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SACS2020ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2020ALL software. It is in addition to, or supersedes information, that may be found in the SACS2020ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2020–21 budget and interim, and the 2019–20 unaudited actual, components of the SACS software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes (e.g., those due to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 84 [GASB 84]). For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

System Changes
  • Modified Import to now allow the import of budget and interim data type for funds 76 and 95.
  • Modified User Data Input/Review screen to now allow the key entry of budget and interim data types for funds 76 and 95.
New Fund Forms
  • Form 08/08I—Student Activity Special Revenue Fund
    New special revenue fund established to allow LEAs to account for governmental associated student body activities in accordance with GASB 84. Effective 2019–20. Applicable to all LEAs
  • Form 76I—Warrant/Pass-Through Fund
    Form 95I—Student Body Fund
    Opened new fund forms 76I and 95I to interim periods effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84. Applicable to all LEAs.
Revised Fund Forms
  • Form 76—Warrant/Pass-Through Fund
    Form 95—Student Body Fund
    • Expanded the fund forms to include budget data. Applicable to all LEAs.—Budget and Unaudited Actuals reporting periods.
    • Added the following object codes effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84:
      • Added the following object codes effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84:
      • Object 7500, Funds Distributed to Others
      • Object 8660, Interest
      • Object 8662, Net Increase (Decrease) in the Fair Value of Investments
      • Object 8800, Funds Collected for Others
      • Object 9340, Other Current Assets
      • Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources
      • Object 9500, Accounts Payable
      • Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources
      • Object 9790, Unrestricted Net Position
      • Object 9791, Beginning Net Position
      • Object 9793, Audit Adjustments
      • Object 9795, Other Restatements
      • Object 9797, Restricted Net Position
  • Forms 01I, 09I, and 62I—Other State Revenue Section.
    For Interim periods: Removed the detail line for Resource 7400, Quality Education Investment Act / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and moved Resource 7400 to the “All Other” Object 8590 line. Interim periods only.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, and 62/62I—Federal Revenue Section.
    • Added new Resource 4037 (ESSA: Title II, Part A, 21st Century California School Leadership Academy) to the detail line “Other NCLB / Every Student Succeeds Act” / Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue, and removed Resource 4037 from the general “All Other” Object 8290 line, effective 2019–20.
  • Form 11/11I—Federal Revenue Section.
    Added new line for Object 8287, Pass-Through Revenues from Federal Sources, effective 2019–20, to allow LEAs that are fiscal agents for adult education consortiums to record federal funding passed through to member LEAs.
  • Forms 01—Other Local Revenue Section.
    Made the following changes to the Object 8681 line, Mitigation/Developer Fees, because Object 8681 is no longer valid with Resource 0000, Unrestricted, effective 2019–20:
    • For Budget/Unaudited Actuals periods: Shaded the Actuals/Unrestricted column and continued to allow extraction.
Deleted Supplemental Forms
  • Form 76A—Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Warrant/Pass-Through)
    Form 95A—Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Student Body)
    Discontinued these forms effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form CEA/CEB—Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    Part I, Current Expense Formula; and
    Part II, Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added the following resource codes to the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a: Resource 7388, SB 117 COVID-19 LEA Response Funds; and Resource 8210, Student Activity Funds.
  • Form CEFB—Components of Ending Fund Balance
    Added the following funds effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84:
    • Fund 08—Student Activity Special Revenue Fund
    • Form 76—Warrant/Pass-Through Fund
    • Form 95—Student Body Fund
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2.
    • Removed lines D16 a/b/c/d, Apply to Program and Other Services, as calculation is no longer needed due to existing calculations within the form to perform that function. Renumbered lines accordingly. Applies to COEs only.
  • Form ICR—Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    Part III, Indirect Cost Rate Calculation
    Section B, Base Costs
    • Modified the following lines to exclude Object 4700, Food costs, from the indirect cost rate calculation.
      • Line B3, Pupil Services
      • Line B6, Enterprise
      • Line B16, Child Development
      • Line B17, Cafeteria
      • Line B18, Foundation
    • Inserted a new Line B14, Student Activity (Fund 08, functions 4000-5999, objects 1000-5999 except 5100), effective 2019–20, due to GASB84. Renumbered lines accordingly.
  • Form MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    Adjusted the dollar amounts used in the Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet, Reserve Standard Percentage Level (Line F3d for COEs only) and Reserve Standard – By Amount (Line F3f for COEs and districts, and Line F7 for JPAs), based on the COLA adjustment made to the Criteria and Standards Review form.
  • Form SIAA/SIAB/SIAI—Summary of Interfund Activities—Actuals / Budget / Projected Year Totals
    Added the following funds effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84:
    • Fund 08—Student Activity Special Revenue Fund
    • Form 76—Warrant/Pass-Through Fund
    • Form 95—Student Body Fund
Deleted Technical Review Checks
    Discontinued this import check effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
Revised Technical Review Checks
    • Modified to exclude the new locally defined resource range (resources 8200-8299 EXCEPT 8210), which must roll up to state-defined Resource 8210, Student Activity Funds. Effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
    • Modified to include the new locally defined resource range (resources 8200-8299 EXCEPT 8210), which must roll up to state-defined Resource 8210, Student Activity Funds. Effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
    • Modified Capital Outlay fund range to include new Fund 08 effective 2019–20, due to GASB84.
    • Modified to include funds 76 and 95 effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
    • Modified to exclude funds 76 and 95 effective 2019–20, due to GASB 84.
    • Modified to also look for new Resource 4037 (ESSA: Title II, Part A, 21st Century California School Leadership Academy), effective 2019–20.
Revised Criteria and Standards
  • Form 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review—Budget and Interim periods
    • Adjusted fund balance levels for COEs, and reserve levels for all LEAs, based on prior year's statutory COLA.
    • LCFF Revenue, Criterion 4, District only, Budget period only.
      Section 4A1, Calculating the District’s LCFF Revenue Standard.
      Modified as follows, due to the full implementation of LCFF in 2019–20:
      • Step 2, Change in Funding Level..
        • Removed Line c, “Economic Recovery Target Funding (current year increment),” and adjusted/renumbered lines accordingly.
    • Supplemental Information Item S5, Contributions
      Item S5A, Identification of the [LEA’s] Projected Contributions, Transfers, and Capital Projects that may impact the County School Service (CSSF)/General Fund (GF)—For COEs and districts, modified the Projection/Project Year Totals column in following rows.
      • Line 1a, Contributions, Unrestricted CSSF/GF—Budget period only. These changes were not made for Interim periods and will be reverted in next year’s SACS2021, Form 01CS.
        • 1st (2021–22) and 2nd (2022–23) Subsequent Year rows. Before this change, these cells were key entry only:
          • If Form MYP exists, then lock cells from key entry and extract from Form MYP, Unrestricted worksheet, Line A5c, Contributions, 1st and 2nd subsequent year Projection columns.
          • If form MYP does not exist, continue to allow key entry.
      • Line 1b, Transfers In, CSSF/GF—Budget period only
        • First Prior Year (2019–20) row. Before this change, this cell was key entry only:
          • Extract from estimated actual general ledger data, Fund 01, objects 8900-8929. No longer allows key entry.
        • Budget Year (2020–21) row. Before this change, this cell extracted from Form MYP if it existed, otherwise it allowed key entry:
          • Extract from budget general ledger data, Fund 01, objects 8900-8929. No longer allow key entry.
      • Line 1, Transfers Out, CSSF/GF—Budget period only
        • First Prior Year (2019–20) row. Before this change, this cell was key entry only:
          • Extract from estimated actual general ledger data, Fund 01, objects 7600-7629. No longer allow key entry.
        • Budget Year (2020–21) row. Before this change, this cell extracted from Form MYP if it existed, otherwise it allowed key entry:
          • Extract from budget general ledger data, Fund 01, objects 7600-7629. No longer allow key entry.
    • Supplemental Information Item S7, Unfunded Liabilities—Budget and Interim periods
      Item S7A, Identification of the [LEA’s] Estimated Unfunded Liability for Postemployment Benefits Other than Pensions (OPEB)
      • For clarification, added the word “measurement” to Line 4e/2e, OPEB Liabilities, If based on an actuarial validation, indicate the measurement date of the OPEB valuation
Revised Reports
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI––Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
    • SEMA, LEA MOE Calc (LMC-A) worksheet
      Section 2
      Due to the consolidation of Special Education Section 611 resources 3310, 3320, and 3400 into existing Resource 3310 effective 2018–19, modified the line description “Less: Prior year’s funding (IDEA Section 611 Local Assistance Grant Award – Resource 3310)” to indicate Resource 3320 amounts should not be key entered.
    • SEMB, LEABudget(LB-B) worksheet and
      SEMAI, LEAProjected(LP-I) worksheet
      Section 2
      Removed columns “Spec. Education, Ages 5–22, Severely Disabled (Goal 5750)” and “Spec. Education Ages 5–22, Nonseverely Disabled (Goal 5770),” and replaced with new column “Spec. Education, Ages 5–22 (Goal 5760).”Goals 5750 and 5770 consolidate into new Goal 5760, Special Education, Ages 5–22,effective2020–21.

Symptom: Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause: Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.

Resolution/Workaround: Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.

Symptom: GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause: The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.

Workaround: Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Problem: Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7/8/10

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the Technical Review Check list (TRC), the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen.)

Workaround: Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7/8/10 users, CDE’s workaround is to print first to Microsoft XPS Document Writer or Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer.

Possible Fix: After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using the following print drivers (which are specific to our model printers), and by changing a particular printer setting specifically for HP printers. CDE does not advocate the purchase or use of any specific printer brand or model and provides this information only as a basis for LEAs to test with different print drivers and/or settings if desired.

  • For Samsung printers: Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 PS
  • For HP printers: HP Universal Printing PS or HP Universal Printing printer command language (PCL) 6 print drivers
  • Additional printer settings required for some HP printers:
    • Notes:
      • For some users, these printer settings must be changed outside of the SACS Software (e.g., changed through the Control Panel) or else the printer settings are lost each time the SACS Software is closed.
      • Some users need to reset these printer settings each time they install the SACS software.
      • Some users need to intermittently change these printer settings within the SACS software (i.e., changed through the print prompt) as well.
    • Specific steps CDE uses for HP printer settings:
      • Open SACS software form
      • File menu, Print… option
      • Properties [button]
      • Effects [tab]
      • Click on the radial button “Print Document on:”
      • Then it should default to "Letter" right underneath it.
      • It should also add a checkmark next to "Scale to Fit"
      • Click Apply
      • Then OK to print
Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services |
Last Reviewed: Friday, June 21, 2024