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SACS2007ALL Software: Known Problems/Fixes

The sacs2007allsetup.exe file will not include fixes made subsequent to the SACS2007ALL software release. If any problems are found, we will list them here and provide any revised files or workaround instructions.

Problem: Form 01CSI – Criteria and Standards Interim Report, Section S6B, Calculating the District's Change in Revenues (Posted 12/21/07)

The "Percent Change Over Previous Year" percentage in the current year column is being calculated using the prior year "Revenue Limit" amount instead of the "Adjusted Revenue Limit" amount.

Fix: Save (do not open) these files: revised csi template file – (VTS; Revised 11-Dec-2007) and revised csi-c template file – (VTS; Revised 11-Dec-2007) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2007ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click Save. Once both files have been saved, then copy the files from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the files to the Templates folder, a message will display that the files already exist; select Yes to All to overwrite the existing template files with the revised files. To verify that you have replaced the old csi.vts  and csi-c.vts files, the date on the new template files in your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the files may have the date it was downloaded). Changing these files will not affect your data, other than to correctly calculate the percent change over previous year.

Problem: Form 40I–Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects, Object 7612 (Posted 11/29/07)

The line for Object 7612, To: General Fund/CSSF, does not display in the Interfund Transfers Out section on the interim period Fund 40 form.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised fundi-d template file – (VTS; Revised 29-Nov-2007) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2007ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old fundi-d.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly display the line for Object 7612 on Form 40I.   

Problem: PCR-GF-EXPENDITURES Technical Review Check (TRC) (Posted 9/5/07)

The Supplemental TRC PCR-GF-EXPENDITURES fails when invalid goal by function combinations are present. The CHK-GOALxFUNCTION-B technical review check should provide an exception for such occurrences; however, it is passing invalid combinations for amounts less than $100.

Fix: Modify the general ledger transactions containing the invalid goal by function combinations. To identify those transactions, go to the User Data Input/Review screen; sort the data by clicking on the column headings of object, goal, function, and then fund. Within functions 7200-7999, except 7210, look for goals other than 0000, 7100-7199, and 8600-8699. The total of the invalid transactions should equal the amount by which the PCR-GF-EXPENDITURES TRC is off.

Problem: Form 11 – Adult Education Fund with Resource 0000, Object 8311 (Posted 8/20/07)

When Resource 0000 is used in combination with the other state apportionments Object 8311 in Fund 11, that revenue amount does not display on Form 11.

Fix: Change all general ledger entries recorded to Fund 11, Resource 0000, Object 8311 to Resource 6390. For additional information, please refer to the California Department of Education letter dated February 16, 2007, Principal Apportionment Accounting Guidance [Note: The preceding letter is no longer valid.].

Problem: Form JUV – Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account – Unbalanced Message (Posted 8/8/07, Revised 10/3/07)

On Line D2f, the message “Unbalanced; check import TRCs” does not always clear when the corresponding amounts are balanced.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised juv template file – (VTS; Revised 03-Oct-2007) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2007ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old juv.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Saving this file will not affect your data, other than to clear the unbalanced message after opening and resaving Form JUV.

Problem: LOT-CONTRIB-IMPORT-B TRC (Posted 8/6/07)

The Supplemental TRC LOT-CONTRIB-IMPORT-B, which requires expenditures to be entered in Section B, Expenditure column, of Form L when contributions to other resources were made, does not pass when expenditures are entered and saved in Form L.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised lot template file – (VTS; Revised 31-Jul-2007) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2007ALL\Temporary. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select (or create) the desired folder in which to save the file, then click Save. Once saved, then copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message will display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old lot.vts file, the date on the new template file in your C:\SACS2007ALL\Templates folder should be the same as or later than the revised date above (the file may have the date it was downloaded). Saving this file will not affect your data, other than to allow the TRC to pass after opening and resaving Form L.

Problem: Run-time Error 429 (Posted 7/9/07)

Periodically, the required Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) file is not properly installed on Windows 98 machines, causing a run-time error 429 upon opening the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software.

Fix: Be sure all other applications are closed, then download this MDAC file: mdactyp (EXE; 7MB). Once downloaded, double-click on the file to begin installation (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly). When the installation is completed, the SACS software should open properly.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 6, 2024