Rialto Unified School District’s STEM CARES (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Cultivating Active Responsible Environmental Stewards) uses community projects to tap into students’ curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and project-based learning about local environmental issues. Nine elementary schools participate in the Orange County Outdoor Education Program, an overnight field trip to examine marine environments, fossils, stars and planets through telescopes, and various edible plants. There are gardens at 19 elementary, five middle, and two high schools, and 16 elementary schools have citrus groves. Both the gardens and groves are used as outdoor learning spaces. o In 2015, the board approved installation of solar panels at all school sites by SunEdison (now Onyx Solar). The completed project has a total capacity of 7,800 kW, which meets 80 percent of district needs.
Completed Application
(PDF) for Rialto Unified School District.