Williams Case
This link will offer the latest information on the landmark Superior Court case, which provides all students equal access to instructional materials,
quality teachers, and safe schools. School districts must assess the safety, cleanliness, and adequacy of school facilities,
including any needed maintenance to ensure good repair.
- Facilities Complaint Appeals Procedures under the Williams Case
- School Accountability Report Card - Senate BIll 550 (Vasconcellos) amended the School Accountability Report Card to require expanded information on the safety, cleanliness, and adequacy of school facilities, including any needed maintenance to ensure good repair.
- Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT)
(PDF) is provided by the Office of Public School Construction as an evaluation of facilities. The FIT is used to determine whether a facility is in "good repair," as defined by being clean, safe, and functional.
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
Diane Waters | dwaters@cde.ca.gov | 916-327-2884
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 31, 2024
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