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Download Instructions

Instructions for downloading the SACS Software executable (EXE) files.

Before beginning the download, identify (or create) a clean subdirectory into which the sacs20YYallsetup.exe zipped file (where YY is the desired SACS version, i.e. 2015, 2014, etc.) will be download into. Right-click on the correct SACS20YYALL Software Installation File link, select "save target as" (or "save link as" or "copy to folder"), and then select the subdirectory for download.

Once the file has been downloaded, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the sacs20YYallsetup.exe file, then double-click on the file and follow the prompts to install the software.

When the SACS software is installed on the computer, the financial reporting calendars and the SACS Software User Guide will be automatically copied into the C:\SACS20YYALL\Calendars and Manuals subdirectory. To find the financial reporting calendars and the SACS20YYALL Software User Guide, use Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\SACS20YYALL\Calendars and Manuals subdirectory. In addition, to help make the software easier to use, the SACS Software User Guide is accessible from the Help menu and also from within the forms and processes in the software by pressing F1.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 13, 2025