Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Expanded Learning Grantees:
System of Support for Expanded Learning
This message is to provide you additional information on the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL). The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) currently provides technical assistance (TA) funding to sixteen county offices of education (COEs) throughout 11 regions designated by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association. The TA has been defined as ongoing, needs-driven support services to create effective and quality expanded learning programs (ELPs). The TA includes coaching, training, resource brokering, mentoring, consultation, and facilitation.
Regional Teams
The COEs receive funding to be part of a regional team to provide field-based TA to ELPs that receive federal funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) sites and/or state funding for After School Education and Safety sites in their counties. This TA structure, a result of California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.55 and Title 20 United States Code Section 7172(c)(3), was developed to support needs-driven technical assistance and to create a regional system of support.The regional system of support for California is called the SSEL. The SSEL consists of EXLD staff, designated County Leads/Staff and contracted TA Providers. Additionally, as part of the regional teams, seven of the sixteen COEs are funded to build the capacity of ELPs through peer network systems and other activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to promote quality programming. The seven COEs, also known as “STEM Hubs”, include Sacramento, Alameda, Monterey, Fresno, Ventura, Orange, and San Diego.
For contact information for the SSEL, please visit the CDE SSEL web page.
The purpose of the SSEL funding is to build the capacity of ELPs to meet all grant requirements defined in statute and to promote high quality programs and services.
Critical Technical Assistance: Priority
The priority of the SSEL is to prioritize TA for expanded learning program sites as defined as critical:
Critical TA Criteria: At risk of losing funding and/or major compliance issues. In a situation that can be improved, and does not have the capacity to implement quality improvement without assistance.
Calendar Year Attendance
- Falls below 75 percent in any given year including year one (EC Section 8483.7)
- Falls below 85 percent in one calendar year
- At risk of findings/and or recent audit/Federal Program Monitoring findings, quality concerns
System of Support for Expanded Learning Statewide Technical Assistance Partners
- California AfterSchool Network (CAN)—The purpose of the California AfterSchool Network
is to increase access to high-quality out-of-school time programs that support success for all children and youth. In addition, CAN provides professionals, advocates, and community members the tools and resources necessary to build high-quality out-of-school time programs in California.
- ASAPconnect—ASAPconnect aims to build the capacity of TA providers to better support the diverse needs of the after school programs across the state of California, by increasing collaboration, access to quality trainers, and supporting the SSEL.
Federal Resources
- You for Youth (Y4Y)—Is an online professional learning community that helps State and local 21st CCLC program staffs and their stakeholders connect with one another and share best practices. The site provides instructional and professional development resources in (1) supporting positive relationships with children and youth, (2) providing professional development and technical assistance opportunities, (3) creating partnerships, (4) managing a 21st CCLC program, and (5) leading program staff. The site includes hundreds of searchable webinars, tools and resources to create positive experiences for all children in 21st CCLC programs.
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact the EXLD by email at, or call the EXLD by phone at (916) 319-0923.