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SACS2011ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2011ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2011ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2011-12 budget and interim, and the 2010-11 unaudited actual, components of the SACS software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here. This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes, with some enhancements, as summarized below. Many of the required changes relate to the new fund balance classifications required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 54 (GASB 54) or to the newly established Fund 10, Special Education Pass-Through Fund. For information on GASB 54 please see our January 7, 2011 letter, available on our Correspondence Web page. For information on the new Fund 10, please see our March 3, 2011 letter, available at the same location. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

Import Recalculations—Revised
  • Import Recalculations
    • Fixed Other-Import recalculations to not recalculate objects 9760 or 9780 to zero if Form CEFB was saved with no detailed line items for Other Designations (Object 9780) for 2010-11 actual data, and Other Commitments (Object 9760) and Other Assignments (Object 9780) for 2011-12 budget and interim data.
New Fund Form
  • Form 10/10I—Special Education Pass-Through Fund
    • Applicable for counties, districts, and joint powers authority (JPAs) effective 2011-12
Revised Fund Forms
  • Expenditures by Object Worksheet
    • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I, 61/61I, 62/62I, —Shaded Object 8997, Transfers of Restricted Balances, line in the Contributions section (expired 2009-10). Applicable for counties, districts, and JPAs.
    • Form 01/01I—Shaded 2011-12 columns for Budget / Unaudited Actuals reporting periods, and deleted from Interims: Object 8046, Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF), lines (expires 2010-11).
      Applicable for districts only
    • Forms 01, 09, 62—Deleted Resources 7155 / 7156 / 7157 / 7158 / 7160 / 7170, Instructional Materials: Grades K-8 (Includes Disaster Funding and Fast Growth) (expired 2009-10) / Instructional Materials Realignment, IMFRP (AB 1781) (expired 2009-10) / Instructional Materials: English Language Learners (expired 2009-10) / Instructional Materials - Williams Case (expired 2009-10) / Instructional Materials: Grades 9-12 (expired 2009-10) / Instructional Material: Braille & Large Print (expired 2009-10), in the individual resource/line for Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, in the Other State Revenue section. Applicable for counties and districts.
    • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 62/62I, —Deleted Resources 5600-5625, JTPA/WIA (expired 2009-10), in the individual resource/line for Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue, in the Other State Revenue section.
      Applicable for counties, districts, and JPAs.
    • Form 10/10I—Added Transfers of Apportionments from Districts or Charter Schools, Object 8791; Transfers of Apportionments from County Offices, Object 8792; and Transfers of Apportionments from JPAs, Object 8793; lines in the Other Local Revenue section. Applicable for counties, districts, and JPAs.
    • Form 11—Deleted Resource 6390, Adult Education Apportionment (expired 2009-10), from individual resource/lines for objects 8311 / 8319, All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years, and included
      it in the All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years objects 8311 / 8319 lines in the Other State Revenue section. Applicable for counties and districts.
    • Form 12/12I—Added Resource 6105, Child Development California State Preschool Program, to individual resource/line for Resources 6055 and 6056, State Preschool, Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, in the
      Other State Revenue section.
    • Form 14—Deleted Deferred Maintenance Allowance, Object 8540, line in the Other State Revenue section. Applicable for counties, districts, and JPAs.
  • Revised fund forms due to the implementation of GASB Statement 54 (GASB 54)
    • All Funds, Section F2, Components of Ending Fund Balance
    • Expenditure by Object worksheet
    • Expenditure by Function worksheet
  • All Funds
    • Shaded the budget columns for the following objects, which are valid for actual data only:
      • Object 9711, Revolving Cash
      • Object 9712, Stores
      • Object 9713, Prepaid Expenditures
      • Object 9719, All Other Reserves
      • Object 9730, General Reserve
      • Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance
      • Object 9770, Designated for Economic Uncertainties
      • Object 9775, Designated for the Unrealized Gains of Investments and
        Cash in County Treasury
      • Object 9780, Other Designations
      • Object 9790, Unappropriated Amount
  • All Funds Except Funds 61-73
    • Added a second Components of Ending Fund Balance section containing the following objects, which are valid for budget data only (effective 2011-12):
      • Object 9711, Revolving Cash
      • Object 9712, Stores
      • Object 9713, Prepaid Expenditures
      • Object 9719, All Other Nonspendable Assets
      • Object 9740, Restricted Balance
      • Object 9750, Stabilization Arrangements
      • Object 9760, Other Commitments
      • Object 9780, Other Assignments
      • Object 9789, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
      • Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated Amounts
  • Renamed the “Exhibit: Legally Restricted Balance Detail (Object 9740)” worksheet to “Exhibit: Restricted Balance Detail.”
  • Funds 61-73
    • Added a second Components of Ending Net Assets section containing the following objects, which are valid for budget data only (effective 2011-12):
      • Object 9796, Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt
      • Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets
      • Object 9790, Unrestricted Net Assets
    • Added “Exhibit: Restricted Balance Detail” worksheet
    • The Total, Restricted Balance line, extracts new Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets, effective 2011-12.
  • Form 95—Student Body Fund
    • Opened Form 95 to JPAs for budget and unaudited actuals reporting periods.
New Supplemental Form
  • Form SIAI—Summary of Interfund Activities – Projected Year Totals
    • Added new Form SIAI, equivalent to existing forms SIAA/SIAB, to interim reporting periods as an optional form.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form 51A—Analysis of Bonded Indebtedness
  • Form 53A—Analysis of Restricted Levies
    • Modified forms 51A and 53A to allow columns to be deleted.
  • Form 95A—Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Student Body)
    • Opened Form 95A to JPAs for budget and unaudited actuals reporting periods.
  • Form CA—Unaudited Actuals Certification
    • Data Summary worksheet, for counties only—Added Form NCMOE, No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort.
  • Form CASH—Schedule for Categoricals
    • Opened Form CASH to budget reporting periods as an optional form. Form CASH will continue to be required for interim reporting periods.
  • Form CAT—Cashflow Worksheet
    • Shaded Line 1b, Restricted Balance Transfers, in the following worksheets:
      • State and Local – Categoricals Subject to Deferred Revenues
      • State and Local – Categoricals Subject to Restricted Ending
  • Form CEFB—Components of Ending Fund Balance
    • Revised Form CEFB due to the implementation of GASB 54: For budget and interim data only, all resources
  • All Funds
    • Removed the following objects, which are valid for actual data only:
      • Object 9730, General Reserve
      • Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance
      • Object 9770, Designated for Economic Uncertainties
      • Object 9775, Designated for the Unrealized Gains of Investments and Cash in County Treasury
      • Object 9780, Other Designations
      • Object 9790, Unappropriated
  • All Funds Except Funds 61-73
    • Added the following objects, as applicable for each fund, which are valid for budget and interim data only (effective 2011-12):
      • Object 9740, Restricted (calculated field)
      • Object 9750, Stabilization Arrangements
      • Object 9760, Other Commitments
      • Object 9780, Other Assignments
      • Object 9789, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
      • Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated (calculated field)
    • Added four buttons:
      • Add Commitment
      • Delete Commitment
      • Add Assignment
      • Delete Assignment
  • Funds 61-73
    • Added the following objects, which are valid for budget and interim data only (effective 2011-12):
      • Object 9796, Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt
      • Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets
      • Object 9790, Unrestricted Net Assets (calculated field)
  • For actual data, no changes to Form CEFB in the SACS2011 software. For the SACS2012 software, the above changes will be made for actual data, and the “Add Designation” and “Delete Designation” buttons will be removed.
  • Form CORR—Education of Adults in County Correctional Facilities
    • Section III, Indirect Costs—Updated the 2nd prior year statewide average rate from 4.42% to 4.35%.
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2.
  • Form ICR—Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    • Opened Form ICR to budget and interim reporting periods as an optional form. Form ICR will continue to be required for unaudited actuals reporting period.
    • Part III, Indirect Cost Rate Calculation
    • Section A, Indirect Costs
    • Section B, Base Costs
    • Limited the extractions for Line A3, External Financial Audit – Single Audit, and Line A4, Staff Relations and Negotiations, to only unrestricted resources, and moved the restricted resources to Base Costs
      on Line B8, External Financial Audit – Single Audit and Other, and Line B7, Board and Superintendent, respectively.
    • Part III, Indirect Cost Rate Calculation
    • Part IV, Carry-forward Adjustment
    • Added the following internal form checks. As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the condition, but the condition must be fixed to complete an official export.
    • If the Line III.D, Preliminary Proposed Indirect Cost Rate, is negative, and Option 1 is selected on Line IV.E, Optional Allocation of Negative Carry-forward Adjustment Over More Than One Year, the message “ICR is negative, please select Option 2 or 3” will display.
    • If the Line III.D, Preliminary Proposed Indirect Cost Rate, is negative, and Option 2 is selected on Line IV.E, Optional Allocation of Negative Carry-forward Adjustment Over More Than One Year, the message “ICR is negative, please select Option 3” will display.
  • Form JUV—Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • For the budget and interim reporting periods only, revised Form JUV due to the implementation of GASB 54. In the SACS2012 software, this form will be revised for the unaudited actuals reporting period.
    • Section D2, Components of Ending Fund Balance
      • Removed the following sections:
        • 2a, Reserve for Prepaid Expenditures
        • 2b, Legally Restricted Balance
        • 2c, Designated for Economic Uncertainties
        • 2d, Designated for the Unrealized Gains of Investments and Cash in
          County Treasury
        • 2e, Capital Outlay Reserve
        • 2f, Undesignated/Unappropriated Amount
      • Added the following sections:
        • 2a, Nonspendable (includes Object 9713, Prepaid Expenditures)
        • 2b, Restricted (Net) (Funds 01 and 09, objects 9740 and 9790; and Fund 62, Object 9797)
        • 2b1, Reserve for Economic Contingencies
        • 2b2, Reserve for Capital Outlay
        • 2b3, Remaining Restricted Balance
    • Section F, Amount in Excess of Allowable 15% Transfer
      • Renamed Line F1 to “Reserve for Economic Contingencies – Current Contributions”
      • Renamed Line F2 to “Reserve for Capital Outlay – Current Contributions”
    • Section G, Amount in Excess of Allowable 15% Fund Balance
      • Renamed Line G2 to “Less: Reserve for Capital Outlay”
  • Form JUV-A—Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • Applicable for unaudited actuals reporting period only.
    • Applicable for counties only.
    • For 2010-11 unaudited actuals reporting period only, renamed Form JUV to Form JUV-A to differentiate it from the revised 2011-12 budget and interim reporting periods Form JUV. This form JUV-A will be deleted from the SACS2012 software.
  • Forms MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    • Adjusted the dollar amounts used in the Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet, Reserve Standard Percentage Level (Line F3d for county only) and Reserve Standard – By Amount (Line F3f for county and district, and Line F7 for JPA), based on the COLA adjustment made to the Criteria and Standards Review form.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted Worksheet Section F. Recommended Reserves:
    • Modified Line F1b2, Special Education Pass-Through Funds, to extract from the new Fund 10, Special Education Pass-Through Fund, instead of the general fund.
    • Line F3, Calculating the Reserves
    • Lines F3b and F3c Modified the calculation of the recommended reserve level to add Line F3b, Special Education Pass-Though Funds, to Line F3c, Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses, instead of subtracting it, if a “No” response is provided in Line F1a, “Do you choose to exclude from the reserve calculation the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members?”
  • Revised forms MYP/MYP/MYPIO— due to the implementation of GASB 54
    • Section D, Fund Balance
      • Replaced Section D3, Components of Ending Fund Balance with the following
        • Objects 9710-9719, Nonspendable
        • Object 9740, Restricted (shaded for unrestricted worksheet)
        • Object 9750, Stabilization Arrangements (shaded for restricted worksheet)
        • Object 9760, Other Commitments (shaded for restricted worksheet)
        • Object 9780, Assigned (shaded for restricted worksheet)
        • Object 9789, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties (shaded for restricted worksheet)
        • Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated
    • Section E, Available Reserves
      • Replaced Section E1, General Fund with the following lines:
        • Object 9750, Stabilization Arrangements
        • Object 9789, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
        • Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated
      • Replaced Section E2, Special Reserve Fund – Noncapital Outlay (Fund 17)
        with the following lines:
        • Object 9750, Stabilization Arrangements
        • Object 9789, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
        • Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated
  • Form MYPIO, Funds 60 through 73 only
    • Replaced Section D, Net Assets with the following lines:
      • Beginning Net Assets, Objects 9791-9795
      • Ending Net Assets
      • Components of Ending Net Assets
      • Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt, Object 9796
      • Restricted Net Assets, Object 9797
      • Unrestricted Net Assets, Object 9790
      • Total Components of Ending Net Assets
  • Form NCMOE—No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
    • Opened Form NCMOE to COEs and county-charter schools.
    • Opened Form NCMOE to budget and interim reporting periods as an optional form. Form NCMOE will continue to be required for unaudited actuals reporting period.
    • COE and District: Modified source of preloaded prior year data for budget and unaudited actuals reporting periods to pull from CDE official maintenance of effort calculation rather than from prior year unaudited
      actuals submission.
    • Charter schools: Modified source of preloaded prior year data for budget and unaudited actuals reporting periods to pull from Form NCMOE, Section IV, lines D and E of the prior year unaudited actuals submission.
  • Forms PCR/PCRAF—Program Cost Report / Schedule of Allocation Factors
    • Added Fund 09, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Fund 62, Charter Schools Enterprise Fund.
  • Forms RL/RLI—Revenue Limit Summary
    • Updated revenue limit deficit factors and modified related TRCs accordingly.
    • District Only: To account for the Base Revenue Limit Add-On pursuant to AB851 (Chapter 374/2009), which combined Meals for Needy and Beginning Teacher Salary Incentive Funding, modified the following lines:
      • Added additional Principal Apportionment data ID number 0719 to Base Revenue Limit Per ADA Line 3, All Other Adjustments.
      • Shaded Revenue Limit Subject to Deficit Line 8, Meals for Needy Pupils.
      • Shaded Revenue Limit Subject to Deficit Line 13, Beginning Teacher Salary Incentive Funding.
  • Form TRAN—Annual Report of Pupil Transportation
    • Schedule II, Cost Data Section
      • Removed Resource 7045, Targeted Instructional Improvement Grants Program (TIIG) (expired 09-10), from the Home-to-School extractions. This resource was closed as a result of Education budget trailer bill ABX4 2 (Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009), Section 35.
Revised Criteria and Standards
  • Forms 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review—Budget and Interim
    • Adjusted deficit spending and fund balance levels for counties and reserve levels for all LEAs based on prior year's revenue limit COLA.
    • Fund Balance Criterion 7, County—Budget and Interims
      • Section 7—Modified County Office’s Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Line to include Special Education Pass-Through Funds, if a “No” response is provided in Line 7A1, “Do you choose to exclude pass-
        through funds distributed to SELPA members from the criteria calculations for fund balance and reserves?”
      • Section 7A—Modified Line 2b, Special Education Pass-Through Funds to extract from the new Fund 10, Special Education Pass-Through Fund, instead of the County School Service Fund.
    • Reserves Criterion 8, County—Budget and Interims
      • Section 8—Modified County Office’s Expenditures and Other Financing Uses to include Special Education Pass-Through Funds, if a “No” response is provided in Line 7A1, “Do you choose to exclude pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members from the criteria calculations for fund balance and reserves?”
      • Section 8B— Modified Line 3, Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses, to include Line 2, Special Education Pass-Though, if a “No” response is provided in Line 7A1, “Do you choose to exclude pass-
        through funds distributed to SELPA members from the criteria calculations for fund balance and reserves?”
    • Reserves Criterion 10, District—Budget and Interims
      • Section 10A—Modified Line 2b, Special Education Pass-Through Funds to extract from the new Fund 10, Special Education Pass-Through Fund, instead of the general fund.
      • Section 10B—Modified Line 3, Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses, to include Line 2, Special Education Pass-Though, if a “No” response is provided in Line 10A1, “Do you choose to exclude from the
        reserve calculation the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members?”
    • Supplemental Information S7, Unfunded Liabilities—Budget and Interims
      • Section S7A, Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions Added message if a “Yes” response is provided in Line 1/1a, “Does your LEA provide postemployment benefits other than pensions (OPEB)?” but subsequent items are not completed. The user can still close the form and complete an official export without entering this data.
      • Section S7B, Unfunded Liability for Self-Insurance Programs
        • Added message if a “Yes” response is provided in Line 1/1a, “Does your LEA provide any self-insurance programs such as workers compensation, employee health and welfare, or property and liability?” but subsequent items are not completed. The user can still close the form and complete an official export without entering this data.
    • Supplemental Information S8, Status of Labor Agreements—Budget and Interims
      • Section S8A, Cost Analysis of Labor Agreement – Certificated
      • Section S8B, Cost Analysis of Labor Agreement – Classified
      • Section S8C, Cost Analysis of Labor Agreement – Management
        • Added message if the number of FTEs for certificated, classified, and management/supervisor/confidential is not entered for all years. The user can still close the form and complete an official export without entering the FTEs.
  • Revised forms 01CS/01CSI due to implementation of GASB 54
    • Reserves Criterion—County Budget and Interims
      • Section 8A, Calculating the County Office’s Available Reserves from Juvenile Court/County Community Schools and Regional Occupational Centers/Programs
        • Step 2 – Juvenile Court/County Community Schools
          • Renamed Line b to “Reserve for Economic Contingencies per EC 42238.18”
        • Step 3 – Regional Occupational Centers/Programs
          • Renamed Line b to “General Reserve per EC 52321(b)”
          • Unlocked the Budget column to allow key entry
  • Reserves Criterion—Budget and Interims
    • Section 10C for district and JPA, 8C for county, Calculating the Budgeted Reserve Amount
      • Removed the following lines:
        • General Fund - Designated for Economic Uncertainties
        • Special Reserve Fund - Designated for Economic Uncertainties
      • Added the following lines:
        • General Fund – Stabilization Arrangements
        • General Fund – Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
        • Special Reserve Fund – Stabilization Arrangements
        • Special Reserve Fund – Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
Technical Review Checks—New
    • New import TRC
    • Warning for all periods and data types
    • Applies to all LEAs
    • Locally defined resource codes (resources 0001-0999, 4231-4250, 4711-4730, 5211-5240, 5800-5999, 7701-7799, 7800-7999, 9000-9999; except resources 5810, 7710, 7810, 9010) must roll up to state-defined resource codes.
    • Fixed this check to only display exception account codes for the currently selected LEA, reporting period, and data type.
    • Modified the severity of this check from Fatal to Warning for all reporting periods.
    • The severity of this check will be changed from Warning to Fatal in the SACS2012 software.
    • New general ledger TRC
    • Warning for all periods
    • Applicable for Budget, Original Budget, Board Approved Operating Budget, and Projected Totals data only. Will be activated for actual data in the SACS2012 software.
    • Applies to all LEAs
    • Transfers of special education pass-through revenues (resources 3300-3499 and 6500-6540) should be reported in Fund 10.

Added the following general ledger TRCs for all reporting periods, for budget and interim data only. These checks are required due to the implementation of GASB 54 and will be activated for actual data in the SACS2012 software:

    • Fatal for Budget, Original Budget, and Projected Totals data
    • Warning for Board Approved Operating Budget data
    • Applies to all LEAs
    • Applies to all funds except funds 61-73
    • Amounts reported in Other Assignments (Object 9780) and/or Reserve for Economic Uncertainties (REU) (Object 9789) should not create a negative unassigned/unappropriated amount (Object 9790) by fund and resource (for
      all funds except funds 61-73).
    • Fatal for Budget, Original Budget, Board Approved Operating Budget, and Projected Totals data
    • Applies to all LEAs
    • Unassigned balance (Object 9790) must be zero or negative by resource, in all funds except the general fund and funds 61-73
Technical Review Checks—Revised
    • Modified to also run for JPAs, due to Fund 95, Student Body Fund, opening to JPAs.
    • Inactivated for budget data only. These checks will be deleted from the SACS2012 software, due to the implementation of GASB 54
    • Modified check to include objects 9796 and 9797, due to the implementation of GASB 54.
  • JUV—Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • Due to the implementation of GASB 54, inactivated the following JUV TRCs for actual data only. In the SACS2012 software, these checks will be reactivated for the unaudited actuals reporting period.
      • JUV-END-BAL
      • JUV-IMPORT
  • JUV-A—Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • For 2010-11 unaudited actuals reporting period only, renamed the following JUV TRCs to JUV-A to differentiate them from the revised 2011-12 budget and interim reporting periods JUV TRCs. These JUV-A- checks will be deleted from the SACS2012 software. Applicable for unaudited actual data only, counties only.
      • JUV-A-END-BAL
      • JUV-A-IMPORT
    • Modified check to also run for COEs and county-charter schools, due to Form NCMOE, No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort Calculation, opening to COEs and county-charter schools.
    • Modified check to also run for COEs and county-charter schools, due to Form NCMOE, No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort Calculation, opening to COEs and county-charter schools.
    • Modified check to include expenditures from Fund 09, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Fund 62, Charter Schools Enterprise Fund.
    • COE only: Modified check severity from Warning to Fatal for all Budget and Unaudited Actuals reporting period data, and for Interim Original Budget and Projected Year Totals data. This check was temporarily modified in 2009-10 as a result of changes made to accommodate the reporting of one-time Revenue Limit Per-ADA Reductions on Form RL Line 30 by Basic Aid COEs.
Revised Reports
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI—Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
    • LEA MOE Calc and SELPA MOE Calc worksheets.
      • Renamed “Test” to “Section.”
      • Eliminated interdependence among sections.
      • Changed the order of sections. Section 1 will be completed first, Section 2 will be completed next, and Section 3 will be completed last.
        • Previous As Modified:
          • Test 1 Section 3
          • Test 2 Section 2
          • Test 3 Section 1
    • Form SEMA, LE-CY worksheet.
      • Deleted “Plus: ARRA 08-09 Expenditures” column and removed the ARRA calculation from the Total column.

Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause

Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.


Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.


GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause

The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.


Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.


Known problem with Windows 7. Some users have reported problems running the SACS Software on Windows 7 64-bit PCs.


Although we are researching possible workarounds, these problems are currently unresolved. If and when a workaround is identified, it will be posted to the SACS2011ALL Software: Known Problems/Fixes Web page.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 1, 2024
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