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Request for Applications

Youth Engagement to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities

Note: The due date for the request for applications has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.

The Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program coordinate and ensure that Health Disparities strives to offer a youth engagement approach in addressing youth tobacco education to maximize student, staff, peer and community involvement and accelerate and monitor the rate of decline in tobacco-related disparities for the purpose of eliminating tobacco-related disparities.

Program Questions: Tobacco-Use Prevention Education, email:, phone: 916-323-1540

Downloading Questions: TUPE Office at 916-323-1540, e-mail:, tel. 916-323-0218

Document Description


Duerr Evaluation Annual Report External link opens in new window or tab.

Addendum* Local Educational Agencies that receive Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Health Disparities funding are required to complete the TUPE Comprehensive Implementation Grant Annual Service Reports. The report is completed and submitted online. Reports from past years, as well as county and state aggregate results can be accessed on the Annual Online Service Report web page.
RFA Informational Webinar (PPTX) The Health Disparities Grant power point presentation serves as a resource tool for applicants applying for funding.
RFA FAQs The FAQs are incorporated by reference as a supplement to this RFA.
Intent to Submit an Application (PDF) If you intend to submit an application for the Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Health Disparities Grant Program, you are required to complete this Intent to Submit (ITS) form and mail it to the TUPE Office.
Application Cover Page (PDF)

Cover Letter announcing the TUPE Youth Engagement to Address Tobacco-Related Health Disparities.

Request for Applications (DOCX) Overview and instructions for the TUPE Grades Six through Twelve Health Disparities Grant.
Authorized Designee (PDF) An Authorized Signature refers to a person that is eligible to authorize and sign on behalf of an agency/organization in recognition that a grant application has been submitted.
Participant Identification Form (PDF) List each local educational agency (LEA) (school district or district-funded charter school) participating in the Health Disparities Grant.

Budget Summary Template (PDF)

Budget Justification Template (DOCX)

Applicants are required to provide a budget justification for funds which are awarded and granted.

Project Plan and Activities Matrix (PDF) For completion and inclusion in the application following the narrative section.
Health Disparities Certified Assurances (PDF) As the designated Authorized Signatory or Designee the following sections are certified in accordance with:

HSC 104420 Section (j), (k) (2), (k) (3), (n) (1), (n) (2), sections 104460(a), 104460(b), 104460(c),

California Education Code Section 48901, and Health and Safety Code 104559.

Funding Profile

The Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Office offers a Health Disparities Grant opportunity that encourages a youth engagement approach in addressing youth tobacco education to maximize student, staff, peer and community involvement and accelerate and monitor the rate of decline in tobacco-related disparities for the purpose of eliminating tobacco-related disparities.

Certifications and Assurances

Document Description

General Assurances & Certifications
(Posted April-2018)

Required as a condition of receiving funds. Applicants do not need to sign and return them with the application; they must be downloaded and kept on file for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits. Applicants that participate in the Consolidated Application - ConApp - should have a copy on file and do not need another copy. Program-specific assurances are not included here and should be listed separately on the Request for Application (RFA).

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
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