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SACS2004ALL Software: Known Problems and Fixes

The sacs2004allsetup.exe file will not include fixes made subsequent to the SACS2004ALL software release. If any problems are found, we will list them here and provide any revised files or workaround instructions.

Problem: Gann Prior Year Data - Database Table

The prior year Gann appropriations limit and average daily attendance (ADA) data, provided in the software database and preloaded into Form GANN (lines A1 and A2 for districts and lines A1, A2, A4, and A5 for counties), are 2001–02 data instead of 2002–03 data.

Fix: To fix this problem, save (do not open) this updateganndata2.txt (TXT) file to your C:\SACS2004ALL directory. (Do not save in the Update directory as previously instructed. Doing so will cause an error when running the Update Validation process.) To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. After saving the file, open the SACS2004ALL software and run the Update Tables process. From the Main Menu click File, then Update Tables. Click on Browse for Input File, select the updateganndata2.txt file in the C:\SACS2004ALL subdirectory, and then click on the Update Tables button. Depending on your system, the update process may take a couple of minutes; a "processing completed" message will display upon completion.

Problem: Form GANN - District Appropriations Limit Calculations - Class Size Reduction

Resource 0000 does not extract into the class size reduction lines in the district GANN form. Resources 1300 and 1200 are extracted into Line C31, Class Size Reduction, K–3, and Line C32, Class Size Reduction, 9, respectively. However, since both of these resources are optional, some districts use Resource 0000 instead.  

Workaround: To work around this problem, enter any Resource 0000, Object 8434 and Resource 0000, Object 8435 amounts in the Adjustments column of lines C31 and C32, respectively.

Problem: Form GANN - County Appropriations Limit Calculations - "#VALUE!" errors

If Line A12 in the 2004–05 Calculations column of the county Form GANN is left blank, "#VALUE!" errors occur in the last section of the form beginning on Line D3.

Workaround: To work around this problem, enter a zero in Line A12.

Problem: Form GANN - County Appropriations Limit Calculations - Total Other Exclusions

For county offices only, the 2003–04 calculation for State Aid in Proceeds of Taxes (Line D13) is subtracting Total Other Exclusions (Line C25) rather than adding it, possibly causing an erroneous increase in the Appropriations Subject to the Limit (Line D18).

Fix: To fix this problem, save (do not open) the revised gann-c template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2004ALL\Templates directory, overwriting the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the C:\SACS2004ALL\Templates directory, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing gann-c.vts file, and then save the revised one. Replacing this file will not affect any data you have previously input.

After the revised gann-c.vts file is saved, open the GANN form, save it, and, if unaudited actuals data have already been submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE), check if the calculations have changed by comparing them to the original GANN form printed from the data set submitted to CDE. If the revised calculations result in an increased appropriation limit, the California State Department of Finance must be notified; if there is a change in the amount of an increased appropriation limit that was previously communicated to the Department of Finance, the Department of Finance must be notified of that change.

The county office will not be required to resubmit its unaudited actuals data as a result of this change; however, the county office should be aware of any change in calculations resulting from the revised Form GANN. Upon receipt of the county office of education's (COE's) unaudited actuals submission, CDE will open and save the COE GANN form using the revised gann-c.vts file. The calculations resulting from the revised Form GANN is what CDE will consider as the GANN submission.

Problem: Form PCR - Program Cost Report

The PCR-GF-EXPENDITURES TRC fails when entries exist that transfer indirect/administrative costs from Fund 01 to another fund using the new object 7380.

Fix: In the PCR, the row for Indirect Costs Charged to Other Funds in Column 4 has been modified to extract object 7380 as well as 7350, and the row description has been changed to Indirects/Administrative Charged to Other Funds. Save (do not open) this revised pcr template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2004ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename or delete the existing file, and then save the revised one. Replacing this file will not affect any data you have previously input.

Problem: LOT-CONTRIB-IMPORT - Technical Review Check

This fatal check is running for budget data within the unaudited actuals period but is only applicable for unaudited actuals data.

Workaround: At this time, the export process does not consider budget data, so having this error will not prevent an "official" export.

Fix: Save (do not open) this updatelotterytrc.txt (TXT) file to your C:\SACS2004ALL directory. (Do not save in the Update directory as previously instructed. Doing so will cause an error when running the Update Validation process.) To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. After saving the file, open the SACS2004ALL software and run the Update Tables process. From the Main Menu click File, then Update Tables. Click on Browse for Input File, select the updatelotterytrc.txt file in the C:\SACS2004ALL subdirectory, and then click on the Update Tables button. A "processing completed" message will display upon completion.

Problem: Form CAT - Schedule for Categoricals

In the "Deferred Rev._Federal" worksheet of Form CAT, the Description column is not frozen, making line identification for input very difficult when entering data for more columns than fit on the screen.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised cat template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2004ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing file and then save the revised one. Replacing this file will not affect any data you have previously input.

Problem: Special Education Maintenance of Effort Reports, State and Local Expenditures Overstated or Understated

Two related problems have been identified in the SACS2004ALL software that affect the Special Education Maintenance of Effort reports. The errors can either overstate or understate the "State and Local Expenditures," with an opposite effect in the "Federal Expenditures," reported in the 1) 2003–04 Expenditures by local educational agency (LEA) (LE-CY) worksheet in the SEMA report and 2) 2003–04 Expenditures by LEA (LE-B) worksheet in the SEMB report.

Workaround: No corrections will be made to the software at this time. Manual adjustments can be made by LEAs if they want to correct the amounts pulled by the software.

Problem: Error 3021 - Update Validation Process

Error 3021 is received during the Update Validation process preventing the validation tables from being updated if .txt files other than those used in the Update Validations process exist in the C:\SACS2004ALL\Update directory.

Workaround: If the Gann data fix or any other .txt files were saved in the C:\SACS2004ALL\Update directory, they must be deleted or moved before running the Update Validations process in the SACS software.

Problem: Error #20002 Invalid Argument

Loading Workbook. . .SheetFormHeader Error #20002 is received when opening a form that has more characters in the form header than will print on the form. This primarily occurs when opening the Governmental Accounting Standards Board 34 Report GSA and is due to one of the software files not properly registering on the user's computer upon installation of the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software.

Workaround: Since the form header is the only thing affected by this problem (text may get cut off), click OK on the error message and continue; the data within the form are not affected.

Problem: Run-time Error 429

Periodically, the required Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) file is not properly installed on Windows 98 machines causing a run-time error 429 upon opening the software.

Fix: Be sure all other applications are closed, then download this MDAC file: mdactyp (EXE; 7MB). Once downloaded, double-click on the file to begin installation (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly). When the installation is completed, the software should open properly.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 06, 2024
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