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California Department of Education
Official Letter
California Department of Education
Official Letter
December 23, 2022

Dear Select Charter School Administrators:

New and Expanding Charter School Application for Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant

Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title III, Part A, the California Department of Education (CDE) provides formula subgrant awards to local educational agencies (LEAs) that demonstrate a significant increase in the enrollment of immigrant students. The Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrant funds are to be used to provide supplementary programs and services to immigrant students.

Based on the estimated data reported in the 2022 Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters Report, your LEA is identified as eligible for participation in Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrant in fiscal year (FY) 2022–23 funding. The preliminary per-pupil amount in FY 2022–23 is $150.85.

All eligible LEAs must annually apply for Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrant funding on the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS). Additionally, using the Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant Budget form on CARS, LEAs must provide a program budget showing how the projected subgrant funds will be used. Information regarding the CARS application process is available on the CDE CARS web page at

LEAs must accept assurances that they will comply with the legal requirements and annual reporting responsibilities related to state or federal programs and, as a condition of funding, must keep copies of the assurances on file. Eligibility and funding status may change once the actual data is reported via the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System. Subgrantee allocations are posted on the CDE Title III English Learner and Immigrant Programs web page at

LEAs who participate in the Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrant must maintain locally updated plans that describe how the LEAs will use the funds to serve identified immigrant students. Information regarding program requirements is available on the CDE Request for Applications web page at

All LEAs applying for ESSA funds must locally maintain an updated Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum as the ESSA Title III LEA Plan. LEAs applying for Title III subgrant funds for the first time, or those that did not receive CDE approval, must complete the LCAP Federal Addendum and submit it through the CDE LCAP Federal Addendum System at LEAs are encouraged to review the LCAP Federal Addendum annually with their LCAP, as ESSA funding should be considered in yearly strategic planning.

If you have questions regarding the Title III Immigrant Student Program, please contact Geoffrey Ndirangu, Education Programs Consultant, Language Policy and Leadership Office (LPLO), by phone at 916-323-5831 or by email at

If you have fiscal questions regarding Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrant or the application process, please contact Cristina Echols Gollas,  Associate Governmental Programs Analyst, Division Support Office, by phone at 916-323-5124 or by email at

If you have questions regarding the allocation of Title III Immigrant Student Program subgrants, please contact Derrick Andrade, Education Fiscal Services Consultant, School Fiscal Services Division, by phone at 916-327-5922 or by email at



Alesha Moreno-Ramirez, Director
Multilingual Support Division


Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 14, 2024
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