WIOA, Title II: AEFLA FAQs and Errata
Frequently asked questions and errata for the 2020–23 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Request for Applications.Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below are based on inquiries to the Adult Education Office regarding the Request for Applications (RFA) for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) Program. If you have additional questions, please submit them in writing to adulteducation@cde.ca.gov by December 23, 2019.
What does "Program Year 2017" mean?
For federal reporting, a program year is defined as July 1 through June 30.
- Program Year 2017 refers to July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.
- Program Year 2018 refers to July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
- Program Year 2019 refers to July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.
- Program Year 2020 refers to July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.
- When I run Federal Table 5 to find data for the Core Follow-up Outcome Measures, it shows participants but zero outcomes. What should I report for Demonstrated Effectiveness?
Due to the need to wait up to one year after exit to collect Core Follow-up Outcome Measures, agencies previously funded under AEFLA may show no outcome data on Federal Table 5. Indicate this on the Core Follow-up Outcome Measures tables by entering zeros.
- Where do l locate the data for High School Diploma (HSD) and High School Equivalency (HSE) to submit in the Demonstrated Effectiveness Data Tables 1 and 1a?
The HSD and HSE outcomes are located in the row labeled “Adult Secondary Education” in the Payment Point Summary Report.
- What should I do if there are HSE and HSD outcomes in the English as a Second language (ESL) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) row?
Only use data located in the row labeled “Adult Secondary Education” in the Payment Point Summary Report. Do not use data from other rows.
- For the HSD and HSE Certificate rows of the Demonstrated Effectiveness Data Tables 1 and 1a, should I break down the “Number of Students Enrolled With 12 or More Hours of Instruction” by HSD and HSE Certificate?
No, use the “Total Number of Enrollees Overall” in Adult Secondary Education (ASE) from the Payment Point Summary Report to complete the “Number of Students Enrolled With 12 or More Hours of Instruction” for both the HSD and the HSE Certificate rows. For example, if the Payment Point Summary Report indicates that 100 students are enrolled in Adult Secondary Education, then enter 100 for the number of students enrolled in HSD and 100 for the number of students enrolled in HSE Certificate.
- Where can I find the "Number of Students Enrolled with 12 or More Hours of Instruction" in the Payment Point Summary?
The “Number of Students Enrolled With 12 or More Hours of Instruction” is located in the area labeled “Total Number of Enrollees Overall” of the Payment Point Summary Report.
- Where can I find the “Number of Students Enrolled with 12 or More Hours of Instruction” in Table 4?
For the 2017–18 Table 4, use “Total Number Enrolled.” For the 2018–19 Table 4, use “Number of Participants.”
- If we had outcomes that are not recorded in TOPSpro Enterprise (TE), should we include that data in the Demonstrated Effectiveness section of the RFA?
Applicants previously funded under AEFLA should report data from TE. Applicants not previously funded under AEFLA may use other data sources, which must be verifiable by the California Department of Education.
- Where can I find the ASE Low (9–10) and ASE High (11–12) on the NRS Table 4?
ASE Low (9–10) and ASE High (11–12) are referred to as ABE Level 5 and ABE Level 6 respectively on the NRS Table 4.
- Where can I find the ABE Intermediate Low (4–5) and ABE Intermediate High (6–8) on the NRS Table 4?
ABE Intermediate Low (4–5) and ABE Intermediate High (6–8) are referred to as ABE Level 3 and ABE Level 4 respectively on the NRS Table 4.
- Do we add the columns labeled “Number Who Achieved at Least One Educational Functioning Level Gain” AND “Number Who Attained a Secondary School Diploma or Its Equivalent” on Table 4 (In 2017–18 it is columns D and E and in 2018–19 it is columns E and F) to get the “Average Percentage of Students Who Achieved at Least One EFL Gain” on Tables 1 and 1A?
No, include only the “Number Who Achieved at Least One Educational Functioning Level Gain.”
- Does the information to be entered in Table 1 and Table 1A labeled “Average Percentage of Students Who Achieved at Least One EFL Gain” come from the NRS Table 4 under the column labeled “Percentage Achieving Measurable Gains (H)”?
No, the percentage is calculated automatically from the numbers you enter.
The following are corrections to the RFA for the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Program.
- As of November 26, 2019, the pagination and the table of contents on the RFA document have been updated and a new file posted.
- On page 34 of the RFA, the due date for responses to considerations 1 through 12 and the projected enrollment table should be February 28, 2020.
- On pages 24, 27, 42, and 44 of the RFA, the three-asterisk (***) note regarding Core Follow-up Outcome Measures should read “***This data can be found in Federal Table 5: Primary Indicators of Performance.
- On Page 34, Authorized Signatures, delete the paragraph and two bulleted paragraphs and replace the entire section with the following:
Authorized Signature: The local educational agency Superintendent, College President, or the organization’s Chief Executive Officer must enter an authorized electronic signature and date upon submission. This certifies that all eligibility requirements set forth in this RFA, including the Assurances and Certifications, will be met. Public or private nonprofit organizations have additional assurances (See Appendix A). Additionally, the following documents require an authorized signature:
- All agencies must complete and submit the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-Award Reporting Form (AO-FFATA-001)
(PDF) with their application to the CDE. Failure to submit may delay the grant distribution or cancel the grant award (2 CFR Part 25.205).
- Agencies that are not federal, state, or local governmental agencies and have not done business with the CDE must also complete and submit the Payee Data Record Form (Std.204) with their application to the CDE. This form is accessible on the CDE Funding Forms web page.
- Agencies that are federal, state, or local governmental agencies and have not done business with the CDE must complete and submit the Government Agency Taxpayer ID Form (Government TIN)
(PDF) with their application to the CDE.
- All agencies must complete and submit the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-Award Reporting Form (AO-FFATA-001)
On Page 48, Section “Select the Program Area(s) to be Addressed with This Grant:”, Two of the three Program Areas have been updated and are to be replaced with the following:
- WIOA Section 225—Institutionalized Adults/Corrections Education
- English Language Acquisition (ELA)
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
- High School Diploma (HSD)
- High School Equivalency (HSE)
- WIOA Section 231—Adult Education
- English Language Acquisition (ELA)
- English Literacy and Civics Education (ELCE)
- Citizenship Preparation
- Civic Participation
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
- High School Diploma (HSD)
- High School Equivalency (HSE)