Lottery K-12 Expenditures for 2020–21 - Legislative Report
Executive Summary: Report to the Legislature on Lottery Expenditures for Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Education, Fiscal Year 2020–21.CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Legislative Analyst’s Office: Report on Lottery Expenditures for
Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Education, Fiscal Year 2020–21
Executive Summary
Control Section 24.60 of the 2020 Budget Act requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to collect and report to the Governor and the Legislature the amount of lottery funds received by kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) entities in fiscal year (FY) 2020–21 and the purposes for which those funds were expended.
The FY 2020–21 data show that local educational agencies (LEAs) continue to spend a significant portion (56.3 percent) of their lottery funds on salaries and benefits. Even though expenditures from lottery funds equal less than 2 percent of the total K–12 expenditures, to the extent lottery funding declines, LEAs would have to absorb ongoing costs, such as salaries and benefits, with funds from other areas of LEAs' budgets.