Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Expanded Learning Grantee:
Staff Development Attendance Request
California Education Code Section 8483.7(C) allows programs to provide three days of staff development during regular program hours using funds from the total grant award. The request is allowable per school site per calendar year. The Expanded Learning Division is allowing programs to request attendance credit for those days. Grantees must complete the required form and submit evidence. The form is located at The evidence must include: the school(s) closed, dates closed, and the professional development provided during the closures. Completed forms and evidence must be submitted to the Expanded Learning Division mailbox at no later than January 31 for July 1 through December 31 of the previous calendar year or July 31 for January 1 through June 30 time period.
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact your Regional Consultant by email. Contact information can be found on the System of Support for Expanded Learning Contacts web page located at or the Expanded Learning Division by phone at 916-319-0923.