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SACS2006ALL Software: Known Problems/Fixes

The sacs2006allsetup.exe file will not include fixes made subsequent to the SACS2006ALL software release. If any problems are found, we will list them here and provide any revised files or work-around instructions.

Problem: Criteria and Standards - Interim Report (all local educational agencies)

In Form 01CSI, when the Reserves criterion (Criterion 8 for counties and Criterion 10 for districts and joint power agencies) has been met for the Current Year and no data exist for the first Subsequent Year, the Met/Not Met status in the Current Year column displays as Not Met instead of as Met.

Work-around: This will be fixed in next year's software. In the meantime, enter data into the first Subsequent Year column to trigger the correct calculation for the current year reserves status.

Problem: Exporting Data (New Dec-2006)

Receive Error 75 - Path/File Access Error when attempting to export either Official or Other. This appears to be happening when the software has been installed to other than the default drive and/or directory.

Work-around: We are currently researching this problem and will fix it in next year's software. In the meantime, locate and delete the "exportlog.txt" file which should be in the C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates directory. In instances where the software was installed to other than the default drive or directory, in addition to deleting the "exportlog.txt" file, create a new "C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates" directory.

Problems: Fund Forms

  1. Budget and Unaudited Actuals fund forms - Other fund forms for all local educational agencies (LEAs) - The printed forms for funds 11, 12, and 13 do not include the assets and liabilities sections.

  2. Budget and Unaudited Actuals fund form - Form 01 for Joint Powers Agencies (JPAs) - Form 01 does not include Resource 7393 in the All Other State Revenue line (Object 8590).

  3. Interim fund forms - Form 01 for JPAs and all other fund forms for all LEAs - Detailed Other Designations for Projected Year Totals data (Object 9780 amounts that were entered in the Components of Ending Fund Balance screen) display as percentages rather than as dollar amounts in the Projected Year Totals column.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised fund-b template file (VTS; 2MB; Revised 08-Nov-2006) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2006ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click on Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old fund-b.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Saving this file will not affect your data, other than to display the data correctly.  

Problem: Fund Forms - Unaudited Actuals - Object 9740 Detail Worksheet

The column heading on the actuals column of the unaudited actuals Object 9740 Detail worksheet within the fund forms displays as Estimated Actuals instead of Unaudited Actuals. This is a heading display problem only; the data extracted into the column are unaudited actuals not estimated actuals.

Work-around: This will be fixed in next year's software. In the meantime, either strike through or white out the word Estimated and then write or type in the word Unaudited.

Problem: Fund 01 - Other Designations (Object 9780) Detail - Actuals Column (districts and county offices only)

Total amounts for the Other Designations detail are not displaying in the Actuals "Total Fund" column.

Work-around: This is a display problem of non-add totals only and will be fixed in next year's software. In the meantime, you can either leave the amounts off or type them in as displayed in the Unrestricted and Restricted columns, as applicable.

Problem: Technical Review Check (TRC) - JUV-IMPORT (county offices only)

The JUV-IMPORT TRC, which requires that Form JUV-A be saved if Juvenile Court and County Community Schools general ledger data exist, does not pass when Form JUV-A is completed and saved.

Work-around: Provide an explanation for the warning JUV-IMPORT TRC.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised juv-a template file (VTS; Revised 16-Aug-2006) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2006ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click on Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old juv-a.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to allow the TRC to pass after opening and resaving Form JUV-A.  Note: If Fund 01 data are changed after saving Form JUV-A, the CHK-DEPENDENCY TRC will list the JUV and JUV-A forms. Opening and saving Form JUV-A will clear both dependencies.

Problem: Technical Review Check - FUND51-IMPORT

TRC FUND51-IMPORT is erroneously showing an Exception when Form 51A is completed and the amount in the Outstanding Bonded Indebtedness line in column 1 is zero.

Work-around: This will be fixed in next year's software. In the meantime, verify that Form 51A has been completed accurately and provide an explanation including a statement that the California Department of Education is aware of the problem and will be fixing it next year.

Problem: Report SEMB - Special Education Maintenance of Effort, 2006–07 Budget vs. 2005–06 Actual Comparison, 2005–06 Expenditures by LEA (LE-B) Worksheet

The four new federal resources that are funded with state moneys (resources 3340, 3370, 3375, and 3385) are not extracting into the State and Local Expenditures section of the 2005–06 Expenditures by LEA worksheet.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised semb template file (VTS; Revised 07-Sep-2006) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2006ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click on Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old semb.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2006ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly extract the data for the four new resources.  

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 06, 2024
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