the COA, an automatic email is sent from the COA to the lead LEA alerting them to return to the COA to finish the application.

Step 6: Submit the COA

  1. The lead LEA returns to the COA to finalize and submit the application.
  2. The lead LEA agrees to the consortium assurances by checking the boxes.
  3. The lead LEA confirms that the consortium budget collectively meets the funding threshold ($10,000).
  4. Only the lead LEA is allowed to charge the direct administration cost of not more than two percent of the consortium subgrant total.
  5. The lead LEA presses the submit button.
  6. The COA redirects the lead LEA to a confirmation page.
  7. The lead LEA prints the application acceptance confirmation page and maintains a file copy.
Note: It is highly recommended that the lead LEA share a copy of the COA with the member LEAs.

Step 7: Prepare the MOU

  1. The lead LEA reviews the information and sample MOU on the CDE Title III EL Student Program Subgrant Consortium Details web page.
  2. The lead LEA, in collaboration with each consortium member, develops the MOU and the Title III Consortium Federal Addendum Consortium Summary.
  3. The lead and member LEAs maintain file copies of MOU and the Title III Consortium Federal Addendum Summary.

Step 8: Acknowledge Subgrant Considerations

  1. This is not a pass-through subgrant. Funds may not be directly allocated and/or distributed to member LEAs. The lead LEA provides services and products to member LEAs as outlined in the MOU.
  2. It is recommended that consortium members exchange contact information.
  3. Funding cannot be guaranteed for LEAs that fail to respond by the application deadline.
  4. Each funding year is a separate subgrant and LEAs apply every year for the next subgrant.

Contact for Questions or Assistance

For program questions and assistance regarding the use of funds, MOU development, or assurances, please contact Geoffrey Ndirangu, Education Programs Consultant, Language Policy and Leadership Office, by phone at 916-323-5831 or by email at

For fiscal allocation questions and assistance regarding the formation of a new or the location of an existing consortium, please contact Cristina Echols Gollas, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Division Support Office, by phone at 916-323-5127 or by email at

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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