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California Department of Education
Official Letter
California Department of Education
Official Letter
August 1, 2022

Dear Select Private School Directors:

2022–23 Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant:
Private School Participation

Under Title III, Part A, Section 6824(d)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to set aside funds to provide subgrant awards to local educational agencies (LEAs) that meet eligibility requirements for participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant. You are receiving this letter because the LEA, under whose geographical jurisdiction your private school belongs, is eligible for Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant funding for provision of products and services to your private school. Therefore, your private school may request to the LEA, to participate and receive Title III products and services for use with your immigrant students.

Based on the eligible immigrant student enrollment data reported on the 2021−22 Student National Origin Report, your private school is eligible to receive Title III products and services from the public LEA for use with eligible immigrant students. To accept or decline participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program your private school must engage in timely and meaningful consultation with your respective LEA. To view a list of private schools, the number of eligible immigrant students, and their corresponding LEAs eligible for the 2022−23 Title III Immigrant Student Program participation, please visit the CDE Request for Applications Title III Immigrant Student Program web page at

If your private school would like to receive the products and services of the Title III Immigrant Student Program, please submit a request to participate to the LEA under whose geographical jurisdiction your private school belongs, and begin collaborating to create a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the provision of products and services for use with eligible immigrant students in your private school during the 2022−23 school year. The MOU should contain, at a minimum, a description of the services to be provided to eligible immigrant students, the estimated cost of those services, and the expected dates to be provided.

LEAs may not allocate Title III funds directly to private schools, but instead, the LEA provides products and services for use with eligible immigrant students enrolled in the private school.

Please note, if the LEA that has jurisdiction elects not to participate in the Title III Immigrant Student Program, or does not meet eligibility criteria, your private school will not be eligible to receive any program services.

For detailed information on private school consultation process, participation and equitable services, please visit the CDE Equitable Services Ombudsman web page at

For more information about private schools and Title III services, please visit the CDE Title III Immigrant Student Private Schools web page at

If you have any questions regarding the Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant, Private School Participation, please contact Geoffrey Ndirangu, Education Programs Consultant, Language Policy and Leadership Office, by phone at 916-323-5831 or by email at



Alesha Moreno-Ramirez, Director
Multilingual Support Division


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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