Folder Naming Standards
The California Department of Education (CDE) Document Controllers create folders within CDEbox for School Facilities for current projects. The folder names follow the following structure:
District Project (DP) #_Project Tracking Number (PTN)_Project Type
The DP is assigned by the CDE.
The PTN is the districts five digit CDS code and the project number is generated through Office of Public School Construction's (OPSC) PTN Generator website.
Standard Project Type |
Modernization |
New Building |
New School |
Site Addition |
Samples of Folder Names
Folder Naming Standard |
DP1234_12345-12_Site |
DP1324_12345-12_New Construction |
DP1234_12345-11_Modernization |
File Naming Standards
Documents that are uploaded to CDEbox for School Facilities must adhere to the file-naming standards as follows:
District Project (DP) #_Project Tracking Number (PTN)_Abbreviated Form Name.pdf
The DP is assigned by the CDE.
The PTN is the districts five digit CDS code and the project number is generated through OPSC's PTN Generator.
Abbreviated form name is the name of the standard School Facilities file name format.
Folders For Site | File Name Format (DP1234_12345-12_FormID.pdf) |
4.0 | DP_PTN_40.pdf |
4.02 | DP_PTN_402.pdf |
4.03 | DP_PTN_403.pdf |
LegalDescription | DP_PTN_LegalDesc.pdf |
DistrictMap | DP_PTN_DistMap.pdf |
SiteSchematic | DP_PTN_SiteSchem.pdf |
PlanningCommissionReport | DP_PTN_PlanCommRpt.pdf |
DistrictOwnedSites | DP_PTN_DistOwnSites.pdf |
MasterPlannedSiteSize | DP_PTN_MastPlanJust.pdf |
DeterminationsWrittenFindings | DP_PTN_Determ.pdf |
Environmental Hazards Checklist Form |
DP_PTN_EnviroHazChecklist.pdf |
Geological Hazard Report |
DP_PTN_GeoHaz.pdf |
Geotechnical Report |
DP_PTN_GeoTech.pdf |
DTSC-approved Phase 1 |
DP_PTN_Phase1.pdf |
PEA Exec Summary |
DP_PTN_PEA.pdf |
DTSC "final" determination letter |
Form SFPD 4.14 - Local Educational Agency and Department of Toxic Substances Control Commitment to Complete Lead-Based Paint and/or Polychorinated Biphenyls and/or Organochlorine Termiticides Investigation and Related Response Action | DP_PTN_414.pdf |
SFPD Form 4.15 - Local Educational Agency and Department of Toxic Substances Control Commitments to Complete Further Investigation and/or Response Action | DP_PTN_415.pdf |
Final Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration )(including Initial Study) |
DP_PTN_FinalEIR or DP_PTN_NegDec.pdf |
Comment Period Closure Letter or date stamped Notice of Completion from the State Clearinghouse | DP_PTN_StateClear.pdf |
Date stamped Notice of Determination or Notice of Exemption | DP_PTN_NOD or DP_PTN_NOE.pdf |
Board adoption of Final EIR or Neg Dec | DP_PTN_Adopted.pdf |
JointUseAgreement | DP_PTN_JtUseAgree.pdf |
Final Determination Letter from the Office of Airports | DP_PTN_Aero.pdf |
Traffic |
DP_PTN_Traffic.pdf |
High Volume Water Pipeline | DP_PTN_Pipe.pdf |
Railroad | DP_PTN_Rail.pdf |
Above Ground Storage Tanks | DP_PTN_Storage.pdf |
Noise | DP_PTN_Noise.pdf |
Air Hazard | DP_PTN_AirHaz.pdf |
Flooding or Dam Inundation | DP_PTN_Flood.pdf |
Electric Transmission Lines | DP_PTN_EMF.pdf |
Hazardous Pipeline Survey Form | DP_PTN_HazPipeForm.pdf |
Agricultural Findings Education Code Section 17215.5 | DP_PTN_Ag.pdf |
LEA Override of Zoning | DP_PTN_Zoning.pdf |
Small School Site Worksheet | DP_PTN_SSSW.pdf |
Physical Education Justification | DP_PTN_PEJust.pdf |
Education Specification | DP_PTN_EdSpec.pdf |
Miscellaneous (Correspondence, etc.) | DP_PTN_(as appropriate).pdf |
Folder Names - New Construction & Modernization | File Name Format (DP1234_12345-12_FormID.pdf) |
4.07 (New Construction) | DP_PTN_407.pdf |
4.07C (New Construction) - Charter | DP_PTN_407c.pdf |
4.08 (Modernization) | DP_PTN_408.pdf |
4.09 (Plan Summary) | DP_PTN_409.pdf |
4.11e (Jt. Use) | DP_PTN_411e.pdf |
4.14 | DP_PTN_414.pdf |
4.15 | DP_PTN_415.pdf |
4.17 (Supercede) | DP_PTN_417.pdf |
PE Justification | DP_PTN_PEJust.pdf |
Small Site Size Worksheet | DP_PTN_SSSW.pdf |
General Drawings |
DP_PTN_Drawings.pdf |
Civil Drawings | DP_PTN_Civil.pdf |
Architectural Drawings | DP_PTN_Arch.pdf |
Structural Drawings | DP_PTN_Structural.pdf |
Mechanical Drawings | DP_PTN_Mechanical.pdf |
Plumbing Drawings | DP_PTN_Plumbing.pdf |
Electrical Drawings | DP_PTN_Electrical.pdf |
Landscaping Drawings | DP_PTN_Landscaping.pdf |
Miscellaneous (Correspondence, etc.) | DP_PTN_(as appropriate).pdf |