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SACS2021ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2021ALL software. It is in addition to, or supersedes information, that may be found in the SACS2021ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2021–22 budget and interim, and the 2020–21 unaudited actual, components of the Standardized Account Code Software (SACS). We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes (e.g., those due to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 87 [GASB 87]). For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

Revised Fund Forms
  • Form 01/01I—Other Local Revenue Section.
    Made the following changes to the Object 8697 line, Pass-Through Revenues From Local Sources, effective 2021–22:
    • For Budget and UA periods: Unshaded the Unrestricted cells in the Estimated/Unaudited Actuals and Budget columns.
    • For Interims: Unshaded all columns within the Unrestricted Worksheet
  • Form 01I—Federal Revenue Section.
    Removed the following obsolete resource codes from the Other NCLB / Every Student Succeeds Act, Object 8290, detail line: 3020, 3041, 3177, 3181, 3185, 4050, and 5510; and moved these seven resources to the All Other Federal Revenue, All Other Object 8290 line.
  • Forms 01/01I, 08/08I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 12/12I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I, 18/18I, 21/21I, 25/25I, 30/30I, 35/35I, 40/40I, and 49/49I—Capital Outlay Section.
    Added a new line, Lease Assets, Object 6600, effective 2021–22, due to GASB 87. Budget and UA periods: Shaded the actuals column in the new line.
  • Form 08/08I—Other Sources/Uses Section.
    Added a new line, Proceeds from Leases, Object 8972, effective 2021–22, due to GASB 87. Budget and UA periods: Shaded the actuals column in the new line.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 12/12I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I, 18/18I, 21/21I, 25/25I, 30/30I, 35/35I, 40/40I, and 49/49I—Other Sources/Uses Section.
    Renamed the line for Object 8972 from “Proceeds from Capital Leases” to “Proceeds from Leases,” effective 2021–22, due to GASB 87.
  • Forms 61/61I, 62/62I, 63/63I, 66/66I, 67/67I, and 73/73I—Expenses Summary Section.
    Renamed the line for Object 6000-6999 from “Depreciation” to “Depreciation and Amortization.”
  • Forms 61/61I, 62/62I, 63/63I, 66/66I, 67/67I, and 73/73I—Depreciation Section.
    • Renamed the section title from “Depreciation” to “Depreciation and Amortization.”
    • Added a new line, Amortization Expense-Lease Assets, Object 6910, effective 2021–22, due to GASB 87. Budget and UA periods: Shaded the actuals column in the new line.
  • Forms 09I and 62I—Federal Revenue Section.
    Removed the following obsolete resource codes from the Other NCLB / Every Student Succeeds Act, Object 8290, detail line: 3020, 3041, 3181, 3185, and 5510; and moved these five resources to the All Other Federal Revenue, All Other Object 8290 line.
  • Forms 09 and 62—Other State Revenue Section.
    Removed the detail line for Resource 7400, Quality Education Investment Act / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and moved Resource 7400 to the “All Other” Object 8590 line. Budget and Unaudited Actuals periods only.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form CEA/CEB—Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    Part I, Current Expense Formula; and
    Part II, Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added the following resource codes to the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a: Resource 5316, Child Nutrition: COVID CARES Act Supplemental Meal Reimbursement; Resource 7027, Child Nutrition: COVID State Supplemental Meal Reimbursement; Resource 7121, Distance Learning California Advanced Services Fund.
    • Removed the following obsolete resource code from the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a: Resource 6382, California Career Pathways Trust.
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2 for COE and District and Line D6 for COE.
  • Form ICR—Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    Exhibit A: Indirect Cost Rates Charged to Programs
    • Renamed the Eligible Expenditures column from “Eligible Expenditures (Objects 1000-5999 except Object 5100)” to “Eligible Expenditures (Objects 1000-5999 except 4700 & 5100)”. Interims period only.
  • Form L—Lottery Report
    Expenditures and Other Financing Uses section.
    • Budget and UA periods: For line item B.6. Capital Outlay, unshaded Lottery: Instructional Materials (Resource 6300) column.
  • Form MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    • Added new Resource 6546 to the Special education pass-through funds (Line F1b2) and modified calculations for Budget column accordingly, effective 2021–22.
  • Form SEA—Special Education Revenue Allocations
    Section I, Total SELPA Revenues
    • Deleted Line I.B, COLA Apportionment.
    • Deleted Line I.C, Growth Apportionment or Declining ADA Adjustment.
    • Deleted Line I.D, Subtotal.
    • Renumbered remaining lines and modified calculations accordingly.
Revised Criteria and Standards
  • Form 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review—Budget and Interim periods
    • Districts only – Budget/Interims – Criterion 7 – Facilities Maintenance
      Per Senate Bill 98 (Chapter 24, Statutes of 2020) and Senate Bill 820 (Chapter 110, Statutes of 2020), resources 3210, 3215, 3220, 5316, 7027, 7420, and 7690 are excluded from the three percent of total general fund expenditures and other financing uses calculation.
    • District – Budget only – Criterion 7 – Facilities Maintenance
      District – Budget only – Criterion 8 – Deficit Spending
      District – Budget/Interims – Criterion 10 – Reserve
      COE – Budget/Interims – Criterion 6 – Deficit Spending
      COE – Budget only – Criterion 7 – Fund Balance
      Added Resource 6546 in Fund 10 for school districts designated as the administrative unit of a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), and that choose to exclude the special education pass-through revenues, the total expenditures and other financing uses will be automatically adjusted to exclude the distribution of revenues that are passed through to participating members of the SELPA. The excluded distribution of revenues will reflect Fund 10, objects 7211–7213 and 7221–7223, resources 3300–3499, 6500–6540 and 6546.
    • COE/District – Budget/Interims – S5 – Contributions
      Projected contributions (Fund 01, Resources 0000–1999, Object 8980) from unrestricted general fund programs to restricted general fund programs must be manually entered for the two subsequent fiscal years. Previously the data was extracted from Form MYP Unrestricted worksheet, if Form MYP exists. For the first prior and budget years, the projected contributions will continue to be automatically extracted from general ledger data.
Revised Reports
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI––Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
    • SEMA, LEA Actual (LE-CY) worksheet
      SEMB, LEA Actual (LE-B) worksheet
      SEMAI, LEA Actual (LA-I) worksheet
      • Removed columns “Spec. Education, Ages 5–22, Severely Disabled (Goal 5750)” and “Spec. Education, Ages 5–22, Nonseverely Disabled (Goal 5770),” and replaced with a new column “Spec. Education, Ages 5–22 (Goal 5760).” Goals 5750 and 5770 consolidated into new Goal 5760, Special Education, Ages 5–22, effective 2020–21.
    • SEMB, LEA Budget (LB-B) worksheet
      SEMAI, LEA Projected (LP-I) worksheet
      • Modified data extraction by excluding Object 6600, Lease Assets, and Object 6910, Amortization Expense–Lease Assets, from the Capital Outlay Expenditure line(s) with the object range of 6600–6999. Objects 6600 and 6910 are established in accordance to GASB 87, Leases, in order to allow LEAs to account for intangible right-to-use assets under lease contracts effective 2021–22. These intangible right-to-use assets under lease contracts are not considered as capital assets per federal regulation definition of capital assets.
      • For clarification, added the word “(except Object 6600 & Object 6910)” to the Capital Outlay Expenditure line(s).
    • SEMB, SELPA Budget (SB-B) worksheet
      SEMAI, SELPA Projected (SP-I) worksheet
      • For clarification, added the word “(except Object 6600 & Object 6910)” to the Capital Outlay Expenditure line(s).

Symptom: Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause: Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.

Resolution/Workaround: Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.

Symptom: GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause: The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.

Workaround: Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Problem: Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7/8/10

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the Technical Review Check list (TRC), the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen.)

Workaround: Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7/8/10 users, CDE’s workaround is to print first to Microsoft XPS Document Writer or Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer.

Possible Fix: After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using the following print drivers (which are specific to our model printers), and by changing a particular printer setting specifically for HP printers. CDE does not advocate the purchase or use of any specific printer brand or model and provides this information only as a basis for LEAs to test with different print drivers and/or settings if desired.

  • For Samsung printers: Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 PS
  • For HP printers: HP Universal Printing PS or HP Universal Printing printer command language (PCL) 6 print drivers
  • Additional printer settings required for some HP printers:
    • Notes:
      • For some users, these printer settings must be changed outside of the SACS Software (e.g., changed through the Control Panel) or else the printer settings are lost each time the SACS Software is closed.
      • Some users need to reset these printer settings each time they install the SACS software.
      • Some users need to intermittently change these printer settings within the SACS software (i.e., changed through the print prompt) as well.
    • Specific steps CDE uses for HP printer settings:
      • Open SACS software form
      • File menu, Print… option
      • Properties [button]
      • Effects [tab]
      • Click on the radial button “Print Document on:”
      • Then it should default to "Letter" right underneath it.
      • It should also add a checkmark next to "Scale to Fit"
      • Click Apply
      • Then OK to print
Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 26, 2025