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Sample Contribution Letter

December 31, 2012


School Facilities Planning Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 1201
Sacramento CA 95814

Dear Review Board:

It is my understanding that the ABC Academy in the FGH Unified School District is applying for the Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) Program. The Bank of Money is pleased to have a strong partnership with the district and will support the academy/district with the following estimated contributions:

  1. Equipment - personal computers, scanners, chairs, tables, etc. for use in the Academy

    Personal computers - valued at $19,000
    Scanners - valued at $19,000
    Software - valued at $12,800
    Chairs - valued at $4,000
    Tables - valued at $13,700
    Workbenches - valued at $4,000
    Total value per year $72,500
  1. Technical assistance for the Academy program

    Total value per year of vocational advisory committee $3,200
  1. Services of employees as volunteer mentors - mentoring including career counseling, career day, job shadow, and school tours

    Mentor program - 12 hours times $27.50 per hour - total of $330
    Career day - 11 hours times $34.00 per hour - total $374
    Job shadow - 42 hours times $36.50 per hour - total $1,533
    School tours - total $4,000
    Total value per year $6,237

The FGH School District is working to offer a premier educational system to our children. The Bank of Money is pleased to support the district's efforts with the above estimated contributions.



John Smith
President and Chief Executive Officer

Questions:   School Facilities & Transportation Services Division | | 916-322-2470
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 25, 2024