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SACS2022ALL Software: Known Problems/Fixes

The sacs2022all.exe file will not include fixes made subsequent to the SACS2022ALL software release. If any problems are found, we will list them here and provide any revised files or workaround instructions.

Update (Optional): Changes to Program by Resource Report (Report PGM)

Users Affected: All Users

Revision: The Indirect Costs as a Percentage of Eligible Expenditures section of the 2021–22 Unaudited Actuals Program by Resource Report (Report PGM) has been revised to reflect similar changes made to the Indirect Cost Worksheet & Exhibit A (Form ICR) as a result of the exclusion of Food Costs (Object Code 4700) from the indirect cost rate calculation beginning the 2021–22 fiscal year. The Expenditures and Other Financing Uses section of the Expenditures by Object (Summary) and the Expenditures by Object (Detail) report tabs have also been revised to display Food Costs (Object Code 4700) on a separate line.

Fix: Save (do not open) the revised pgm.vts template file (VTS; Revised 06-Feb-2023) – to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2022ALL\Temporary. Once saved, copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2022ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message may display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old file, the date of the new template file in your C:\SACS2022ALL\Templates folder should be the date downloaded.

Problem: Import, Export, and TRC Menu Options Disabled for Some Windows 7/8/10 Users

Right after installing the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software, some users are unable to import, export, or run the Technical Review Check (TRC) because the File–Import, File–Export, and TRC–Technical Review menu options are disabled.


Some Windows 7/8/10 users have encountered this problem, and applying one or more of the following solutions has been effective:

  • Ensure that the SACS software was installed correctly:
    • Temporarily change the user's level of access to that of the system administrator;
    • Have the user log onto the network;
    • Install the software;
    • Change the user's level of access back to its original setting; and
    • Restart the computer.
  • Register the RICHTX32.OCX file. This should be done by information technology staff only.
  • Change the SACS software to run in compatibility mode using Windows XP (Service Pack 3). To do this, right-click on the SACS software desktop icon; select Properties; select the Compatibility tab; if not already active, click on the Run this program in compatibility mode: check box; when the drop down menu activates, select Windows XP (Service Pack 3); press the Apply button and then OK.

Problem: Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7/8/10

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the Technical Review Checklist (TRC), the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen.)


Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7/8/10 users, the California Department of Education's (CDE’s) workaround is to print first to Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer

Possible Fix

After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using the following print drivers (which are specific to our model printers), and by changing a particular printer setting specifically for Hewlett-Packard (HP) printers. CDE does not advocate the purchase or use of any specific printer brand or model and provides this information only as a basis for LEAs to test with different print drivers and/or settings if desired.

  • For Samsung printers: Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 PS
  • For HP printers: HP Universal Printing PS or HP Universal Printing printer command language (PCL) 6 print drivers
  • Additional printer settings required for some HP printers:
    • Notes: 
      • For some users, these printer settings must be changed outside of the SACS Software (e.g., changed through the Control Panel) or else the printer settings are lost each time the SACS Software is closed.
      • Some users need to reset these printer settings each time they install the SACS software.
      • Some users need to intermittently change these printer settings within the SACS software (i.e., changed through the print prompt) as well.
    • Specific steps CDE uses for HP printer settings: 
      • Open SACS software form
      • File menu, Print… option
      • Properties [button]
      • Effects [tab]
      • Click on the radial button “Print Document on:”
      • Then it should default to "Letter" right underneath it.
      • It should also add a checkmark next to "Scale to Fit"
      • Click Apply
      • Then OK to print

Problem: Run-time Error 429

Periodically, the required Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) file is not properly installed, causing a run-time error 429 upon opening the SACS software.


Be sure all other applications are closed, then download this MDAC file: mdactyp (EXE; 7MB). Once downloaded, double-click on the file to begin installation (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly). When the installation is completed, the SACS software should open properly.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 9, 2025