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SAP Bulletin 7: School Counselors

Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) Bulletin 7 School Counselors is designed to support school administrators and personnel, non-profit organizations, and agencies who are involved with SAPs.

Student Assistance Programs: Helping to Close the Achievement Gap


Middle and high school counseling programs that serve seventh through twelfth grade students provide information on education and career options. Students participate in individual conferences to discuss their academic progress, their deportment, and their educational options toward satisfactory completion of high school. In addition, at-risk students who scored far below basic on the California Standards Test attend conferences that include their parents when practicable. At these conferences, students are given the necessary information to successfully graduate from high school.

How a Student Assistance Program Can Help

School counselors who are members of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) team help both students and parents by identifying school and community resources, providing proven strategies for improvement in a variety of areas, involving all the stakeholders, and more. Because of their unique rapport with students, counselors are an integral part of SAP meetings and can provide critical support toward the success of at-risk students.

Questions:   Office of School-Based Health Programs | | 916-323-6277
Last Reviewed: Monday, January 06, 2025