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DLIG Frequently Asked Questions

Dual Language Immersion Grant (DLIG) Frequently Asked Questions.

Allowable Activities:

Is transportation to dual language immersion (DLI) schools an allowable activity?

No. Allowable activities include instructional materials and resources, professional development for teachers and administrators, teacher recruitment, development of instructional materials and curriculum, and family and student outreach.

Can DLIG funding be used to hire coaches or Teachers on Special Assignment?

Yes. This activity is allowable under professional development or teacher recruitment.

Can DLIG funding be used to pay for teacher extra duty and substitute costs in order for teachers to attend professional development activities and trainings?

Yes. These activities are allowable under professional development.

Are administrator and teacher salaries allowable if they are related to one of the allowable activities, such as curriculum development or professional development?

Administrator salaries are not allowable. Teacher stipends for supplemental work beyond the contract day are allowable under the professional development or development of curriculum and materials activities.

Can DLIG funding be used to send fliers to families within the district? Does that count as family outreach?

Yes. The distribution of family outreach fliers is an allowable activity.

Can DLIG funding be used to provide food at DLIG events?

No. The provision of food is not an allowable activity.

Is assessment development an allowable activity?

Yes. Assessment development would be allowable as part of the development of curriculum and instructional materials under the DLIG.

Program Information:

Must programs plan to enroll both native speakers of the target language and native English speakers?

Yes. The grant requires recipients to provide integrated language learning and academic instruction for native speakers of English and native speakers of another language.

May funds be used to strengthen existing programs with adding enrollment?

No. The stated purpose of the grant is to expand current DLI programs or establish new ones.

Must new programs be up and running in year one of the grant?

There is no requirement for this in the grant. Local educational agencies (LEAs) establishing a new program typically begin with a planning year.

If the district has both two-way and one-way programs, are they still eligible?

The DLI program (two-way) is eligible for DLIG funding if it will be expanded. The one-way program is not eligible for this grant.

If we drop below the recommended 50/50 language ratio in a classroom, can we still apply for the grant?

Yes. The information in Section 6 of the Requests for Applications describing the classroom ratios in a DLI classroom is guidance, not a requirement in the DLIG statute. However, it is required that the language groups meet at least the minimum/maximum ratios described in research, evidence-based DLI program models.

Can the grant be applies to the high school world language program?

No. The stated purpose of the grant is to expand or establish DLI programs. However, a high school may use the DLIG grant to establish a DLI program.

Are the penalties for programs with shifting enrollment that fall below the 30-70 language ratio?

The DLIG statute does not include penalties, however grant recipients must adhere to the plan submitted in their application. Recruitment of students is an allowable activity.

Applying for the DLIG:

Can two different schools in one district apply separately?


Can a district submit two different applications for different languages (i.e., Spanish and Cantonese)?

Yes. There is not a limit on the number of applications submitted.

Can a county office of education (COE) submit multiple applications? For example, if we have several districts in our county that are interested, can we submit multiple applications where our COE would be the lead in each?

No. The COE may form a consortium and be the lead. If each LEA wishes to submit a separate and different application, the COE may assist the LEA. If the LEA wishes to contract with the COE for services, the LEA would stipulate that in their application. For multiple LEAs that are interested, the grant allows for the formation of a consortium. There is no limit to the number of applications submitted.

If we are a smaller school, would it increase our chance of receiving the grant if we asked for less money?

Each application is evaluated based on its merit, using the scoring rubric. The funding requested in the application should be appropriate considering the proposed activities.

Should we budget for travel to the required annual meetings, or will they be held virtually?

Meetings will be conducted virtually.

Questions:   Lorrie Kelling | | 916-319-0386
Last Reviewed: Thursday, September 12, 2024
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