Errata for Bipartisan Safer Communities Act - SCG
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Request for Applications (RFA) errata.To County and District Superintendents and Interested Parties:
Please use this Errata to update your copy of the RFA. This Errata hereby revises as follows:
General Grant Information
Eligibility Criteria (p. 10)
Currently reads:
1 Data source: CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count Downloadable Data - Accessing Educational Data (CA Dept of Education), CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File K-12 ,School year 2021-22.
Amended to read:
1 Data source: CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count Downloadable Data - Accessing Educational Data (CA Dept of Education), CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File K-12 ,School year 2022-23.
Application Requirements (p. 13)
Currently reads:
- School Site Participant Identification Form (Attachment 2), (if applicable)
Amended to read:
- School Site Participant Identification Form (Attachment 2)
Application Information
Submitting the Application (p. 26)
Currently reads:
The LEA/consortium shall refer to the Application Checklist (Appendix A) prior to submitting their application packet to ensure that all application submission requirements are met and shall include the Application Checklist as part of the required grant application packet.
Amended to read:
The LEA/consortium shall refer to the Application Checklist (Appendix A) prior to submitting their application packet to ensure that all application submission requirements are met.
Submitting the Application (p. 27)
Currently reads:
A signed application packet must be submitted via email no later than September 12, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) to as indicated in the Timetable of Due Dates found on page 4.
Amended to read:
A signed application packet must be submitted via email no later than September 12, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) to as indicated in the Timetable of Due Dates found on page 4.
Appendix A: Application Submission (p. 29)
Currently reads:
A complete BSCA-SCG application consists of the following components:
- Intent to Submit form (received by September 12, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time)
There is no intent to submit form required. The Application must be received by September 12, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Currently reads:
- File 2 – Attachment I: BSCA-SCG Project Budget (.xlsx).
Amended to read:
- File 2 – Attachment 3: BSCA-SCG Project Budget (.xlsx).
Appendix B: Scoring Rubric (p. 32)
Currently reads:
Proposed Grant Activities — Information about the activities the LEA/consortium will undertake with the grant funding. (20 points)
Amended to read:
Proposed Grant Activities — Information about the activities the LEA/consortium will undertake with the grant funding. (25 points)
Appendix B: Scoring Rubric (p. 34)
Currently reads:
Alignment with the LCAP — Information on how proposed grant activities complement and enhance the goals, actions, and services contained in the LEA/consortium’s LCAP. (10 points)
Amended to read:
Alignment with the LCAP — Information on how proposed grant activities complement and enhance the goals, actions, and services contained in the LEA/consortium’s LCAP. (15 points)
Appendix B: Scoring Rubric (p. 36)
Currently reads:
a. Identify the Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes in the LEA/consortium’s LCAP that the LEA will use to determine BSCA-SCG impact. Provide the LEA/consortium’s FY 2022–23 base year data to be used to assess the impact of the grant program. Identify target levels that will demonstrate program success and describe how these target levels were determined.
b. Identify any additional local measures the LEA will use to determine BSCA-SCG impact. Provide the LEA’s FY 2022–23 base year data for the local measures. Identify target levels that will demonstrate program success and describe how the target levels were determined.
Amended to read:
a. Identify the Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes in the LEA/consortium’s LCAP that the LEA will use to determine BSCA-SCG impact. Provide the LEA/consortium’s most recent base year data to be used to assess the impact of the grant program. Identify target levels that will demonstrate program success and describe how these target levels were determined.
b. Identify any additional local measures the LEA will use to determine BSCA-SCG impact. Provide the LEA’s most recent base year data for the local measures. Identify target levels that will demonstrate program success and describe how the target levels were determined.
Attachment 1: Application Cover Sheet (p .2)
Currently reads:
Please provide the LEA’s data points to support the eligibility for this grant using School Year 2021-22 data:
Amended to read:
Please provide the LEA’s data points to support the eligibility for this grant using the latest available data, which is 2022-23 for UPC and 2021-22 for the other four elements of high-need.
Currently reads:
1 Data source: CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count Downloadable Data - Accessing Educational Data (CA Dept of Education), CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File K-12 ,School year 2021-22.
Amended to read:
1 Data source: CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count Downloadable Data - Accessing Educational Data (CA Dept of Education), CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File K-12 ,School year 2022-23