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Expanded Learning Opportunities Program FAQs

Assembly Bill (AB) 130 Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program frequently asked questions.

The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) through sixth grade as described in California Education Code (EC) Section 46120, amended by AB 181 (Chapter 52, Statutes of 2022), AB 185 (Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022), and SB 114 (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2023).

Program Requirements
Program Funding
Allowable Uses
Program Flexibility

Program Requirements

  1. Can a local educational agency (LEA) opt-out of the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program funding?
  2. What does it mean to make the ELO Program offering?
  3. What does it mean to provide ELO Program access and how does an LEA demonstrate the requirement was met?
  4. Are LEAs required to use the ELO Program funds to provide access to only Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten through Sixth (K-6) Grade pupils or can an LEA use those funds to provide access to another pupil grade level, such as middle or high school?
  5. Should an LEA prioritize enrollment for unduplicated pupils?
  6. Are LEAs required to offer and provide access to pupils whose priority for the program is in transition? (Eg. Incoming TK pupils during the summer before school starts, outgoing 6th grade pupils during the summer after they have completed the school year, English Learner [EL] pupils in the midst of reclassification etc)
  7. Can LEAs include Expanded Learning Opportunities as part of the instructional minutes that establish the school day?
  8. How does an LEA calculate the minimum nine hour requirement for the ELO Program?
  9. Is TK included in the requirement to provide access to grades K-6, or is that considered an “optional” offering?
  10. Should LEAs track attendance and expenditures?
  11. Are ELO Programs open to pupils with disabilities?
  12. Must accommodations be made within an ELO Program for pupils with disabilities?
  13. Where can LEAs find additional guidance to support pupils with Special Needs?
  14. How can an LEA determine if an ELO Program location is considered Frontier?
  15. What are the ELO Program requirements for Frontier locations?
  16. What are the staffing requirements for the ELO Program?
  17. What are the minimum requirements for an Instructional Aide in an Expanded Learning setting per EC Section 8483.4?
  18. Must Instructional Aides in an Expanded Learning setting meet the requirements outlined under EC Section 45330(c)?
  19. Is transportation a requirement for the ELO Program?
  20. Does providing a mileage reimbursement to a family satisfy the transportation requirement?
  21. Is an LEA required to submit a program plan to the California Department of Education (CDE) every year for the ELO Program?
  22. Can the California Department of Education request data about an LEA’s ELO Program?
  23. Is an LEA required to operate an ELO Program during nonschooldays?

Program Funding

  1. Who will receive ELO Program funding?
  2. What happens to funds not spent in the fiscal year?
  3. How are unspent 2021–22 and 2022–23 funds returned to the CDE?
  4. How are funding allocations impacted by failure to meet ELO Program requirements?
  5. Is an LEA penalized if they are unable to operate an ELO Program due to school or program emergency conditions?
  6. How is the penalty calculated for the ELO Program time requirements beginning in 2023–24?
  7. What is the timeline for knowing/receiving allocations for the 2021–22 school year and beyond?
  8. Does an LEA’s ELO Program apportionment amount ever change?
  9. Are new charter schools eligible for ELO-P funding in their first year of operation?
  10. Are charter schools that experience significant expansion during the school year eligible to receive additional funding for the new students in that same year?
  11. What are the Standardized Account Code Structure codes for the ELO Program?

Allowable Uses

  1. Can the ELO Program funding be used for the local match for After School Education and Safety (ASES) funds?
  2. Can funding for ELO Programs be used to provide Expanded Learning services to pupils during the school day?
  3. What are the allowable expenses (e.g., transportation outside what is required, facility leases, storage, janitorial services, and so on)?
  4. Can ELO Program funding be used to fund an off-site program opportunity?
  5. What is cost sharing and is it allowed with ELO Program funding?

Program Flexibility

  1. Can unduplicated pupils, currently being served in After School Education and Safety (ASES)/21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) programs, count towards an LEAs ELO Program requirements?
  2. Can an LEA count morning ELO Program attendance towards an ASES after school program?
  3. Can LEAs develop a consortium to provide additional opportunities to pupils?
  4. If LEAs running ASES programs merge the ELO Program funding, what happens with the ASES rule that allows closure of the program for 3-days to offer professional development?
  5. Can the ELO Program be provided to pupils virtually?
  6. Can ELO Program services be offered to pupils enrolled primarily in nonclassroom-based instruction (independent study)?
  7. Where can an LEA find guidance and support for their ELO Program?
  8. Can summer school programs be used to help satisfy the nine-hour requirement for 30 nonschooldays?
  9. Can ELO Programs include Saturday School to meet the 30 nonschoolday requirement?
  10. Can LEAs build an ELO Program day around Saturday School in order to meet the nine-hour requirement?
  11. Can LEAs charge a family fee for the ELO Program?
  12. Does the ELO Program allow for pupils to self-certify?
  13. Is an LEA allowed to create a waiting list if the ELO Program is at capacity?
  14. Can the Extended School Year (ESY) for Special Education program days be used to help satisfy the 30 nonschooldays?


  1. Is an LEA required to provide a snack and/or meal, if the LEA operates an ELO Program?
  2. What meal programs can be offered when summer school is in session?
  3. When can meals be offered through the Federal School Nutrition Programs (SNP) including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Programs (SBP)?
  4. Our school is offering a summer school enrichment session that does not count towards instruction time. What meal programs can our school utilize to serve pupils during these enrichment-only periods?
  5. Can ELO Program funds be used to cover costs associated with meals provided during enrichment activities?
  6. Does the State Meal Mandate apply to ELO Program activities before school, after school, or during intersessional periods?
Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 17, 2024