Regional Career Guidance Centers
- California Education Code Section 52343 (Local Advisory Committee)
Each regional career guidance center shall appoint a local advisory committee composed of 11 members, at least seven of whom shall be representative of business, industry, labor, and the general public.
Regional Occupational Centers/Programs (ROC/P) (County, Joint Powers, or Single District)
- There is evidence that use is being made of subject area advisory committees in determining courses appropriate for regional occupational centers or regional occupational programs.
Union High and Unified School District
- With career technical education program(s)
- California Education Code Section 8070 - The governing board of each school district participating in a career technical education program shall appoint a career technical education advisory committee to develop recommendations on the program and to provide liaison between the district and potential employers.
- With an agriculture program
- California Education Code Section 52453 (Agricultural Advisory Committee)
The State Director of Career Technical Education shall establish and convene an Agricultural Advisory Committee representative of the various and diverse areas of the agricultural industry in California.
- California Education Code Section 52453 (Agricultural Advisory Committee)
- With a Partnership Academy
- California Education Code Section 52692(d) - In order to be eligible to receive funding pursuant to this article, each participating district shall establish an advisory committee consisting of individuals involved in academy operations, including school district and school administrators, lead teachers and representatives of the private sector.
Union or Unified High School Districts, ROC/P or County Offices of Education receiving Carl D. Perkins Funding
- Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, Section 134(b)(4) - The eligible agency shall determine requirements for local plans, except that each local plan shall describe how parents, students, teachers, representative of business and industry, labor organizations, representatives of special populations, and other interested individuals are involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of vocational and technical education programs assisted under this title, and how such individuals and entities are effectively informed about and assisted in understanding the requirements of this title.
- Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, Section 135(c)(1) - Funds made available to an eligible recipient under this title may be used to involve parents, businesses, and labor organizations, as appropriate, in the design, implementation, and evaluation of vocational and technical education programs authorized under this title, including establishing effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation in such programs.
Other Sources of the Advisory Committees
Many joint powers agreements require advisory committees
Workforce Investment Board
John Gordon | | 916-323-0575
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
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