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Business and Noninstructional Operations

Assists schools in developing tobacco-free policies and enforcement regulations for business and noninstructional operations that meet the requirements of the California Health and Safety Code.

This sample is made available by permission from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) to assist schools in developing regulations to enforce board adopted tobacco-free policies. More information can be found at CSBA’s Policy Service Programs External link opens in new window or tab. or by calling 916-371-4691.

CSBA Sample

Board Policy (BP)

Business and Noninstructional Operations

BP 3513.3(a)

Tobacco-Free Schools

Note: Health and Safety Code 104420 mandates districts receiving Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) funds to adopt a tobacco-free schools policy that prohibits the use of tobacco and nicotine products anytime, anywhere in district-owned or leased buildings, on school or district property, and in district vehicles. The same prohibition is applicable to districts that do not receive TUPE funds pursuant to Health and Safety Code 104559, as added by ABX2 9 (Ch. 5, Statutes of 2016).

Districts receiving TUPE funds must certify compliance with this requirement by submitting a California Department of Education (CDE) certification form and supporting documentation to the county office of education's TUPE coordinator by July 1 in order to apply for TUPE funding for that fiscal year. The certification process also requires submission of the district's written policy and enforcement procedures; see the accompanying administrative regulation for enforcement procedures.

The Governing Board recognizes that smoking and other uses of tobacco and nicotine products constitute a serious public health hazard and are inconsistent with district goals to provide a healthy environment for students and staff.

(cf. 3514 - Environmental Safety)
(cf. 4159/4259/4359 - Employee Assistance Programs)
(cf. 5030 - Student Wellness)
(cf. 5131.62 - Tobacco)
(cf. 5141.23 - Asthma Management)
(cf. 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education)
(cf. 6143 - Courses of Study)

The Board prohibits smoking and/or the use of tobacco products at any time in district-owned or leased buildings, on district property, and in district vehicles. (Health and Safety Code 104420, 104559)

These prohibitions apply to all employees, students, and visitors at any school-sponsored instructional program, activity, or athletic event held on or off district property. Any written joint use agreement governing community use of district facilities or grounds shall include notice of the district's tobacco-free schools policy and consequences for violations of the policy.

(cf. 1330 - Use of School Facilities)
(cf. 1330.1 - Joint Use Agreements)

Note: Health and Safety Code 104420 and 104559, as added by ABX2 9 (Ch. 5, Statutes of 2016), define products containing tobacco and nicotine as including smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, clove cigarettes, and electronic cigarettes that can deliver nicotine and non-nicotine vaporized solutions. Education Code 48901, which prohibits smoking or tobacco use by students on campus, applies the definition of smoking and tobacco products specified in Business and Professions Code 22950.5, as amended by SBX2 5 (Ch. 7, Statutes of 2016). The following paragraphs reflect the more comprehensive definitions in Business and Professions Code 22950.5.

Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco, or plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or form, and includes the use of an electronic smoking device that creates aerosol or vapor or of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking. (Business and Professions Code 22950.5; Education Code 48901)

Tobacco products include: (Business and Professions Code 22950.5; Education Code 48901)

  1. Any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, or snuff

  2. An electronic device that delivers nicotine or other vaporized liquids to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, pipe, or hookah

  3. Any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product, whether or not sold separately

    This policy does not prohibit the use or possession of prescription products and other cessation aids that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, such as nicotine patch or gum.

Smoking or use of any tobacco-related product or disposal of any tobacco-related waste is prohibited within 25 feet of any playground, except on a public sidewalk located within 25 feet of the playground. In addition, any form of intimidation, threat, or retaliation against a person for attempting to enforce this policy is prohibited. (Health and Safety Code 104495)

Legal Reference:


48900 Grounds for suspension/expulsion
48901 Prohibition against tobacco use by students


22950.5 Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act; definitions


39002 Control of air pollution from nonvehicular sources
104350-104495 Tobacco use prevention, especially:
104495 Prohibition of smoking and tobacco waste on playgrounds
104559 Tobacco use prohibition
119405 Unlawful to sell or furnish electronic cigarettes to minors


3300 Employer, definition
6304 Safe and healthful workplace
6404.5 Occupational safety and health; use of tobacco products


6083 Nonsmoking policy for children's services
7111-7122 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants


1140.1-1140.34 Unlawful sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to minors


Eureka Teachers Assn. v. Eureka City School District (1992) PERB Order #955 (16 PERC 23168)
CSEA #506 and Associated Teachers of Metropolitan Riverside v. Riverside Unified School District (1989) PERB Order #750 (13 PERC 20147)

Management Resources:

California Department of Education, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention

California Department of Education, Tobacco-Free School District Certification

California Department of Public Health, Tobacco Control External link opens in new window or tab.

Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board External link opens in new window or tab.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency External link opens in new window or tab.

Policy Reference UPDATE Service

Copyright 2016 by California School Boards Association, West Sacramento, California 95691

All rights reserved.

Administrative Regulation (AR)

Business and Noninstructional Operations

AR 3513.3(a)

Tobacco-Free Schools


Note: Districts receiving Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) funds are required by Health and Safety Code 104420 to communicate information about the district's tobacco-free schools policy. Districts that do not receive TUPE funds may delete or revise the following paragraph at their discretion.

Information about the district's tobacco-free schools policy and enforcement procedures shall be communicated clearly to employees, parents/guardians, students, and the community. (Health and Safety Code 104420)

(cf. 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications)
(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)

Note: The following optional paragraph may be revised to reflect district practice.

The Superintendent or designee may disseminate this information through annual written notifications, district and school web sites, student and parent handbooks, and/or other appropriate methods of communication.

(cf. 1113 - District and School Web Sites)

Note: Health and Safety Code 104559, as added by ABX2 9 (Ch. 5, Statutes of 2016), requires all districts to display signs prohibiting tobacco use, as provided below.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that signs stating "Tobacco use is prohibited" are prominently displayed at all entrances to school property. (Health and Safety Code 104420, 104559)


Note: Pursuant to Labor Code 6404.5, no employer shall knowingly or intentionally permit the smoking of tobacco products in an enclosed space at a place of employment. The effects of the district's tobacco policy, including any disciplinary action taken against employees resulting from the enforcement of the policy, may be subjects of negotiation between the Governing Board and employee organizations. Pursuant to Education Code 48900(h), a student may be subject to disciplinary action when it is determined that he/she possessed or used tobacco or nicotine products; see AR 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process.

Any employee or student who violates the district's tobacco-free schools policy shall be asked to refrain from smoking and shall be subject to disciplinary action as appropriate.

(cf. 4118 - Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
(cf. 4218 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
(cf. 5144 - Discipline)
(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)

Note: Labor Code 6404.5 requires the district to take "reasonable steps" to prevent smoking by nonemployees. These reasonable steps include posting clear and prominent signs as specified in the "Notifications" section above and requesting that the nonemployee refrain from smoking on school premises. The following optional paragraph may be revised to reflect district practice.

Any other person who violates the district's policy on tobacco-free schools shall be informed of the district's policy and asked to refrain from smoking. If the person fails to comply with this request, the Superintendent or designee may:

  1. Direct the person to leave school property

  2. Request local law enforcement assistance in removing the person from school premises

  3. If the person repeatedly violates the tobacco-free schools policy, prohibit him/her from entering district property for a specified period of time

(cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders)
(cf. 3515.2 - Disruptions)

The Superintendent or designee shall not be required to physically eject a nonemployee who is smoking or to request that the nonemployee refrain from smoking under circumstances involving a risk of physical harm to the district or any employee. (Labor Code 6404.5)

Policy Reference UPDATE Service

Copyright 2016 by California School Boards Association, West Sacramento, California 95691

All rights reserved.

Questions: Francisco Michel | | 916-324-5686 
Last Reviewed: Friday, November 01, 2024
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