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Yosemite High School

Picture of Yosemite High School students taking part with solar power learning.

Yosemite High School (YHS) serves the whole child with a Coordinated School Health approach; students have daily access to a registered nurse, a health aide, and a counselor. Students lead the school vermicomposting program and a collaboration with Tree Partners USA has helped YHS to select regionally appropriate plantings in an effort to reduce the heat island effect. YHS has a training solar array on campus. This equipment engages students in project-based learning by affording them the opportunity to assemble and disassemble a solar panel just outside their classroom doors. The demonstration system has the capability to produce a total of 4.16 kilowatts. Students in the Green Technology and Energy Conservation (GTEC) pathway have presented information to the school board demonstrating that a switch to solar could result in an annual savings of $40,000.

Application External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

Questions:   California Green Ribbon Schools | | 916-322-2470
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 28, 2024